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Everything posted by katsuro0

  1. my dad would beat me mercilessly when i was a kid lol. because i'd always throw tantrums and stuff. and now i'm taking 4 AP classes, run a sub 4:30 mile, and am generally 1337. If there's no punishment, what makes you think the stupid kid is gonna learn? It's parents that don't do anything to their [developmentally delayed]ed child that end up producing materialistic, selfish failures. not only should spanking be kept legal, but savage beatings should be looked upon as a good thing lol.
  2. i always seem to be "aware" that i'm dreaming, but I can't really control them lol. and often times, I wake up fully and forget everything I just dreamed about, no matter how hard I try to recollect
  3. it's impossible to prove God's existence because that would be knowledge. Just look through history. Every attempt at a proof fails in some way or another (descartes, idealism, etc, etc). likewise, it's impossible to disprove God because we just don't know enough and most likely never will due to our limited capabilities. so it all comes down to faith. [/topic]
  4. 1. Children in Jordan are learning calculus in eigth grade. I go to a catholic high school with a good reputation, and i can't take it until next year (my senior year), and even then it's considered an AP class. 2. in America, teachers find it fun to go on strike when their kids are spitting out 15s on the ACT 3. when they took away capital punishment (beating students), the idea of "a village raising a child" went out the window and now the kids have no respect for anyone and just don't care. not saying that we need capital punishment lol
  5. ok thanks, pm me next time you see me on
  6. the first three people to come up with an honest answer in their own words gets 50k in game (i need it before i go to bed lol) btw, this is for my philosophy class. basically, we're looking at what ppl who have no background in philosophy has to say about it -- then we'll proceed to make fun of you in class ps. try not to include examples of reality (like reality = boat, me, you, etc) pss. put just a tiny bit of thought into it. it doesn't have to be extremely complicated though. just what u think i don't think this breaks the homework rule considering its required that i ask ppl :wall:
  7. Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne for PS2 easily the hardest game for the system. just read some reviews about it lol
  8. how come you had to take an iq test to get put into AP classes? i took three this year, and the only thing needed was a Prerequisite (A in freshman bio and chemistry for AP bio...B+ in western civilizations for US history AP..and B+ in english classes for english 3 AP) I also highly doubt you can "hit the ceiling" on an IQ test. there is no ceiling =\ you're just bull s-ing everyone.
  9. when you get up to turn off the alarm clock, also turn on a powerfully cold fan so that if you go back to bed, you can't fall asleep due to being frozen to death
  10. right...lol quadratic formula ftw!
  11. im actually in college algebra and trig (we're just doing review) ...and i didn't find algebra 1 and 2 that bad :P
  12. i have no idea what that is though \ lol
  13. after you factor, you have a quadratic equation. the answer came out right so ty xpls for reminding me of that annoying formula lol
  14. how do you solve for x when: x^3 + 216 = 0 the answer should be -6, 3 + 3ÃÆâÃâ¹Ã¢â¬Â Ãâ¦Ã¡3i, 3 - 3ÃÆâÃâ¹Ã¢â¬Â Ãâ¦Ã¡3i the checkmark is a root sign i know how to get the -6 cause x^3+216=0 factors into (x+6)(x^2-6x+36)=0 but i have no idea how im supposed to get the last two parts (except from looking in the back of the book...but i have to show work, and there's like 15 problems similar to this) so help = appreciated. if i figure out how to do one of these, i can get the rest
  15. 6-8 usually. i tend to fall asleep around 11 and wake up at 6 for school but before my cross country meets, i average some 12 hours of sleep ZZZZ
  16. i have this annoying phenomenon where if i think about something it won't happen or the opposite will happen. it works at least 90% of the time. now i doubt it holds any ground or if its feasible whatsoever, but it still happens :-s and no, i can't trick my mind into thinking the opposite thing to get what i want b/c i've found that i'm still thinking about what i want in the back of my head...lol
  17. i've always been in all honors, and this year i can take AP classes, so I took three. so I can't complain about having bad teachers (the work load is nothing b/c i can copy the useless busy work from friends in the morning). i run cross country and distance track so i Always have a goal in mind, i'm never stressed out, and the great people i met led me to meeting even more great people Big home games (like opening football game, etc) are insane lol and you always have a great time I met someone i really like end of freshman year so homecoming, valentines day, spring dances, mixers, etc are always fun and the school itself has the greatest spirit. there's never a day where you don't laugh at least 3 times a day b/c of practical jokes, talking with ppl, etc. lol even the teachers get in on the fun which makes it all even better (it might be different at my school if you just aren't successful academically or socially though because it's a college prep school)
  18. lol you gotta admit that in f2p, its sorta hard to have fun while woodcutting...considering the amount of bots
  19. am i the only one that sticks to n64, goldeneye, perfect dark, conker's bad fur day, and mario kart? lol o and super smash brothers + 4-5 friends + 10 hours free :lol:
  20. wow I'm glad i didn't check back here lol... Are you kidding me is "que va" and the rest is like "no volveria alli si mi vida lo dependio de"
  21. lol thx, jus one more question though, if you know, lol i am not very fast at school, if i run about half a mile a day, everyday, how good do you think i will of got in 2 months?? thx 4 ur help If you want to get better, you have to increase (safely) the mileage that you run. why? you build your cardio which gives you endurance, and you get stronger
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