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Everything posted by ValaraZ

  1. One clan immediately comes to mind, not naming anything though. But yes, spamming indicates where the pile is. In a big fight you spam so others can see the opponent whilst also listening to their fall in leader's commands on a voice chat such as vent or TS. There are some videos out there which also include a TS narration in it. You might've also heard the infamous "VESSEBLE ON EAST GATE VESSEBLE VESSEBLE VESSEBLE" which does sound chaotic but at the time I'm more than sure that all the members knew exactly who to attack. If you're interested in joining a clan that is very good in organisation I'd suggest you try the following: DI DF Corr TT TRWF Gladz Not gonna name ours as it would be bias. :D And guys, don't bait him for bringing it up, it's our duty and joy to educate those younglings who wish to learn from clans. ~Val
  2. I missed it due to not having internet, obviously I got it today. #-o Fate, why must you test me like this. :( None the less, GF TR. :)
  3. If i was a member of VR i would lay low with spreading NH around. Seeing VR is as NH as any clan can get at this time, or how does the crashing 6 fights that were all preplanned the last weekend make your clan to call anyone NH? And don't claim you didn't know, you followed our fight for example to 3 locations and last one was FRENCH server which clearly shows that you wanted to crash really bad. The only fight VR didn't dare to crash was Corr vs. TT. :lol:
  4. Thank you for the fight BK, it was fun :)
  5. Use the 25$ to get a gift visa and then use that to pay members.
  6. What i think is that the running out of bounds happens in every fight. It can be due to lagg or a missclick but if it's done massively then it should be noted on the result. However if it's done by 2 people it can hardly affect the outcome of a fight where there are over 20 people on each side. And if you look at him in the pic he seems to be heading towards the center.
  7. The topic has been commented several times by Exodus staff, leadership and other sources. This pic was forged on another forum by Sarge Alex, take carefull note on the cropping, names and such on the picture. Also, it doesn't show the posters name, title, date and is filled with totally different language the supposed poster would use. Closing.
  8. Is the old GFX dedicated on the motherboard? I remember hearing some people having problems if the GFX was integrated on the MB before.
  9. After some forum searching this problem seems to be quite common and i haven't been able to repair it. It is highly annoying as on the crash i loose all my logs and such. The computer just freezes and dies. Further info: O/S: Windows Vista home premium Comp type: Asus laptop Description from management on the problem: Event filter with query "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 99" could not be reactivated in namespace "//./root/CIMV2" because of error 0x80041003. Events cannot be delivered through this filter until the problem is corrected. Unhelping Microsoft link: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc727148.aspx Also googled around trying to find help but as of now nothing. If anyone has any ideas all help is gretly appreciated. :)
  10. There is some rumors and suspicion that the optimal intervall of collecting is 11 days if you keep nests in there. Don't know why but that's what they say :D
  11. *cough* heavenlyevil *cough* He stepped down voluntarily, even though some were talking about setting up a vote. Respect for knowing when time has come to step out and give others room to perform the best they can. :)
  12. Adaptation to changes and community. And of course in our case legacy. :P Oldest clan in RS that has stayed active the whole time baby!
  13. Something like this is happening or happened with 3v0. Not sure what their current situation is but neither of the leaders (Miss Diggler and Torreoria X) gave up leadership so now there are 2 3v0's as far as i know both claiming to be the real one. The way it is handled in our clan is that members can post their opinion. Each one having a say and if the leader is anything to respect he will step down. We also freeze their admin rights during this vote to make sure he/she won't abuse it. Luckily we haven't had to resort to this lately.
  14. Ehmm im sorry that wasn't what happened, DF Rushed CORR, TT rushed DF. DF left, DF rushed Corr, Cor wanted to swap worlds because their was a fight going on, DF hoped TT attacked DF, Corr went to fight RSD in clan war arena, DF left. We had an agreement with TT that we would fight df and they would fight VR, vr wouldn't fight them so they rushed you as well, as you were leaving (you might not have seen cos you were mostly at mossies by then) vr came to attack TT. I was only talking about the 10 mins at the beginning, not the fight afterwards on w123. Check out the post on the other forum, last one on first page: The last 3 lines are from the author. Let me get this straight, you want 4 clans to battle it out so you know which one is better? You've got some self esteem, i'll tell you that :P
  15. I thank you Tip.It community for the trust invested in me. I've been a member of this fan forum for a long time, long before the re-creation of accounts which is my join date only extends to 2004 :P ~Val
  16. Exactly what SaDa said. We were expecting a high pull from them and looked forward for an enjoyable fight. This didn't come through though but i personally respect the TSL members who came to the fight. Needless to point out that TSL leadership isn't getting much of respect. Even if you know your clan is bound to lose a fight it still is warring experience which is vital for a warring clan. You can't expect to bring 100 members with you and own at clan wars arena if you don't train them. Once upon a time me and 6 other 'The' members went to CWA for fun and we beat down a clan of 40+ people just because they had no clue what to do. We even KOed people solo. If you don't want that happen you need to war and drill your members and if i had been in TSL leadership that is exactly what i would've done; tanking practice if not anything else.
  17. Then again Gamerr, we are #1 in TWR right now :D Sure we might reach it at some point, i like climbing to the top, not being there :D
  18. GF PKM, wasn't able to be there as i was driving home from the airport but seemed like a nice and even fight. I'm very glad our trials got some experience on fighting also :)
  19. http://www.tip.it/runescape/index.php?rs2item_id=51
  20. You could yes. As for humidify: [01] <04!Valaraz> !spell humidify [01] -RuneScript- *** [ SPELL ]: Humidify | Level: 68 | Exp: 65ea | Runes: 1 astral, 3 water, 1 fire | Cost: 204gp - 223gp 01:26] -RuneScript- *** [ 07GE ]: Results: 075 | 07Vial: 69gp (Range: 0766gp-0773gp Today: 07-1gp) | 07Vial of water: 80gp (Range: 0776gp-0784gp Today: No +/-) | [07M] 07Coconut milk: 071.2kgp (Range: 071.2kgp-071.3kgp Today: No +/-) | [07M] 07Weapon poison+: 07483gp (Range: 07459gp-07508gp Today: No +/-) | [07M] 07Weapon poison++: 075.9kgp (Range: 075.6kgp-076.2kgp Today: 07-262gp) [01] -RuneScript- *** [ 07GRAPHS ]: http://www.runecrypt.com/graph/229,227,5935,5937,5940 That would mean that at med the profit per vial is 11 coins if you don't use a spell. Now assuming you would use a steam staff: 156 coins per one astral rune. 27 vials per inventory would result to whopping 141 coins profit per inventory.
  21. Range aviansies for the addy bars and rune dagger drops. Or kill zammy warriors in chaos tunnels and alch / collect the rune drops.
  22. Please god, don't let it be sailing skill. Sitting idle skill would be better than that really. That's all i have to say.
  23. Propably used your recovs to get the password. Or guessed it. Also, there isn't a site where the passwords are stored, it's in a SQL or something similar database most likely and someone who wants pizza for not hacking you wouldn't know how to crack it. If he did, we all would've been hacked long time ago by someone smarter. I think this is long overdue, long long time overdue. Good thing but a little late. I think my passes should be all safe, all are over 15 characters long and mix of numbers and letters, bruteforcing it would take quite some time but you never know.
  24. 'The' Clan 'The' Clan: We are the clan. I wouldn't change the name ever as we are 'The' Clan.
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