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Everything posted by Harpy

  1. GZ NUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111111111111 <3: You have horrible timing. <3:
  2. Hehehe. Well, may as well get it done while I'm atleast enjoying it. I'm gonna get some time to play today, so I'm hoping to get anywhere from 70-72 or possibly to 73 Mining (doubt it though). Thanks for the support. Keem dem posts coming! Change of plans. I'm officially sick of mining. I'm gonna decide on something else to work on for now.. Probably gonna get 70 Woodcutting and then go for 92 Firemaking.. We'll see though..
  3. rc'ing expo from what? urns? I didn't know they gave rc'ing exp..
  4. Gonna be a super busy week, so I doubt I'll get much done (if anything at all). I have finals and testing all week and then finals all next week. Then I'm done! Post more pl0x? :D
  5. 70 Mining!! Finally got this, Wil lwork towards 75 by next weekend. :) Updating first page abit.
  6. Hahaha. I'm good. I've already had hackers take 230k of my tokens. Not in the mood to lose more. Well, I mined alot last night. I'm like 2 hours of mining from 70 Mining. :D I'll get the by the end of today, and then I'll be done for the weekend I think. I may or may not post a picture depending on which computer I level up on. Thanks for the posts! Keep 'em coming!
  7. Nice! I just came to the conclusion of how weirdly weird your avatar is. :blink:
  8. Harpy


    Go back a couple pages and you'll see my choice of favorite car (I believe it's on page 13 or 14). BMW M6 all the way.
  9. Looking for the "LIKE" button.. I can't find it. What the [bleep]. :angry: Congratz, keep it :D
  10. Good luck! Try adding stat pictures, level up pictures, bank pictures, etc. This comunity tends to like pcitures (they aren't exactly readers ;) ). Anyways, hope you can achieve you goals (get 99 Construction, it is also my favorite skill; (even though I'm F2P) I have trained it on my other account once upon a time long ago.).
  11. Harpy


    No offence or anything, but that is just about THE GAYEST care I have ever laid eyes on.
  12. T'was a joke. ;) Good luck with iWant Torva. Post stats, bank, etc.? :)
  13. DG Family is a large community of F2P (and a few P2P) Dungeoneers who are looking for fast teams and Exp (orignial clan name was Fast DG waayy back when it started). Teams are built in one way; two combaters and three skillers. Skillers are anywhere from Combat Level 3 -> Combat Level 20. Combaters are anywhere from Combat Level 100 -> Combat Level 126. Whatr results is the lowest average combat level which lowers the levels of monsters/bosses within the dungeons, thus speeding up floors (thought sometimes they are still slow). Usually, with a good team (if your doing a complete run of floor 1 -> 35) you can get anywhere from 60-90k exp/hr. Which isn't to shabby for F2P dungeoneering. If you'd like anymore information, check out the DG Family clan page via Runescape clans. It's a great community, but as you can see it's a bit selective (due to combat levels). But anyways, hope that helps!
  14. Thanks babe. <3: I'm actually OVER 60 now. :P Hahaha. I don't think it's that good, to be honest only "1337" mining level for F2P is 85+. ;) But thanks anyways! Well, I didn't get to the point of which I had hoped, but I think I MAY be able to make up for it today. Firstly, late last night I got this: One step closer to 99 (thought I'm not even going for it at the moment).. Then last night I worked somemore on mining; and I got to 63, but I was [bleep]ing exhausted, so I went to bed instead of going on. Forgot to get piccy too. :angry: My hopes for today is to get like 65 maybe 66 Mining. Tonight I'm have my Best Friend irl over, and so I'll probably nolife mining some while taking/watching horror movies with him. Thanks for the posts guys! Page 2! :D
  15. Ohh nice, and thanks! Well, haven't gotten as much Mining done today as I had originally planned, but I have been doing some Dungeoneering, and I'm about 6k exp from leveling up (87). But, there aren't any good teams at the moment, so back to Mining. I'm on track to get atleast 62 (maybe 63) tonight. Hoping to get 65 by tomorrow morning (I'm pulling an alnighter and Ima watch movies and stuff. :D ). It's supossed to rain all weekend, so I actually will probably get to play most of tomorrow while working on school (because normally I'd have yard work to do, but due to the rain I don't). So might go for 88 Dungeoneering and 67 Mining (maybe 70) tomorrow.
  16. So I ended up being wrong about the younger girl, she ended up starting to date a guy this week.. Thus, I'm not gonna be a dueche and try to steal her or anything. So I decided to go after the older one. She's so awesome. <3:
  17. Won't get much done today due to homework and track practice. However, tomorrow is the start of the weekend.. and my no-lifing. :D I'm aiming to get 70 Mining by the end of the weekend. If I'm lucky, I might even be able to get 75. POST, K? :)
  18. Harpy


    Haven't been in this forum at all, but just gonna add this. IMPORT > MUSCLE Hehehhehe. best car ever. 600hp runs-like a babe p.s. it's a BMW M6. ;)
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