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Everything posted by Harpy

  1. Oh sweet, thanks for the pro-tip! :D Thanks! Well, I will have quite abit of time to mine today. I'm hoping to get 60, and once I get that, I'm gonna try Nuffbutmage's suggestion with the urns. Thanks for the posts. I'll be posting a level-up picture sometime tonight. :) 60 MINING! DONE. oh yea broke 700 total..
  2. You having an official party for Firemaking? :) Congratz on leveling it so quickly. I won't ever dare to go beyond 92 Firemaking (because to be completely honest, it's totally worthless otherwise).
  3. Well guys, I am actually getting sometime to play tonight. In short, I've come to the conclusion that I am actually liking mining, thus while I am enjoying it, I'm going to go for 85 (on F2P). At my current pace, I'll achieve 85 sometime mid-June (my goal is to get it before I leave for camp on June 17th). So, thus is begins my race to 85! My plan is to get 60 by Wednesday night (I'll be mining Copper to 60). From 60-85 I could go 4 ways.. Possible route #1: I could mine Copper from 60-85 which would take me approx. 300 hours (3x the amount of time I spent going from 1-98 Cooking). I will be dropping ores, so profit gained = 0 gp. Possible route #2: I could power-mine iron from 60-85 which would take me approx. 150 hours (1.5x the amount of time I spent going from 1-98 Cooking). I would also be dropping all of these ores, so profit gained = 0 gp. Possible route #3: I could power-bank iron from 60-85 which would take me approx. 220 hours (2.2x the amount of time I spent from 1-98 Cooking). I would be gaining lots of money from this (I think about 15m?). Possibly route #4: I could do a combination of the first two, depending on the amount of bots/free worlds. This could take me anywhere from 180-250 hours. With the longest of these (power-mining Copper), I'd finish in July. With the shortest of these (power-mining Iron) I could finish around the 10th of June. I am most likely going to be taking route #4 due to bots being ALL over the Iron rocks. Let me know your thoughts! If you have any tips/hints, I'd appreciate them. :) Thanks for the posts! EDIT: Currently 56 Mining. :D I am possibly gonna be able to get to 57 tonight! Psssst..post? :)
  5. Thanks! Haha. Thanks. :) Well, I am back from all my trips. But, as the weekend comes to a close, school starts again (only 2 weeks left :oops: ). So, not much is gonna get done in the ways of 'Scaping until about Wednesday (my free-day). Thanks for the posts!
  6. Ocean needs abit more "watery" looking details (not just squiggles). And I'd try to make the fire more 3-dish. Oh and add some more cloud detail (inseatd of just white bubbles). :)
  7. Which ones is more attractive to you? I'm not talking necessarily about looks, but I mean which seems more compatible in terms of personality, interests, and, of course, physical attractiveness (doesn't mean you're shallow, because you still need to be attracted to the person). To be completely honest, they both are. The younger one maybe a bit more (overall) than the older one, but then again, she is younger.. By quite a bit. She'd a only be a Freshman in Highschool if we were to date. And to me, that just seems abit weird (since I'm a rising Junior). But maybe that's just because I've almost always liked older-girls. :o
  8. Well.. Got to 53 Mining toda, but I am off for the weekend on my trip. I will be back on Sunday, but probably still won't get to much done by Wednesday. If I'm lucky, I might have 55 Mining by Wednesday (allowing me to get to 58 by the end of Wednesday and 60 by Friday night). Post moar! :) See ya guys later!
  9. I've really liked this chick I know and I've liked her for about 8 (almost 9) months now..She likes me back, but both of us want to "wait" to date until next year (just better because our lives are sorta incompatable at the moment). But a good friend of mine (known her for like 5-6 years) seems to be liking me and I'm starting to be attracted to her (as more than a friend) I think. The first girl (one I have had feelings for 8-9 months) is 7 months older than me.. The other girl is 2 years younger than me.. Any tips of which direction I should go with either of these? Or if it would even be ok to persue one or the other?
