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Everything posted by Zimlem

  1. Last update tonight. Even though not very big. -Zim.
  2. Zimlem

    Older Sig

    I like the darkness, except on the text. Replace it somewhere else, or lighten it up a bit. 8\10. -Zim.
  3. There's a sticky for testing. ASk for ratings, too or it will be locked.. So... *AHem.. since you asked for rates.. Ahem* 6\10. -Zim.
  4. Oo. I am a newb! I can brush up a storm, though. LOL. TYVM. Back to topic! <3 Vlad. -Zim.
  5. Oh, Maybe I should create a layer for the text next time. :lol: Ty. -Zim.
  6. Fine, you Bum. :D All three: -Zim.
  7. Hey Vlad, since I'm a PS newbie. How do you get the black outline around your text. Is it stroke? Or colored OuterGlow , or something? If you care to tell me how to do it. -Zim. PS: Don't you love my hot "Don't Go" Sig? :P
  8. Nice job, but kind of blurry. Possibly due to bad quality, but I can't tell , I'm tired. :P Still, it has potential. -Zim.
  9. Lol, Eev, me too. Looking back it looks pretty bad. :lol: Ice, I haven't seen that one :oops: I geuss. Which one is it? I shall go watch it. Updated again. Bump. -Zim.
  10. Any ideas, other than what I've got planned, to spruce things up? -Zim
  11. Don't go :cry: . I really love a lot of your work, and you're a generally nice person (which is scarce as of late) . Even if you quit rs, still browse the Media board, that's what I do. Try a different type of art, make new things. Unless you got bored of art itself, don't leave the Media Board. :cry: Remember, it's not about the money.. It's about enjoying creating. If you don't like a request, don't do it. I used to do them all the time just for the sake of it. Have fun. Forget Rs. Grap a Coke, and photoshop away. Well, I hope you stay. Would be a shame to lose another nice person. :oops: -Zim.
  12. Use the first one as your new sig. 8) -Zim.
  13. Legions of soldiers shall become the box. :) Tweaks are still VERY plentiful even on the linework, cliff, and grass... so I'm working on it.
  14. :) working hard. Posting another update. Some mountain and riverwork, coloring layouts, but not detail worthy of completion. -Zim.
  15. I usually do fine with paint, but for animations or complexities use Graphics Gale for SURE. Free, Great for pixelling and easy to animate. -Zim.
  16. You could always go with both. Abstract takes time, just as pixeling does. However, once get better you can reap the benefits of versatility. -Zim.
  17. Will do. Soon to post more advances. -Zim.
  18. Thanks for all comments. Vlad: I think it would look neat, but only in a certain way.. like it was engraved.. if I can't do that I'm leaving it out. Eev: [bleep]ey hair was planned, not too big, but I had it in mind. That's just conceptual. The dragon idea seems like a winner. I shall get to work. Wasted: Don't spam my post. :roll: Spoof: Ty. Wistan: Yes, they are all my-originals. Ty. Korla: To me it seems to be pretty close to the correct proportions. Maybe a slight adjustment, but it's hard to tell with his neck behind the guard.
  19. Bingo. :) That's what I was referring to, not the song. :P -Zim.
  20. 8\10. I don't like the border, and the colors. I remember seeing the original creation of the skeleton. LONG TIME AGO. -Zim.
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