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Everything posted by pepejetay

  1. Go-onnnn make something with a similar name or something. Currently buying farming gear and trying to work out what I should alch.
  2. Pretty eventful weekend in rs terms for me - an old friend quit and gave me all his stuff, which I promptly moved to osrs. I ended up with around 7m, from this I bought some gear, zammy pages and 44 prayer. Here are pics from today.
  3. Some ranged progress. Was going for 60 but i managed to get randomed while i did one experiment whilst taking the bins out, came back in falador, so lost all my arrows and knives and stuff. #thestruggle. Probs gonna try and do some agil and maybe theiving now since I can't range.
  4. Making some decent ranged progress. I might spend the weekend fishing so I can get some cash, money and supplies are getting preeeetty low.
  5. Got a looot of levels today. 43 str, 50 range, 25 fletch, 18 farming. Currently planning on training to 60 attack 50 str, do Monkey Madness, and start slaying.
  6. Good luck man. I reckon 60 attack is the best, but I'm slightly biased in that my zerk was 60 attack. Is all your attack/def properly quested?
  7. Plans for right now are to finish rfd, do some theiving, quest more. Fun. Probably have to take breaks to fish up more gp.
  8. Hey bby Anyways here's an imgur of all the rs pics on my pc. Including hilarious times and old stuff on ma main. http://imgur.com/a/XFMxU
  9. Decided to start this up again. Will probs only update on semi-major goals. As I still get about 200 levels a day. Here's a stat pic.
  10. I've been logging in, going wat do, noone in the clan chat to ask, randoms don't answer, so I give up after 5 mins and play league. As for the monsters for training on, remember my levels lul.
  11. When I said what do I more meant, how do I train combat stats now, idk wat to do. Also when did eoe die?
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