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Everything posted by _k0m0d0_

  1. Even being a filter pile I could say is quite nice... Hmm... not suca a fan of filters buuuut, criativity counts, so, nice.
  2. I was fighting pillows with my bro, and he hit my muth, and we kep fighting untill I feel something wierd on my thong, so I picked, and I saw it was my tooth! Wow! \
  3. bolt-action or semiauto please... But OMG, what a massive destruction weapon! Shot your neighbours with it instead of the dog! :P
  4. eckred... some spelling yould be nice, or grammar.. too many typos. PK - Nice ones, I commented in GU already, gut to say you're improoving.
  5. Lol.. funny, but text needs work up, and border
  6. How hard is googling an image, here you are a page with the search for SOAD, just clikc it and select an image >.< Clicky Here! And the manip is not really a manip, just added some filters (really few and bad) and changed a bit the color to red, its almost unotable the difference.
  7. Infreting I dunno if exists, but i'm sure thats not used in my context ^^
  8. Something that happened? Well yesterday in a city called Belo Horizonte a woman killed 2 guys while learning to drive. One of the victims was a girls, 16, and the other was apparently her mother, 45, bith died instantly. The dirver suffered only few small hurts, and the guy who was teaching, 62, too. It was a White popular compact. The woman who was driving assumed that she was a victim os dark magic, because her back tire flat while she was driving causing her to override the 2 victims. Well, they're not going to jail, but they will pay some money. Silly huh? :lol:
  9. Too much advertising to A&W. Yeah, I'm a lover of root beer but I wouldn't do this... its like OMG!
  10. Oh shootz! I got level 2 at the forst and then 4 in the second try! >.< 2... I'm traumatized!
  11. Hummm.... I dont usually invento words but heres a strange one:FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION Meaning: The action or habit of judging something to be worthless. So if you someone to be worthless, you're FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATING him/her See, contructive!
  12. More memorable quotes! I gotta say from where are they? :P I tryed to get some with the minimum of "badwords", but they say it too much. :lol: This one is a classic! Enough for now.
  13. Awsome Pirate sig, if it was a time ago you could have posted it in the Ninjas vs. Pirates thread :P Pirates are way cooler than Ninjas, Pirates won the battle *looks at avvy* ^^
  14. _k0m0d0_

    I'm new.

    Vacation, extended one, and short time due to too many studying :P
  15. _k0m0d0_

    I'm new.

    Well, welcome! Be happy!
  16. Now what you have for trading? Just the Colgate? And you trading worldwide? :D I mean, even if I lived in China you would trade with me? Hmmm... I'll keep my eye here :D mihgt appear some intresting stuff ^^
  17. Its really nice! Nice usage of colors and perspective, but the second guy, his hands on the pockets made the jeans look kind of wierd, I mean the position of it. Looks like his arms in the continuation of the leg going up.... :S But its nice tho ^_^ If I was a DA member I'd post a comment there, but as I'm not... I post here :P
  18. Axe owned the muffin! Now tell us whats the flavor :P
  19. _k0m0d0_

    Date me

    Give her a nice dinner with candle lights and then some flowers and some of the best chocolate along with a nice poem made by yourself specially to her. And after all this you can give her a small diamond ring. I'm almost sure she will like this. lol
  20. Ya! *applause* Congratz to the staff and I hope that we can stay here for more and Bubsa too, so those who do con continue quoting and sigging :lol: Ok, it aws a joke... ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâìÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâì But, yes, the staff deserves a round of applauses =D> =D>
  21. Yeah, mines that long, but not exactly in the same style :P I'll let it grow a bit more and then cut it ^^
  22. Yeah, maybe, it sums everything up, but i still like them all, its like a combo! But this one kinda pwns: -Murphy's Fifth Law: If anything absolutely can NOT go wrong, it will anyway. Its like: you have no scape of everything you've always planned get wrong! *evil laugh* :)
  23. I forgot to post, but I love the Murphy's Laws ^_^ Heres something a fan wrote:
  24. I moved from my born city and I lost 80% of my friends, but the other 20% I still have contact, I go there everytime and see them. I made new friends when I moved, some still my friends some not (Those pseudo-friends...thanks god). I have friends from school, friends from other schools.... It's in fact sad loosing a good friend, but depends on ;-)
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