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Everything posted by himy_name_is

  1. hmmmm, I have a massive brain. :lol: Nah, but I am one of the smarter people in my grade. Smarter than basically everyone in my grade (freshman). Im also one of the youngest, 1 or 2 kids younger than me (I just turned 14 a month ago, most kids are turning 15 soon ). Nothing really abnormal about me. My pinky is kind of double jointed (I can bend the top most of it to the side behind my other finger so it looks like a cross, perfectly straight and all).
  2. You can infact wash off sticky hands, they dont lose their stickiness ;). They are the best to. We can have sticky hand fights together! Yay!!
  3. Just wondering, what language did you use to make this program? C, C++, C#, Java? Or did you use a program that made your program XD. Just wondering!
  4. Your kidding right? WOW.... wow, thats all I have to say.. Aids was started by some bats, then got passed to pigs, then the pigs were eaten by humans who then got it. In Africa which could be the reason like everyone there has it. It was spread by people going there, doing something like doing someone ( :? ) then going to another country and spreading it there. Could have been spread by anyone! Actually, maybe that bat->pig->human thing was for eboli lol. I saw that stupid movie with the monkey, that guy spread it like nuts! I liked the monkey though :).
  5. Dude! Gremlins.. Dont get water on your furby things and then feed them twice within like 12 hours XD. Awesome movie.. Hmm, power went out at school.. for 40 minutes. So close to getting out of school! I have a question, what about every other 13th in a month? Why isnt that so bad?
  6. MMORPG's ive played: -Runescape -Illutia (horrible graphics, good community, kind of fun game) -Eternal Lands (Too confusing, just hard to find places) -Rsbattle (Text based copy of runescape) -Gates of Survival (Pretty much same as rsbattle) -Some other ones I cant remember... I would like to try some mentioned here though! My favorite: I dont know, I have pretty much quit every single one so far X-D. Making my own game right now (http://excibius.com -- requires a browser other than IE)
  7. Just today me and some other kid were sitting in class with a lighter :P. Evene though you get suspended from school, I cupped my hand and filled with lighter fluid gas then lit it... Ow! It burned my hand a tad. Another time on the last day of school in 8th grade me and another friend and some people were sitting there by our lockers, which are about 8 inches wide, 2 and a half feet tall and a foot deep and my friend climber into it. They have the built in locks so you cant just open it either side, you need the combo X-D. Hmmm... Im sure ill do something else. Im only a freshmen in highschool now! :P, plenty of things to do!
  8. oh, im guessing it was supposed to make fun of me =p?
  9. Do you mean that if I sold it for runescape GP? I dont really play anymore, and you cant sell them anyways XD. Remember... this is my very first. I just chose some random one that looked good enough :lol: ROFL, yea basically. I think they have like elements 4.0 now lol. I dont really want a new one though, its good enough for me!
  10. Keep in mind that these are my very first actual attempts with PhotoShop (elements 2.0) If you want me to customize one for you just tell me, I can just edit the layers :), but I will put my name on it to say i did it ;) grungy type: water ripples: sand dune: a beveled button from tut :D : Please give C/C on these and tell me which one you like best and think is best.. Thanks!
  11. True enough goldwolf, thanks for the forum link. Ill post there.
  12. Maybe I should have said this better? I have already looked around. i came here to get direct links to what people thought were good tutorials. I know what google is but the dont have what I need. Please put some links of what you thought was a good tutorial. Or if you dont have any dont post? Thanks! (sorry for being so "rude" im just kind of impatient, wasnt really what I expected. I uauslly get links for good forums like these.)
  13. I am a web programming and websites tend to look.. bland without images. and I wanted to create some; I have photoshop elements 2.0 But the thing is is that im horrible at making basically anything in it. I was wondering if some people could point me to what they think is a good tutorial, mainly beginners (not the basics, but the advanced basics (like all of the things in the tool bar (file, edit, view and such) and creating images for websites like the tip.it logo or graphics like that. Thanks a bunch!
  14. May I ask how you plan on doing this? (BB doesnt take php anymore). (or are you putting it on a website and taking that link?). Ill attempt to make one..
  15. You should be allowed.. your not paying for the sig.. just giving away money to the best person..
  16. all I have to say is: OMG!! MY EYES! I CANT SEE! :roll: :wink:
  17. I wouldnt recommend having it as gif.. ruins quality. What would you want in the background?
  18. Lol, he wants to know how to put a paint screenie into your sig on here lol. You cant just copy and paste it. Here is how to do it: 1.Save your screenie in MS Paint 2. open http://www.imageshack.us 3. click browse, find you picture and hit open. 4. click host 5. copy the URL of it (not the image tags with it) 6. click img in you profile where siggy edit is and paste your pick, hit img again 7. hit save!
  19. PLEASE retake your pictures and save them as .PNG, .JPG tries to smothen them out and they look really bad(quality is lost). Thank you. -reportingsjr-
  20. If you want I can help you code. I know: Html Css MySQL and some php (enough to make a site with)
  21. Ryan poore? (the link is something.com/ryanpoore/art)
  22. finally.. thank you for the reply lol.
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