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Everything posted by Harpy

  1. Well.. This has been quite the [bleep]ing horrible weekend.. Though I did get some firemaking done (didn't get any picture because of stupid broken key). I got to 89 Firemaking, and I'm hoping to get 92 by the end of the weekend, but I'm about 8k willow logs short (if anyone can spare me some that'd be great, cuz I'm broke).. I did fix my picture taking button though, and so I decided to do some fishing.. and got this. :D HECK YES. Well, my girlfriend broke up with me, and we have been dating for a long time. So i've been super depressed lately. I decided to do one of my english assignments on how I feel (it was an imitation assignment of a passage from Ulysess by James Joyce). here it is, hope you enjoy. With years of age, memories from the past burn, horrible yet unforgettable memories, cutting through, piercing, crushing. My heart will burn to dust. I shall wait. No, the memories will move on, burning, leaving a trail of blood, dripping, scarring. Better ignore the feelings. Cry: the agonizing release of the painful past: crushing, crashing, breaking. Unbearable pain, from the thoughts, among the memories, nights of regret, love. It beats like a drum: snap, boom, crash: crushed by words of forget. But, broken, its cries die. It silences the heart, stopping, sleeping, sadly singing. Behind the silence of forgotten passions breaking from a glass prison his heart ruined, arms lifted to the sky, surrendering to the Controller and Keeper of all. On and on: forever and ever: healed, cleansed, and pushed on forward. Heart still broken: patched by the Healer, he waits for the end. He heard the sigh of the brokenhearted, healing, preparing those for the time at the end. It's not all that great, but whatever. Feel free to post! Thanks guys!
  2. Harpy

    So long, forever

    I can totally relate dude. :( I've been going through some hard times, and this song/poem is really true to my reality actually. I'd add some more eloquent vocabulary and maybe add abit more of an interesting meter, etc. otherwise good start. :)
  3. I like it! Though, it's abit depressing.. and I'm not sure I agree with the "biblical principles" or whatever.
  4. For my Advanced Comp class assignment, I had to write an imitation of Ulysess by James Joyce (it's an irish book I believe). I am going through some really hard times with my girlfriend (she broke up with me after a year and a half of dating), so I decided I'd write the imitation sorta self-based I guess. Here it is.. With years of age, memories from the past burn, horrible yet unforgettable memories, cutting through, piercing, crushing. My heart will burn to dust. I shall wait. No, the memories will move on, burning, leaving a trail of blood, dripping, scarring. Better ignore the feelings. Cry: the agonizing release of the painful past: crushing, crashing, breaking. Unbearable pain, from the thoughts, among the memories, nights of regret, love. It beats like a drum: snap, boom, crash: crushed by words of forget. But, broken, its cries die. It silences the heart, stopping, sleeping, sadly singing. Behind the silence of forgotten passions breaking from a glass prison his heart ruined, arms lifted to the sky, surrendering to the Controller and Keeper of all. On and on: forever and ever: healed, cleansed, and pushed on forward. Heart still broken: patched by the Healer, he waits for the end. He heard the sigh of the brokenhearted, healing, preparing those for the time at the end. It's quite short, but let me know what you think. Here's the passage I was "imitating" (it's pretty much just an imitation of the style, not the actual subject matter, etc.). "In long lassoes from the [rooster] lake the water flowed full, covering green-goldenly lagoons of sand, rising, flowing. My ashplant will float away. I shall wait. No, they will pass on, passing chafing against the low rocks, swirling, passing. Better get this job over quick. Listen: a four-worded wavespeech: seesoo, hrss, rsseeiss ooos. Vehement breath of water amid sea snakes, rearing horses, rocks. In cups of rocks it slops: flop, slop, slap: bounded in barrels. And, spent, its speech ceases. It flows purling widely flowing, floating foampool, flower unfurling. Under the upswelling tide he saw the writhing weeds lift languidly and sway reluctant arms, hissing up their petticoats, in whispering water swaying and upturning coy silver fronts. Day by day: night by night: lifted, flooded, and let fall. They are weary: and, whispered to, they sigh. Saint Ambrose heard it, sigh of leaves and waves, waiting, awaiting the fullness of their times."
  5. Harpy


