Yeah I've beaten him before, but there's a big difference between one nomad and two. I'm a bit stingy when money is involved, especially when it's as semi-pointless as just doing this for no reward, but I didn't realize you could buy armadyl runes. I haven't tried the safespot but I'm aware of it, and it looks difficult. I have no idea how woox hits an opponent and hides before they hit him back... it doesn't seem possible to me. Yeah... just tried the safespot. If i wanna just whip spec him to death over the course of 20 hours it would work. But there's no way I can hide from his attacks like Woox somehow does. And I tried it again in a poor attempt at vine whip speccing him to death lol. But I think I've discovered they have fixed that safespot. If he can't see you for x amount of time, he teleports to the middle of the room and just waits for you to come to him