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Major Dash

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Everything posted by Major Dash

  1. Major Dash


    Does anyone here have any recommendations for apps that help with counting/tracking calories? I'm getting fat lmao. I know my issue is overeating.
  2. Major Dash


    Screw Pachirisu though. For real. It is going to be a hole in my dex forever probably. It should have just been a Canada + Russia regional instead of an 'arctic circle' regional.
  3. Major Dash


    My group just put off a project/presentation until 3 hours beforehand. My current motto... "If today isn't the due date, today isn't the do date."
  4. Major Dash


    I went to one of those Unclaimed Baggage places this morning for Black Friday, and I managed to get a really neat double breasted tuxedo jacket with the tags still on it for $31. If I can manage to find a pair of tux pants that fit, I'll keep it. Otherwise, it is an easy sell for $200-250 on eBay. I also got a nice crunchy knit tie for like $2.50.
  5. Major Dash


    There's a difference between poor and uneducated and "poor and uneducated and normalizing breaking well know laws."
  6. Major Dash


    Don't take this the wrong way, but what redneck-cousin humping-wife beating trailer park did you grow up in? That is seriously not normal at all outside of poor and uneducated places. What you describe basically sounds like Ricky from Trailer Park Boys.
  7. Major Dash


  8. Major Dash


    My friend today discovered a model massage parlor where you get massages from "models" they all look like cheap prostitutes. Looking at reviews on places, it appears to be a crap tier rub n tug.
  9. Major Dash


    You can get shirts with different sleeve lengths. You can always get super long sleeves and get them shorter, but you can't really get short sleeves and make them longer.
  10. Major Dash


    Can we all go and bask in the glory that is the text in the most recent porn spam bot post? "zoophile leper chode urine banger beer queef transsexual" That is going to be my next band name.
  11. I think they wanted to stick with planks that are often used for furniture in real life. Notice that there aren't willow planks.
  12. Major Dash


    I thought that the "no gun" signs were just a suggestion and could not legally ban someone from entering with a firearm unless there was a city ordinance or something (like Chicago)?
  13. Major Dash


    Got my computer finally all put together. I'm pretty excited to have a nice computer to do CAD work on.
  14. Only reason they did it is so that you can use arrow style ranged weapons with defensive abilities. That's all.
  15. Major Dash


    I'll go halfsies on one with you.
  16. All things being equal range and mage will have the same damage in the end.
  17. Major Dash


    I don't have $300 to spend on RAM. Well, I do, but I like to eat from time to time.
  18. Major Dash


    Oh right. Yeah, I didn't put it on the list at the time, but my friend is giving me his nvidia gtx970. I do some gaming, but I'm not one of those people who keeps more than like 5 games on my computer at a time. I have external storage for stuff like movies though, and slapping down another $100 for memory I won't use in the near future just doesn't seem worthwhile to me.
  19. Major Dash


    Anyone know anything about PC builds? Trying to make something kind of budget here. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/ktDzpG
  20. Major Dash


    Does alcohol not also carry the risk of dependency induced depression? If it were up to me, I'd keep marijuana illegal and ban alcohol too. Just too few positives for so many negatives.
  21. Major Dash


    The thing that I find rather interesting is how media and TV dismisses alcoholism or alcohol abuse as being funny or humorous or maybe even 'the norm'. I like RPGs point about how drugs are less dangerous. I'll just assume he means stuff that isn't like meth or heroine. Pot is substantially less dangerous than alcohol, but the public opinion, while slowly changing, is still pretty low. I know people who live in states where it is legal and still despise its use and just go like 'those degenerates smoking weed' while they have no issue with alcohol. Is it the fact that it has been illegal for years the reason why people dislike it so much? It is literally the exact same as alcohol except I've never heard of anyone coming home high and beating their wife and kids. Granted, maybe I'm just talking out of my ass since I have never used weed and I've drank less times than I can count on two hands being drunk for maybe half of those.
  22. Major Dash


    I agree with this. "It's like dressing up like a police officer and getting offended when somebody calls you a cop or asks for your help. You might not actually be a cop, but if you look like a cop you can't blame people for mistaking you for one." Made up pronouns are pretty retarded too, but if someone really needs to be addressed a different way I certainly wouldn't intentionally use the wrong pronoun.
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