  10. Hehe thanks. :D Your fault. Sleep.. pssh who needs that? Epic goals? Yea right.. Heck yes, you're my official lover. ;) Thanks dude! Well it's a pretty pointless skill on F2P, so I'm getting 60 and then not worrying about it for a while. Hahaha.. Well.. Didn't do ANYTHING today, ya for friends and school all day. I plan to get some more mining done tomorrow, maybe get 50-53? Not sure. I'm leaving tomorrow night (4PM my time) to go on a trip until later Saturday night. Sunday's Mother's Day, so probably won't play at all, then back to school. So sadly, probably won't get 60 Mining until NEXT Friday. Maybe by Wednesday night if I'm lucky. Thanks for the posts guys! Pssst.. post moar. :D
  11. Just the close-ups are all pixelated (adurh pixel-art) and it makes me think of Minecraft. Hahaha. I'll probably try making one once my school ends in a couple weeks. :)
  12. Yes, I did have on in the past, but that was well over 3 months ago. Not in the mood to spend days searching for it. Hahaha. They are anywhere from 28-34k exp/hr depending on how "focused" I am. Well I have classes today, so won't be 'Scaping much. Might get on sometomorrow and get one or two Mining levels, but otherwise, won't be much progress until Sunday. Thanks for the post!
  13. Obama's reaction after the death of Osama. brb need to go to my "kickass class." He must have read Obt's min-guide.
  14. Got some Mining done to day. Finished off my goal of 50 Mining. :mrgreen: I am gonna do som GOP tonight, will upload any Runecrafting level ups if I happen to get any. Psssstt.. replys? :unsure:
  15. Looks great. I wanna see it once you put more detail, etc. Maybe add a Farming cape to the person? It'd just about describe you. ;)
  16. Nash! I love it! Thanks I shall try to work on one in the near future. Keep up the great work! Haha. Makes me think of Minecraft. :blink:
  17. Loving Brah's Goals, Achievements, and Random Useless Things Looking for a Banner, If you'd like to make me one, Message me. Introduction: Hello there. My name is Nate, but due to this being a runescape forum, no body remembers people's first name, thus you can call me Loving, Silenti, or whatever. I personally don't care all that much. I have been playing RuneScape on and off since about '03 (longgg time ago). I've had anywhere from 15-20 accounts throughout my careeer, however, I am now down to only using two accounts, soon to be one account. My "main" account (soon to be my junker account) is Silenti Etc (aka Jesuspur3, The Devian, Coquendo). I created it sometime in either summer of '07 or '08 (I don't quite remember which). Since I created it, I have bounced from account to account (it being my most used one) and I also have probably "quit" 2-3 times (usually every 6-7 months). Thee account I am using now (mostly) is Loving Brah. I made this account sometime innn.. '09 I believe, about 3-4 months before Dungeoneering came out (so just before Christmas?). I have avidly been playing on it now for about a month, and hope to continue playing far into the year! OK, well I know the majority of you readers will not have read any of that and will skip right on to this section (because that's all you people care about right? ;) ). My Goals: Here are some of the goals I shall be working on over the next year or so. Not too big of goals, but big enough to keep me going. I am going to "try" to list them in the order of priority (thought I'll probably achieve various ones of them out of order, but whatever!). 50 Mining - DONE: Technically, this won't even get my Mining level into the highscores, but I made this as a goal regardless. I plan to either mine Iron or Copper (dropping) depending on how many bots are taking up the Iron rocks (i.e. if lots of bots are mining Iron, I'll switch to Copper, or vise-versa). 60 Mining- DONE: Pretty good achievement for F2P I think, so I want to get it as soon as possible so I don't have to worry much about this horrid skill in the future. I plan on using the same technique that I used to get 50 to achieve 60. My hope is to have this in less than 2 weeks. 85 Mining: My plan is to get 60 by Wednesday night (I'll be mining Copper to 60). From 60-85 I could go 4 ways.. Possible route #1: I could mine Copper from 60-85 which would take me approx. 300 hours (3x the amount of time I spent going from 1-98 Cooking). I will be dropping ores, so profit gained = 0 gp. Possible route #2: I could power-mine iron from 60-85 which would take me approx. 150 hours (1.5x the amount of time I spent going from 1-98 Cooking). I would also be dropping all of these ores, so profit gained = 0 gp. Possible route #3: I could power-bank iron from 60-85 which would take me approx. 220 hours (2.2x the amount of time I spent from 1-98 Cooking). I would be gaining lots of money from this (I think about 15m?). Possibly route #4: I could do a combination of the first two, depending on the amount of bots/free worlds. This could take me anywhere from 180-250 hours. 