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Everything posted by Nexaduro

  1. The main problem was that prom girl was also pretty much my only close friend at the time, so we kind of were around each other a bit. That sort of festering resentment is exactly the wrong thing to have towards someone that close to you, and I'm pretty sure it was the start of a whole lot of other problems for me. I guess the moral of the story is 'Prom sucks'.
  2. I went with an ex at her prodding and against my own wishes, because her trans girlfriend wasn't comfortable wearing dresses and she couldn't go without a 'date', so I felt like it would be wrong to turn her down. Turned out the girl I was gonna ask didn't have a date either, and we tried to hang out but both kept getting dragged away. I spent the whole night becoming steadily more bitter. Afterwards we went shopping for icecream, she kissed my forehead and I tried very hard not to storm out the door. I was silently fuming about that for months.
  3. I remember my prom I wish I didn't remember my prom
  4. 3:18 for Griffith singing Whitney Houston Credit goes to Alg for finding these https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWn-C77I6JA
  5. I hope you realize that was posted literally three posts before yours
  6. I hate you more than anything I have no self control past midnight and I just ended up back on the wikipedia page for cephalic disorders That shit gave me nightmares for years goddamnit I promised I would never let myself see that again NO DON'T LOOK IT UP I KNOW YOU'LL PROBABLY TRY BUT SERIOUSLY DON'T
  7. I'm actually seriously concerned that a transgender friend of mine is becoming increasingly misinformed, defensive, and bigoted because of Tumblr. Also that she spends way too much time on pokemon-related Tumblr porn. But if the alternative is self-repression and societal abandonment, it's probably worth the shortcomings.
  8. Yeah... Unless you actually genuinely hurt someone. I have issues with finding the line between humorous and hurtful, sometimes.
  9. that poop is so cash It's the perfect way to find out just how [bleep]ed-up everyone you know and love is. ... I've actually managed to take one of these too far, before. It was... Bad.
  10. Image too big please click Also Kill la Kill [hide][/hide]
  11. I really want someone to make, like, a Kill la Kill 8-bit fighting game now Is that strange Am I strange
  12. So I have a week to watch season 2 K
  13. Nexaduro


    Well today Highschool's finally out yay graduation [bleep] I have no idea what anything is All my plans have fallen apart and my best friend abandoned me Cute girls signed my yearbook tho so could be worse I guess I'll mope and/or work at the soup kitchen all summer
  14. Coincidentally, I never finished the second season But can I just say that Avatar feels more and more Ghibli with each passing moment? I kinda like that trend There is no American Miyazaki though
  15. All that game ever does is make me come up with new ideas for Pathfinder characters
  16. My time to shine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIKFtTMvNSg TNPW be a weeaboo
  17. I kind of want to read that. It's hard, trust me Worse than that, it probably won't hit you until months later... Meaning that, suddenly and without warning, you'll find yourself afraid of the dark. I'm past that phase. As a child I experienced all the terror the dark had to offer all at once and basically never slept. Except I never found any spiders in the dark, that would've made it worse.
  18. Good Will Hunting is strictly less interesting than Brandon Sanderson's Words of Radiance when someone is blocking your view of the screen TNPW music
  19. K. TNPW try to get a song stuck in my head.
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