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Everything posted by shannon

  1. hmmm...false TPUM likes Miami Heat :)
  2. N-too easy, and should cost more than that Y-would make trading a lot easier N-tooo easy for training!! N-too easy for ppl to make accounts and then use that as a autoer..etcetc[/b]
  3. no way! what if someone died in wildy, then when u get to choose ur 3 items, u log off? then ppl who killed u never got their stuff..etc etc this idea is bad...no offense if you die..then too bad..i guess.you're responsible for your own loss
  4. same.. talk to friends, in game or msn, and go around this forrum and read stuff
  5. whoa....althoght i don't really like kobe, i have to admit he's very good.
  6. false!! TPUM likes to watch NBA. 8)
  7. hmm...true.. TPUM is under the age of 13
  8. False. TPUM use rubber chicken to hit people when bored.
  9. False. TPUM is addicted to runescape.
  10. wrong forum..... 8) next time post it in the off-topic forum :P (but to answer you...i don't really like green day..lol.)
  11. lol...i also happen to find many lvl 5's or lower cutting yews at the back of varrock castle (world 10) i think they are auto's...because they didn't reply..reported some of them.
  12. would be too easy for the miners.....don't think jagex will do it...
  13. Are you suppose to "post reply" in a thread? We aren't sure what are you talking about........ :roll:
  14. lol nice, keep it up! *claps* :P
  15. because he is ugly..all ugly ppl are evil why do u earn gp's?
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