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Everything posted by Maynard

  1. Why you ask? Well The game is fun and meeting new people is always great. But also its nice to play after a hard days work or just to escape the real world...
  2. Thank you mate, What I was just thinking.
  3. When I get a combat level. It feels great. :)
  4. Well I have been away for about a year now and I have been back for a few weeks. I'm currently training att as I want 99 att and deff. So where are some good places to train these days with all the new updates and such, and please dont mention PC because I already know about it. My stats are: 95 att 99 str 91 deff so any body know some good training spots as I have forgotten about the good ones?
  5. Economy has pretty much always been screwed.
  6. I guess them guys are lucky because you can die from being on the computer to much right?
  7. Well I have always wondered what many people would rather. Having a few 99 skills and low skill total or have no 99 skills and high skill total. So What do you guys/girls prefer?
  8. Runecrating for sure. But its just to boring to train.
  9. Hats off to him I guess... My question is: Do his parents even care that he was a hermit for 11 days straight? I guess not.
  10. Cant wait to see what the third age is going to be. :)
  11. I always had a thing for cooking and fishing... But I like strength.
  12. Would help when trying to sell items on world 6. Damn it gets over crowded there.
  13. I wish they would do this as its so crappy the way it is now.
  14. IMO cooking is so easy, I also think melee is easy but is just boring...
  15. IMO I would have to say Fletching cape, Its just looks awesome.
  16. This just shows how flawed the combat system is. On rare occasion, this will happen, but it really shouldn't. Correct
  17. Inappropriate user name removed - McGuff1 Read the rules.
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