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Everything posted by Frede173

  1. http://www.runescape.com/kbase/guid/fist_of_guthix#rewards
  2. Some high levelled revenants do hit over 200. But who the hell fights those anyway...
  3. Only problem is you have to be like 18 people in the waiting room to get into a game. Yeah sure if if your in the FoG worlds, but you can play FoG in any world (except pvp?) so of course you wouldnt do it in a FoG world. But OP: If you have like around 75+ in a melee, range or mage and a decent defence and prayer level you should win almost every game. I'm pretty sure there's a minimum of 18 or so for every world (?). Maybe 18 instant start, i dont know. But i have done FoG games before with just me and a friend the only one playing in our world. This was a while ago but i doubt its been changed. It was possible some time last summer but Jagex changed it back to 18 people to start a game as people were multilogging onto their main and a secondary account to abuse the system.
  4. Only problem is you have to be like 18 people in the waiting room to get into a game.
  5. Well, Lexicus is generally a pain if you are more than 3 people trying to kill him, because everybody will run around like a maniac when he does his book barrage attack and nearly the entire team will get damaged to some extent. It's sort of the same with the luminescent icefiend. It'd be better if only 1 or 2 high levels tried to kill it instead of the entire team.
  6. mvp means most xp. Thats how you did so well. :wink: When did they change that?
  7. We should get a whole bunch of people and have a party on Tutorial Island some day. :P Do you still arrive on tutorial island or you just skim through it? You still arrive where you logged out. Wait a second . . . If you left an account in Tutorial Island, it's still there? :eek: Jagex won't reset it or move it to Lumby or something? Can you still play on Tutorial Island? I have an account on Tutorial Island, but since Jagex removed that feature of the game I've never logged back in for fear that the account will get teleported away off the island (where I thought the account would currently be I'm not sure, in some sort of limbo?). I kept the account there because I wanted to have the richest bank on Tutorial Island (net worth already over a million before it was removed). :cool: So is there a chance the I could continue this pointless pursuit? :pray: Oh and btw I have about a half dozen 1 mining 1 wcing accs (actually just pure blank accs with all stats at 1 except hp) so I don't think that these are so rare. :rolleyes: Not sure what will happen if you start completing the tasks and what so ever. But if they don't want you to be on the island, why haven't they just removed it?
  8. We should get a whole bunch of people and have a party on Tutorial Island some day. :P Do you still arrive on tutorial island or you just skim through it? You still arrive where you logged out.
  9. We should get a whole bunch of people and have a party on Tutorial Island some day. :P
  10. And I wouldn't be surprised if magic armour had some sort of magical aura that absorbs melee damage.
  11. You mean with the blastbox seperate hit? That wouldn't be counted as 1, over 200, hit would it? like d claws. Or can fire blast hit over 200? I believe you can hit slightly above 200 with fire blast if you use an arcane stream necklace with a gravite staff and drink a dwarven stout/use prayer
  12. Noob Boy's beeen a member before. He has unranked xp and I've seen him wearing a mage cape and black cavalier in-game. It's shocking how far some people are willing to go to become a member of a virtual group.
  13. Yeah, I've found that W7 actually isn't that bad as long as you avoid the parties that are obviously going to suck like the ones where the leader is a level 80 pure who is auto-spamming, or those elitists who say '100 cb minimum'. They may be slightly slower then the pro DG teams, but they're actually quite fun. yeh i can probs finish faster than most teams i get but i just hate solo so much now. whats better in dg. a frac 2h or fac maul, ive seen people using maul and it looks like its better than 2h imo I'd go with the 2h because it has multiple attack styles (slash and crush) where the maul only has crush.
  14. LOL, i did that too! Good times indeed. Oh God me too :o
  15. When facing magers wearing metal armour, I usually commit suicide by running into one of the houses when I reach 1K charges.
  16. Try the second one and post the result. Then no one will have to ask that question again. :P EDIT NVM lol I thought assembling one also was a task. >_>
  17. If you have the best F2P grave (I think it lasts 4 minutes) you can easily get there in time if you cast Varrock Teleport.
  18. Damn Ankous and their stupid drop rate for the piece we need... Rage. Oh my God, tell me about it...I literally had to kill ankous for 3 hours before I got their piece. The other 3 pieces combined took less than an hour. hm... i thought that Top of Sceptre from Catablepon is hardest to get (comfirmed by wikia), i need almost 2 hours to get it, while other within few min, even Skull Left Half from Ankou is only about 15 min. Same for me... Got the left skull half almost instantly, but I had to camp at the level 68 catablepons for a much longer time.
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