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Everything posted by flamestrike

  1. i remembred i had a mage from rsc, that i only played on in rs2 for like 5 mins.
  2. Thats insane, north park is like 5 mins from my house and i remember on the news them saying they found an indian mans body in the river and they found his car down the road, sthere was no signs of a struggle so it was a presumed a suicide.
  3. i live in pittsburgh and its snowing like mad here, ill even take a pic hold on. ok nvm, my cam is out of batterys and my webcam isnt detailed enough to see the snow falling
  4. i tried playing, was the laggiest game ever, uninstalled.
  5. So i just found out about this guy today. Supposily john titor posted on various public fourms that he was a time travelers from the year 2036 and that he was here to just observe. He posted pictures of his craft and the opperators manual. many people asked him questions and he seemed to answer them as soon as they came. He did this up until march 21,2001 where he posted that he was going back to his time and was never seen or heard of again. He predicted many things happening and a few of them actually ended up happening, he predicted that by 2008 the world will be in a civil war with each other, and by 2012 billions of people will have died. link: http://www.johntitor.com dicuss.
  6. like i said, before WWII now its considered a terrible symbol, i like the looks of it though.
  7. that the swastika was a good luck symbol before WW2?
  8. yeah dude, our hometown is going crazy cause we havent won a superbowl since like 94. Now all our public schools have off school tommarow because we won, and at the end if seahawks would of kicked a field goal my uncle would of won 4000 dollars, stupid seahawks
  9. Polamalue = teh beast He is my favorite defensive player in the NFL. first off, being from pittsburgh and seeing about 10,000 polamalu jersys theres not an e at the end. and sadly polamalu hurt his ankle this week in practice, but hopefully he will be good for tommarw.
  10. Steelers, why? because the steelers are from my hometown and well, i really dont know much about the seahawks because i only follow the steerers and if you lived here, you wouldnt understan how much black and gold there is in our city
  11. yeah at post gazette pavalion? even though last year sucked im hoping this year is better, they need some more ska bands, big d has been the only one there the past years but all the others like less than jake and such only were on like one year. lame. and they didnt even have flogging molly last year, and they put on the best show ever.
  12. So today was my 16th birthday, i thought it was going to be a blast but it wasn't really. First off i got to sleep in and go into school late, fun i guess. Get to school to be greeted by a bunch of happy birthdays and such. Schools over, i have a dentist appointment, not the most fun on your birthday. I didnt have to goto football so i had the night off. I was planning to get a good dinner and get to do something i wanted to. First off couldnt goto [bleep]'s where i really wanted to go because i needed some new lacrosse stuff. So were off to pick dinner, my sister suggest taco bell, i say ok, cause i love taco bell and i never eat it cause its terrible for you, but it was my birthday and i could deal. Were on the way and my mom says oh, i have to goto a hairshow and we need to get back can we go somewhere closer, i really didnt want to but i was like thats fine, my sisters picked subway and i got a turkey wrap thing, cause i mean i might as well keep eating healthy. Got home and my mom tells me shell be home at 8 to take me to [bleep]s. Im sitting there and get bored so i play some halo, not very fun because people take it way too serious. My mom never comes and comes home at 9 and says oh ran late sorry, oh well. She brings in some groceries and drives somewhere. I come downstairs to see all the bags sitting there, no one even attempting to bring them upstairs, so i pull the nice guy ruitine and bring them all upstairs and put them all away.Wierd night. also forgot about my permit story. So i was suppose toget my permit after the dentist but you need a physical and the guy messed it up. I got one and had the guy fill out the form, but he was in a rush and filled out all these boxes yes instead of no, so apprantly im a narcaleptic, amputee who has a drug problem and is an alcholic. So now its going to bed like 2 weeks before i can get another physical. Oh well happy 16 to me.
  13. Yeah this is freaking me out. First i was at work and the pizza maker is singing that song days go by , by dirty vegas, and i was thinking wow havent heard that song in a long time. So i stop at sheetz on the way home cause i really want some chex mix, and i decide to stop and urinate. Im peeing and what do i hear, dirty vegas's days go by playing in the bathroom. Im thinking thats wierd. So i get home and turn off my away message and my friend ims me and is like "who sings that song days go by?" and at this point im freaking out cause this is really wierd. so WTF dirty vegas, leave me alone u stalker. anyone else have this happen?
  14. Ok this is frustrating me so this is basically a vent/ asking for help thread. I checked my subscription status today, in 6 days i will have had xbox live service for 2 years. Ok this morning i signed on live and saw the bulletin, get a xbox live diamond card, which is a card you get if you have xbox live which can give u discounts to stores such as best buy, quiznos and such. I was like cool ill go check it out. I get on xbox.com to see its completely different since last time i visted, they must of updated when 360 came out. So last time i was here i was linking my gamertag so i could see what games my friends were playing on my computer. So It told me i needed some gamercard thing, so that i could talk on the fourms and use the website to its full advantage. First i tried and i get this message, your too young to sign up. So i figure, no biggy ill outsmart this thing and make a new .net passport. So i made a new one saying i was 18. Go on try again get to the gamertag part, entered my gamertag and my details and boom too young. So i figure you probably have to be 21. So i go on make a new .net passport and try again enter my detail and boom not old enough. So by this point ive probably tried about 6 .net passports and it keep saying im too young, so im thinking i must of had to enter a birthday when i signed up for live. So i checked my account management on my xbox, and it didnt show a birthday thing anywhere. So i check the new account thing and looked at the code, you have to be 18 to sign up. Well seeing as ive been an xbox live member for 2 years now i must of signed up using a false bday. Seeing as im only 16. So i go back make abnother passport. use the bday i always use when im not old enough 1/30/60 my birthday and my dads year. Still no luck, found out i could sign up for a diamond card without one of these gamercard things, but i still kind of want one just cause of the fact that i cant get one. Anyone have any advice to getting past this age thing. I tried to the customer service thing and they have nothing about this. argg that feels better.
  15. rs2 product :P old school pking used to be all crossbows because bows stunk back then.
  16. its actually two people something boon and something Tobias but Tobias quit on them in the middle of MK3 so in all the games after that hes just referred to as noob.
  17. flamestrike

    Pokemon Kid

    btw this one is 10x better. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... &q=pokemon
  18. flamestrike

    Pokemon Kid

    thats totally a boy.
  19. The ninja part was funny. but the static changing random scenes was totally stolen from robot chicken. dont lie you know you did it!
  20. That site is like 5 years old. and I am a ninja tyvm
  21. that was a pretty cool video, though i wonder what was taht fireball thing they could pickup and throw and it like exploded when it hit the ground. Yeah played probably every mk cept shaolin monks.
  22. Also today in our paper, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette it was said that Polamulus interception in which he fumbled was truley an interception and that the NFL was sorry for the bad call.
  23. Mortal Kombat is a legendary game and is also a sweet movie :-). I just recently got Mortal Kombat: Deception for the xbox consoleand it is amazing. First off im most happy that they brought back my favorite character who was only in one game: Noob Saibot. Second this game goes online and is unbelievely sweet. Third: not only is there the normal fighting ladders but theres a story line game that you have to play to unlock secret features. This game is so fun and addictive. I also played MK3 for the SNES and it brought back the memories and how it was like 10x easier to do moves with that dpad rather than a control stick and the new dpads. The movies were amazing too. Thoughts?
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