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Everything posted by Fromfirst2Last1987

  1. its not pvp ONLY worlds. its pvp worlds. you can still do anything you could in a normal world. only implies you can only pk
  2. you are just unlucky, quit throwing the word nerf around like its an everyday thing. omg i killed 34532454353453 rats and they didnt drop a dragon chain NERF!!!!!!!11!!1!!!!
  3. first off who kills skeletons for clues, if you are specifically killing for clues why not go for level 3 clues
  4. not sure of your summon level, but ever since summon 100 combat is the new 90
  5. what do you call buying cigarettes, buying alcohol, buying mature rated games. the easiest way to do this is only allow credit card players whose name on account matches the name on the card.
  6. Your yellow text is extremely obnoxious. Change it. i second that motion 8-)
  7. i found the minigame to be a joke, the teams are always like 6v 1. they need to do what they did to castlewars to make the teams equal
  8. runescape is seen as a joke. i understand why. its completely run by jagex whereas other mmorpgs are run by the people. you cant say runescape is run by the people because we would have free trade and stakes
  9. to the person above me your undies are in a bunch. calm down dude. and where do you see my friends freaking out. all i see is the other team that was there getting mad that they werent getting any kills. do you want to be known as the dousche bag of the forums
  10. Ok im not expected any good ratings but ill give it a go Slayer related: Drops: Clues: edit: New clue reward 8-12-08
  11. i consider no lifing someone who never sees the light of day just to play a game that in 10 years wont even matter
  12. i live ten minutes from the guitarist from the starting line
  13. sorry but if you read the worthless random posts that were on here you would understand, so 1/10 for you being a stupid beaner
  14. note that i am 1.4k from 77 slayer, 35k from 94 fletching, 48k from 92 defence, and 38k from 88 hits bottom row is 51 con, 64 hunter, and 53 summon
  15. well if your gonna flame and make idiotic posts dont post, ever think of that
  16. i cant, under where you would be able to appeal it says deferred. its a non appealable offence according to them
  17. its a non appealable offence because its only 24 hour mute, i tried
  18. Ok so i was in the fishing guild and a player asks what is a good site to upload videos, i tell him youtube to help the guy out and he goes and reports me. i know it was him because i went to view evidence and those are the only two things to show up. his name blocked out with where can i upload videos and me saying youtube. i was 24 hour muted and is my first ever offence. if this is what the game is coming to, i dont think i want to be apart of it. how low can you get, hes probably trying to become a player mod tricking people. anyone else ever experience anything like this?
  19. so i logged off from my team for a little to watch a movie and i come back and they got visage, the funny thing is it was on first dragon after a world hop and coinshare wasnt on so my one friend got lucky
  20. 190 views and 6 posts come on people if your not going to post dont even bother looking
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