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Everything posted by V O R K

  1. oh right I forgot about abusing that meh too lazy now I think people did dry/divine too but idk how that works out now. 2H OP too
  2. what stuns??? @Veira, prices chang. focus elsewhere or hold on to them for awhile. Tell me about it though, stuff feels broken now :<
  3. Ex. Someone with 75 strength is hitting 325. Same as someone with 99 strength. Ex2. Someone with 75 ranged is hitting 285. Same as someone with 99 ranged. This is based on seeing max hit splats. While it seems like the numbers resemble what someone with 99's should hit, it is surprising to see people with much lower levels hitting the same. Was this intended? Thanks for reading and for your responses. Edit: Perhaps one way to fix this would be to apply a damage "reduction in PvP" % based on levels so Tierscape can be maintained for PvM? The higher level you are in Ranged/Magic/Attack/Strength, the lower that damage reduction is. Update: In less than 1 day, I have built an F2P attack pure with the following stats: CB - 32 ATK - 50 Str - 4 Def - 4 HP - 39 Pray - 31 I have not lost a single fight due to the fact I've seen myself hit 253 using Rune 2H and the Level 31 Strength/Damage prayer. I stopped pking because I don't want to gain an Attack level from all the killing. It's fun, but I'd rather people who have spent months and maybe years get rewarded in Pking rather than a character made in less than a day. If people hated pures before, this is even worse. I made the account simply to show how messed up the Tier system is especially in F2P. ----------------------------- I knew it was bad, I didn't realize it was this bad that's really sad actually
  4. Wouldn't mind a "What are we working on?" every week over a bandaid every day/week to be honest :P
  5. Zspear bandos Cspear tetsu does the trick just fine
  6. In tekken if you press one wrong button or wrong movement input you get severely punished (possible to lose over half of your healthbar) Other then a bad voke and forcing KK phase at wrong time which punishment is there in RS for all the abilities? Is there a specific punishment to a specific wrong ability? Personally i'd love to see the abilities triple in numbers at the moment but seeing as players couldn't even get past stuns because they're oh so difficult I doubt we'll see much evolvement. How do KK mechanics work now since stuns are gone by the way?
  7. haha I know right, that's been so for awhile though. Barely escaped MB few months back and I just died when I pulled lever thank you safescape I just do corrupt D long -> corrupt d spear. That's a bit like before but I just leave if it becomes 2h spam
  8. Yeah it's hilarious how people are still doing Rune scim - R2h too. However, I think some of them actually do know but refuse to give in. Some will just run if you spam 2h Rev caves people in almost every world :>. Had some epic mixed EoC/legacy 2 v 2 and 3 v 4 going on. Hope they stay :x Currently there is a bug that when you attack someone and your familiar attacks the opponent, you get skulled. Be wary!
  9. No, it's not even close, I've done quite a few tests, and outside of Mutated Jadinkos, legacy is slower in every way by a minimum of 7% or more compared to Revo + Thresholds / Berserk. Some differences were much larger too, just people are giving out false information without proper testing and everyone is falling for it. I can kill four jadinkos at once with EoC ? 2H abilities...
  10. Every F2per, each and every one of them. Also msb spec abusers. I love these legacynoobs
  11. Tell me more about this eoc pvp community of 3 people. Tell me more about you pvping at all
  12. THEORY: >Jagex need money>They come up with 'Legacy Mode' >'Legacy Mode' would allow them to milk old, nostalgic players for money>Jagex realise Legacy would never work with EoC>Jagex realise they need to change EoC so that they could work together>Combat Beta is released which changes EoC so it could co-exist with Legacy>Specs are added to EoC>Stuns are nerfed>Food is buffed>Damage is nerfed (Through armour)>Legacy players could now fight EoC players>Jagex then announce 'Legacy Mode'>They promise that it wouldn't affect EoC>Legacy was actually the reason for nerfs>Average player wouldn't realise this because combat beta happened before>Legacy and Combat 'Improvements' are released>EoC PvP community gets screwed>Jagex make money because players join for legacy>Jagex win>We lose GF Jagex, Gf
  13. F2P PKing so far: Range/Melee switch rendered useless unless fighting in monk robes/warpriest/dragonstone. Since body/legs affect accuracy you barely (if ever) hit. however One handed weapons are crap, scimitar, etc when you can use 2h and hit 300+ when they can barely eat up 280. F2p seriously needs dualwielding. Goodluck surviving the hits in monkrobes too. Range OP Sharks should be F2P General: We need a [bleep]ton of hybrid/all stuff
  14. Quick presets can now be accessed by using keys '1' and '2' when the bank is open. yes!!!
  15. Lol, do you even read beta forums. Yeah, i'm sure legacy will have noooooo effect at all on EoC :facepalm:
  16. Sounds about right. Which leaves me wondering if Legacy /may/ be the best dps for short-term burst damage. Past an initial spec or 2, I'm sure EOC will remain supreme. But for something that doesn't have very high lp or perhaps a larger group? Won't EoC have "frame-advantage" or able to compose more damage in the tick then legacy could? We don't neccesarily have to wait for certain animations to finish.
  17. No it's an empty desolate place which nobody likes to enter. It doesn't have to be active, I just want spoils as decided on the runefest video:P. The ninja team, mod daze/pi are doing fantastic, perhaps even integer;), work but in terms of the combat system the whole HQ seems to disagree with eachother or something and therefore falling back on the already rifled community seems a bit conflicting xD; i'm just intimidated at the magnitutde of work the OSRS team churns out so yes i'm biased however most of my fellow PvPers agree upon EoC should be here to stay so I don't understand they want to cater to older players whilst 07 is up. Priorities just seem oddly divided.
  18. Sadly thats pie in the sky thinking. It works for OSRS because it has a tiny dev team with a small player base so things can have a 100% unified approach and pretty much every voice can be heard and consensus can be reached. For RS3 it can never work the same because theres so many more conflicting voices, far too many for them all to be heard, plus theres so many more devs all working on different things at different times. Yes, the wilderness is an awesome place with many spoils in RS3 wait... no
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