You know, I don't think I figured out how to use text chat until after level 40. I'm also pretty sure I had someone following me around trying to be my friend for a while prior to that. I was like eight at the time, so I was kind of confused in more ways than one.
Because all they do is drink beer and collect rocks. And occasionally show off their rock hammers. Hey, one of my best friends is a geologist The also make rock puns
Kill la Kill was, is, and always will be the greatest thing ever made Unless Trigger just straight up becomes the greatest animation studio in the world and somehow tops it
My grandfather used to be the police chief Also in the FBI He still just sort of goes around between countries all the time, I have no idea what he does but he makes srs bank The rest were porn, and goddamn if it isn't hard to find valid characters to substitute TNPW play a round of some round-based video game and report back
I hate freaking Lucarios. Blue fursuit Mary-Sue bastards. (No offense to any furries that may be out there. Unless you like Lucario. Then you're horrible.)
Pokemon Y Nuzlockes are incredibly easy, even with me being as bad as I am. It was a pleasant surprise when all I did in Pokemon-Amie rescued my Fennekin <3