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Everything posted by British_Dan

  1. We're considering seeming as Dragonwood are sooooo confident they'll take the win, we never do our pk trips with Col, that one war was a one off because it was fun, with dragonwoods talk such as "idiots" and other [cabbage], trying to bring us down by laughing at us and [cabbage], it wouldn't be so fun. So i don't see why our clan shoud go out of our way to satisfy yours, you want something you earn it and by the looks of it, we'd rather you sit in your chairs frustraited about your loss than give you what you want when this way is much more funner for us. :rolleyes: Keep talking Dragonwood, we'll be off having some fun whilest you talk about other clans to boost your own. :thumbup:
  2. Your an application manager buddy you don't give out strikes/threats like that :thumbup: Ot: Gf Dragonwood, i had really bad internet today for...well funnily enough the whole hour and now after the war it works again :thumbsup: GG Lgz heard we did a solid job :mrgreen:
  3. Check the tittle =). GG Ck keep up these wins =D <3
  4. @Abkb - Lsp is not Lgz. Therefore lgz is not talking [cabbage], lsp as a person is. @Will - Ignore lsp...Meh. @Anyone else who thinks lgz talks [cabbage], Take a step back and search the person on runehead before you say thier members of lgz and "Lgz is talking [cabbage]". With that said... Gf E, was fun and tence for the most part of the war until at E - 11 lgz - 10, most our members had been sniped and was low on food :/.. GG!
  5. It was actually just a reunion for all oldschool Dk(With the exception of Ktv&Val ofcourse) and i doubt this is dk re-opening, was just a one off for some fun and Ph rune.
  6. Was a fun day out, we started with 200opts against Rsd - people was still returning when we started fighting Ph. 4k2d(One to rsd) Gf =) :thumbup:
  7. Jack is hot. But not as hot as Nathan kthxbai. T0's tanks are just.... :rolleyes: Sick. Blnt Envy!!!!! :thumbsup:
  8. We had 10 dc's and 12 cabbages, 1 fall in lead, lower levels, E broke all the rules, our ts got ddos'd.........../.endsarcasm............................... Ot: Gf E. Shame about Tpr ddosing your Ts =(. (Or so you say)
  9. Good to hear from Ko again, they've been slumping recently, confirm? Goodjob poison :thumbup:
  10. Nathan is sexy beyond imagination. :thumbup:
  11. whats that like 70% of T0's Ml attended? Good pull T0 :thumbup: Blnt Uk, you did well =D>
  12. GF, tripled my bank from DP. Who cares about after the fight, especially when you let a DK member lead in his first war in DF, you let DK members return in hides and defense ammies and finally you had mass log ins. Stay on topic, as this is one of the few topics that actually interest me. Was this before or after Dk closed? If Df want one of there members first or Last war to lead i can't see no problem with that(that is if his good or not) and again if this is the case about the hides then there Df members not Dk =o. I'd say recently Downfall has been going at it abit with Tk but not as they use too. Their Ml are pretty equal so i'd like to see that fight Pvp or Cwa, definetly something i'd take the time to watch :thumbup:
  13. No one in LGZ knows who Ph is, so why would we talk to you, let alone talk .... To you? Seems the only one in Ph who thinks Lgz even cares or knows what ph is/doing is you tbh. We've been pvp 4times or so and you're already trying to start something with us Lol, no one cares what Ph has to say, saying Lgz talks [cabbage], oh well sorry but we're not the ones that are always posted on random fights as the crashers of a war so don't act like Ph is so honourable and resepcted. Just silly really. After i saw the topic on your forums of Krunal joking about cancer, the whole idea of a LEADER that JOKES about CANCER, shows the true colours of your clan and what you stand for, just sickening really. Maybe this is a game but to joke about cancer anywhere or how is just crude.
  14. Eternity Pvp? Good to see =). Gratz on your win Downfall, hope to see more pvp from you guys in the summer holidays :thumbsup:
  15. Dude seriously, expect an rm? Whats that some kind of threat? This is just stupid stop running your keyboard all over the place, it's starting to piss me off.
  16. Intence stuff right their, we could of brang it back at times but then your tanks began to step up and performed alot better toward the end of the war. GG. Chin up guys, we did great today.
  17. Great levels and great ending T0. Keep it up. :thumbup: :thumbup:
  18. Lgz take notes we should of ended like this >:{. Gj RHK ! Blnt Dw
  19. We're disapointed aswell, oh well you win some you lose some, but this should of been a win. We got bored of the same melee/binds fights and we're trying to do more all styles, we've fixed a strong amount of blasters/rangers/binders/melee/curses. We just need to get better at tanking in all styles. Until next time dw, keep doing what ya doing.
  20. Unexpected. Great job, Ck. You've improved alot now just to pick up them numbers :thumbsup:
  21. Didn't make it thats why we lost. Embarrassing loss for Lgz, wtf happend guys? Gj Dragonwood keep it up.
  22. Gj there poison, keep it up :thumbup:
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