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Everything posted by slayer369

  1. New "life runes" available from a new quest area or something, maybe a minigame to collect. You can summon monsters to fight at your side or just follow you for a limited amount of time. If it's a new spell list then maybe the monster summoned could be around half the magic level required to summon, or whatever. Jagex mentions a new spell list in their july behind the scenes but I like me teleports a lot :(
  2. But building gardens takes up some of the precious 20 rooms :( You can delete them after you're done by building on the door hotspot.
  3. It should be like the kbd, where you have to pull a lever in high wildy and the monster is in a non-wildy zone.
  4. Another tip I've found for the alchemist place, is to have your camera angle rotated to where you can see the guardian. About a second before the costs change, he will shout out, "The costs are changing!" When you see this, do not do another alch until you read the new prices. Depending on how fast you are, you can alch 10-14 items between the changing costs.
  5. Nice so far... How often does the bonus shape change? If I enchant just the bonus shapes, how many cosmics will it take me to get x points? (In my case 2000)
  6. Are the infinity robes tradable? Stats? Are they better than mystic?
  7. Broad Arrows were made untradable I have no idea when this happened, sometime recently I know for sure. When the slayer masters first came out, broad arrows were 6 gp each. Once the first people hit 55 slayer and started testing out broad arrows, they realized that broad arrows were as good as mith arrows, but a tenth as expensive. I managed to buy 5k arrows for 30k before they were updated to be 60 gp each from the slayer masters (about same amount as mith were from players). They were stored in my bank for a while until I hit 55 slayer... I still have about 2.5k left, and now I can never sell them :x
  8. Great guide...but the term is Ancient Magicks, not Antique Magics...mentioned many times but you might want to change that. Also, get some pictures of the safe spots in the tunnels. But overall great guide!
  9. Have you counted for the money left in Runescape Classic from when the new game was created? People who took long breaks during that time or decided to stay on Classic combined would equal a lot of cash. Anyway, most of the people that stayed on classic were high-levelled.
  10. Thanks...this helped alot on the monkey madness puzzle.
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