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  1. thats horrible. i withdraw my idea.
  2. female archer in full drag sleeping inside a sleeping bag. mage short lying next to her. she will be inside the axe hut, with all the axes walking around. sound good?
  3. night

    Pixel Sig

    hey everyone, i've been training in the axe hut for awhile and recently got a good idea for a sig: A picture of someone sleeping in a sleeping bag with a bow and arrows in a arrow holster lying next to them. of course the axe hut around them and maybe a few axes walking around. it would be really cool if someone could make this for me, its my first time requesting. Hopefully someone is driven by this idea and wants some practice? thanks!
  4. night

    another sig

    your old one is better :)
  5. my main is night archer and my noob pker's name is night pker lmao
  6. heya, i would love a sig... this might be a little complicated so u can pick 1) its dark in the woods, close up on someone with a bow in shadows behind a tree....should be fun :) 2) a nature themed sort of sig, maybe with animated flashing stars or lights? i dunno lol Night Archer thanks
  7. http://www.vladclub.com/untitled.bmp
  8. wanna make me a free pixel sig? :) lol, i know ur good at them
  9. can u try one for me? :) Robin Hood type figure with a bow, just chilling Night Archer thanks bud
  10. made in ms paint, started it at about 200x200, then made it smaller, then changed format... doesnt look like pixel? shows how much you know :roll: PS, it was ment for the OP to see
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