    I laughed on the "Bojangles Night Club" one.. hahaha. EDIT: funny response to video: "The youth in most parts of the world are too busy starting gangs or experiementing with cocaine to have some light-hearted dumb fun. Keep on keeping it real Australia! PLANK ON!"
  6. I've liked a girl for 9 months now and she's liked me the whole time also.. (you guys may have seen my previous post a couple weeks ago).. We didn't start dating yet or anything, but then on Friday night we hungout and pretty much "officially" started dating.. This afternoon she told me that she "couldn't be so attached to with her emotions and heart.." so she said we couldn't be friends anymore.. I seriously feel like dieing. :(
  7. Hahaha. Nice pun. ;) Thanks! Well, I'm 88 Firemaking and probably gonna get 89 and partially to 90 today, but then I run out of yew logs, and money. So I won't be gettting 92 this weekend. :unsure: Also, I'll be leaving for a trip from Wednesday this week until Sunday night, so not much is gonna be done in the next 2 weeks. :( But once I run outta logs, I'm gonna do some fishing til 80 Fishing and then I hear its pretty good money to fish Swordies and Tuna, so I'm gonna try that out at 80 Fishing and see what happens.. Thanks for the posts. Oh and sorry about no pictures, I found out that my PRT SC + CTRL is broken for somereason. So I'm working on fixing it (I think the PRT SC key is not sending the code or whatnot). EDIT: Sweet!! 3rd page!
  8. Got 85 Firemaking today and ran outta logs and money. So... I doubt I can get 92 by the end of the weekend.. But we'll see.. I forgot to take a picture.. again. [bleep].
  9. Even though your skiller stats suck (no offence) I think you are majorly pro, and I say you screw everything but combat and go for 99 Slayer. Hhehehe. Skillers don't do combat? Well Combaters shouldn't do skills. :P Bad thinking, because skills open alot of faster training methods, but whatever! Keep it up! and feel free to check my blog if ya want.
  10. Not after you dissed mining like that. :( Hehe, joking.. Nice levels and good luck with the new goal! :thumbup: Thanks. :) Well, I got to 81 today and had to stop. I'm hoping for 86-88 tomorrow and then 92 by the end of Saturday. :D
  11. wow.. i hate you (but secretly have a gay crush on you (even though im not gay)).. the guy's nose looks like a penis. win. congratz you [bleep]git. <3:
  12. Harpy


    I'm not even sure if extremists are progressing or digressing anymore..
  13. Can i get these put into the index please?^^ And Witchy is tooo cuteee! :3 You both are! :o Getting dem babes, Zuper? :D
  14. +1 EDIT: Tif sucks on iTouch. don't even get this double post [cabbage].
  15. Pretty neat idea, but I'd suggest that you get 99 in atleast all melee's first and get a CLS. Otherwise you'll be losing profit 70% of the time.. But fun is fun! Anything you feel like doing, feel free. Just abit ineffecient.
  16. I got 80 Firemaking! But forgot to take a picture. :unsure: I'm aiming at getting anywhere from 82-83 Firemaking today. And then hoping for 87-89 by the end of Friday night. Then I'll try to get 92 by either Saturday night or Sunday night depending on how stuff works out. Post! :)
  17. Look for woman who are flirty and single. Easie Peasie.
  18. Wow.. You have got to be one of the fastest slayers I know.. At this rate, you'll have 99 in like 2-3 months.. :o Congratz!
  19. Well, I got 78 Firemaking tonight, but forgot to take a picture.. I'm hoping for 80 by Friday, but not sure if that will happen. If it does, I'm gonna aim for 86 by Friday night and 92 by Sunday night. Then onto fishing!
  20. I dunno if I will go. I may end up killing you via jealousy. LMPOSVMCFOAISMT +1 ur a [bleep]. :////////////////////////////////////////
  21. Hahhaa. Eventually. I'm not Mining anymore though. So sick of it. Not in the mood to do another 200 hours of it for 85. Well, It's official I've decided what I'm going for next. I'm gonna try to get 92 Firemaking. I'll be using a combination of Willow and Yew logs to 92. I'm gonna try to get to 90 by the end of this weekend.. But we will see how that works. My next goal after 92 Firemaking is 75 Fishing and then 80 Fishing. Keep up dem posts!
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