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Everything posted by RockJaw

  1. my my my, would you look at those lovely green eyes.
  2. Lmao, +1 to whoever put in the offer for only 9001 and feathers.
  3. the spoils of the 2x weekend, most of the last 30 hrs of of the weekend resulted 0 drops was a bit depressing lol. most of my teams ranged from 5-6 man, and then there was another 80-95 m made from the little nex drops like torstol seeds and onyx bolts.
  4. Started runespanning on Friday, haven't left there yet, points in the bag :P.
  5. just some random drops from April, Separated into a few spoilers :D The first two chestplates were 2 kills apart lol. even more! :o
  6. Those two white dots on the left look like the eyes of an invisible creature.. sorta like a cat >_>
  7. loots Then I had myself a good chuckle when I discovered these bots stuck.
  8. L[]L polodevil we were at the same mass, and i didn't even know, I was teaching a friend how to nex at the mass lol, that was our 2nd kill there, other legs for me was in a 5 man :P, i prefer smaller teams lol. With the mass I don't even bring yak, and use only unicorn with that inventory, thats why you dont see item switches and rec like the 5 man team inventory. mass is nice sometimes when i feel like saving money on brews.
  9. Clelebrating with some clan peeps after getting T7 Some skill lvls Some loots
  10. My Prom :P I'm 5th from the right rocking sky blue ingame, and irl :D After the nectar had coursed through my veins I hit the dance floor :), dont ask whats in front of me there lol, use your imagination.
  11. Worked for me, :D I do mine in 12-24 dose transferred into 2-4 flasks.
  12. Well that was fun. The game forced logged me out on wave 33 so i just went to work, and continued when I got back. Polypored everything to bits :P
  13. Ladies..Please never stop wearing yoga pants :)

    1. D. V. Devnull

      D. V. Devnull

      Better yet, let the women stop wearing yoga pants. But, wish for women to be wearing clothing that always lets them move to any angle. Then you'll really see how the ladies flex. >=P

    2. RockJaw


      I like the way you think :D, *brofist*

  14. My my.. well that made me chuckle lol, thx. Better late than never. As I've noticed, people are never satisfied with updates.. If one update comes out, they complain, then when its fixed.. they complain.Yes this was not exactly the best approach to the effigy camping problem, but its a start.
  15. I would love to know your set up/inventory if you managed to do it without sigil/ancient amour. :D
  16. The problem with the theory that Jagex implemented the 5 effigy cap in order to stop people from getting massive amounts of xp is slightly flawed. You can stockpile way more experience than a full bank of effigies would ever allow you to get by camping at Soul Wars. To a lesser extent, you can also look at Vinesweeper and sqi'rk (sp?) juice. I feel more "proud" of maxing the skills I dislike than the skills I do enjoy. edit: No Yes Who does agree with the implementation even if you do support the decision? Yes you could stockpile zeal, but they were smart enough to limit the skills you could cash them in for to a select few, geared especially towards combat, and on top of that, they also set a reduced exchange rate slayer and prayer so that training those skills with soul wars ( even if one chose to hoard points over a long period of time ) would be far less efficient than just slaying, or using an altar. Those who camped for effigies, did so for a more efficient way of training skills,However this I did not support, as they miss the whole point of the skill itself. The effgies could be used for anything, to which most people would camp just to train skills they dislike. And feeling proud about maxing the skills you dislike is a good thing, It shows that you were willing to fight through it, regardless of the fact that you disliked it. That takes discipline, It's not a matter of efficiency. No matter how efficiently you obtained the effigies or afked Soul Wars, it all boils down to dumping massive amounts of experience in a very short time frame. It appears that Jagex's response for the cap is to stop people from gaining large amounts of xp in one day, which is pretty stupid since there is no way of knowing this unless you stalk someone or use a fansite's tracker. Why should Jagex care if I dumped my effigies for 20m xp in a day, or spread it out over a few months? The end result is the same, which is why so many people are ranting about this update: the cap is pointless. Ahh, touche. I myself don't understand how mass exp in a short time is a problem to jagex, I only don't support the actual training of a skill with nothing but effigies, but I suppose my two statements contradict one another...which now leaves me puzzled.
  17. The problem with the theory that Jagex implemented the 5 effigy cap in order to stop people from getting massive amounts of xp is slightly flawed. You can stockpile way more experience than a full bank of effigies would ever allow you to get by camping at Soul Wars. To a lesser extent, you can also look at Vinesweeper and sqi'rk (sp?) juice. I feel more "proud" of maxing the skills I dislike than the skills I do enjoy. edit: No Yes Who does agree with the implementation even if you do support the decision? Yes you could stockpile zeal, but they were smart enough to limit the skills you could cash them in for to a select few, geared especially towards combat, and on top of that, they also set a reduced exchange rate slayer and prayer so that training those skills with soul wars ( even if one chose to hoard points over a long period of time ) would be far less efficient than just slaying, or using an altar. Those who camped for effigies, did so for a more efficient way of training skills,however this I did not support, as they missed the whole point of the skill itself. The effigies could be used for anything, to which most people would camp just to train skills they disliked, but these minigames were limited to a set number of skills. And feeling proud about maxing the skills you dislike is a good thing, It shows that you were willing to fight through it, regardless of the fact that you disliked it. That takes discipline,
  18. Happy birthday! :D

  19. 1) I support the reduced drop rate.. especially for those who camped effigies to train a skill..Previously everyone complained that the game had turned into effigyscape.. but as soon as jagex fixes that the wave turns around to complain about not enough effigies.. 2) The limit of 5 in bank I'm partial on, Like suggested on the Rosf, maybe that could be fixed by setting the limit of effigies one person can open in a day to 3-5, so they dont get mass amounts of exp, as mat suggested was the reason for the nerf. I'm still going to boss hunt like I usually do, If I get effigy so be it, if I don't, doesn't change the fact that I'll still PvM. If You hate a skill enough to the point that you don't want o train it, then don't..How much more complicated is that. Do what you enjoy, shoot to complete your goals, and have fun doing it, but now you have to keep in mind, that if you want the prize at the end of the road, you will have to do things you won"t enjoy first.
  20. This week won't even see me coming,bring it on Chemistry!

  21. Been keeping up with your images... and that is some ridiculous luck :o.
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