75 Crafting: I am going to be doing Gold Ammies all the way. I will do about 35k of them (rough estimate) to Achieve this level. It will take me about a week to get (so hopefully before the end of May). 99 Crafting: If I achieve this prior to buying P2P, I will be using Gold Ammies to 99 (accumulating 12m profit -- or there abouts). It will take me just about all summer to do this, unless I get P2P sooner than that (due to work and vacation, etc.). 99 Cooking - DONE: I have gotten 98 Cooking so far, and to be completely honest, I really don't care about getting 99 in this skill, I'll probably get this before the end of May, by just spending a weekend Cooking 10k Lobsters. This will be the second account I have achieved 99 Cooking. 75 Fishing - DONE: I am currently 72, and I want to get a nice rounded numbered level on here (yes, I am that kind of person). I shall be banking all of my fish (up to when I achieve the level). 80 Fishing - DONE: Same as 75, I want a nice rounded level, and this will bring me another step closer to a possible 99 (no plans for it right now though). I will be drop-fly-fishing at Barbarian Fishing area in F2P, if I happen to have P2P, I will either fish Lobsters in the Fishing Guild or drop-fly-fish at Shilo Village. 80 Smithing: I hear that 80 Smithing is reasonably priced now due to certain ways of Smithing. I plan to get this once I build of my bank-worth abit more and once Zzzuper[bleep] (<3: ) teaches me how to smith ingots ;). 99 Smithing: If I do not get P2P before I get this, I will be Smithing ingots to 99, otherwise, I will be most likely Smithing Addy Plates until I achieve 99. 70 Woodcutting - DONE: Just want a decent level for this. I may go for 99 sometime in the far-away future, but not right now. Just want to have the ability to woodcut Ivy if I wish to. 80 Firemaking - DONE: Nice good round level, may go for 92 so that I can get an Inferno Adze, but I'm certainly in no rush. 92 Firemaking - DONE: I wanna get that Adze, so I am either gonna get this via willows or yews. Or a combination of those. 60 Runecrafting: I plan to get this higher overtime, but I am only aiming for 60 at the moment. I will get this mostly through doing GOP for money, however I will probably do a couple rune-runs everyonce and a while. 99 Dungeoneering: Starting Experience: 3,723,912 - Level 86 Current Experience: 4,003,389 - Level 87 Experience to Achieve Goal: 9,031,042 - Level 99 Hehehe. One of my biggest goals, but probably my lowest priority. I'd love to get this before I buy P2P, but I don't know if that will happen or not. I don't really enjoy "leeching" that much, so I will only train this when I am really bored (expected achievement time 4-5 months). Current Experience on Counter: Starting Experience on Counter: 18,518,446 Experience Current Experience on Counter: 28,794,520 Experience [5/31/11] Not really a goal or anything, but thought it'd be neat to add it in here. :) My over all goal is to try to get all of these purely on F2P, but there is a chance I may get P2P before achieving my goals in each and everyone of these skills. Dem Skills: Stats at the start of the blog: Current stats: My BoB: Completed Goals: 50 MINING: 60 MINING: 70 MINING: 80 FIREMAKING: Missed screenie. :( 80 FISHING: 90 FIREMAKING: 92 FIREMAKING: 99 COOKING: 70 WOODCUTTING: Missed screenie. :( 80 WOODCUTTING: Music Video of the Week: I will add a song or music video that I have enjoyed throughout the week for your visual and listening pleasure (if you even like the kind of music I like, which is unlikely). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gyLR4NfMiI Special Thanks: Zzzuperman (my LOVER (check out his BLOG)) Nuffbutmage (helpful friend and DG associate (check out his BLOG)) Squigtime (aka Squiggles <3: ) All of my friends in FSC (love you all guys <3: ) Everyong from DG Familia (you guys are amazing, love ya!) Thanks for reading, feel free to post. I have my friends "on" (usually), so feel free to add me and chat with me if you'd like. I always enjoy meeting/talking with new people. :) P.S. Thanks to all the other blogs who I stole creative idea's from. ;)
  18. Please stop. :/ (pssssstt. congrats. ;) ) Soooo.. I have my whole blog's "skeleton" written, now I just gotta set up the dumb like coding stuff and I might make some banners for it.. Maybe. I sorta just feel like making it plain. Might even be better in my opinion. It'll porbably posted in the next few hours.. Keep up the good work (but don't go to quickly, you might cause some jealousy. :unsure: )! <3:
  19. Oh god. :blink: I'll probably make it on Wednesday. Because I gotta start designing/making banners and such for it. I got 50 RC'ing this morning. I"M KICKING YOUR ASS, SIR.
  20. Stop levelin so quicky. You're making me look bad.. Should I start/make a blog?
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