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Everything posted by Silicis

  1. maybe 10 times max for a dhide set and 100 mithril arrows
  2. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_vG4-JXzlYeU/R1C9-0bWeoI/AAAAAAAAAHM/hO1LcWOWRzE/s1600-R/computer%2Bnerd%2B%2B%2BLimpet%2B2%5B1%5D.JPG Oh noes, here comes the 1337 haxor trying to prove he can own in a game. Gl :thumbup: http://forums.zybez.net/topic/1415316-tr-dominate-yet-again ? 6 starting, 6 ending, RIP.
  3. I will close Team Fighting Dynasty again, good luck rebuilding.
  4. Was one of the more fun cwa fights, gf gladz
  5. The dk remake merged with nw lmfao
  6. Quite a shame, rip tk and good luck to your members finding a new clan
  7. Was a painful war due to the fact evil crosby never shut up. Didn't enjoy it, gj tho.
  8. Impressed with our performance, our binds were top notch, good job :)
  9. Good job boys, nice to see the [bleep]ing from Legendz has seemingly stopped, thanks for the fight.
  10. Keep living in your fantasy world.
  11. As much as I dislike Legendz, it's quite apparent they outperformed you and your numbers won you this war, congrats on the win tho. And as other people have said you can't complain about being outlevelled if you aren't going to improve your clan by raising requirements. Good pull too.
  12. Nice robes without bind runes lol, gj
  13. Lol was the KO really that funny :D Ok.
  14. I'm laughing inside. Grats on your post but I'm sure everyone who warred for Team Rock knows who had the most fun lol. We sat on Vent literally laughing during this war, we didn't take it seriously, because after all we don't need to. We decided just to snipe in the end because there's no point in keeping a 5 man pile and it seemed to work alright, we even almost dropped a few of you but whatever. Was fun for us, shame you banned me from your irc because we enjoyed our game of Runescape. PARTY IN THE USA! E:
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