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Everything posted by Nugget89

  1. No...when I used to ancient Barrows, I used to get 6 KC. Got no Racks or bloods, and very little chaos and deaths. Now, I KC with Slayer Dart and get 10-15 KC, and have 400+ racks, 400+ bloods, and my deaths and chaos are compensated every run. The very fact that each person here has their own superstition on which number is best disproves that. It's not like Jagex would program lucky numbers for each character. It's pure chance. It's been proven countless times.
  2. Just noticed the "more frequently requested clans" thing and saw eos is on it...so my bad on missing that. We are Echo of Silence though...not Echos.
  3. Had to repost this here because one of the mods is too much of an idiot to just move a thread instead of locking it (really, it takes like two more seconds). Anyway, here's much suggestion: I don't really care as Eos isn't really in need of new members/if we did wouldn't really post here, but your clan directory is a little vague. All that there is is a list of clans in alphabetical order, no details whatsoever. You'd be a lot better off separating them into other categories. Even breaking it down to combat requirements and then going in alphabetical order for that bracket would make it much easier for people to navigate and find what they want. Because honestly, at this point, it's borderline useless because people just click whichever clan name looks cooler to them.
  4. I'm doing school whenever I'm at a comp...so I'm afk all of that time at bandits. Hopefully I'll max melee before the end of the year.
  5. I do trips as fast as is possible since kill count is completely and totally irrelevant?
  6. Using the quickest way to do something automatically makes you an idiot? Because that makes sense. You know what makes more sense? That people who make pointless posts on tip.it just to hear themselves speak are morons. That actually has merit. Everyone talks about not taking the "easy" way out. That's wildly stupid. Rejecting a superior way to do something purely because you consider it lame is patently ludicrous. In fact, you could make the case that those who do it an inferior way are the morons. Doing something the easiest/fastest way seems to be the most intelligent you could do to me. I don't pc. Rs doesn't interest me anymore. Whenever I play I'm doing school while I afk at bandits or fish since that's all I can do if I want to play. But making the statement that people who do a specific thing, in a game no less, are idiots...well that's just stupid.
  7. Clan name: Echo of Silence Clan website: http://echoedsilence.com/ Clan leaders: Mr Nickos Jr, Lady Willow, Jrd3478 F2p clan cape: Black P2p clan cape: 27 Number of Members: 84 Average hitpoint and combat level: 95.24, 117.38 Type of clan (skill or pk): Pk Recent War Record(3): Believe we've won our last few, but they were so long ago it's totally irrelevant.
  8. That and the fact that several clans have the same world already. And this thread wouldn't solve anything tbh, as the vast majority of legit clans use RSC.
  9. Obviously organization is more important...Eos takes out clans twice our size based on that fact...and has lost some fights we could have won if we were on our game. Organization is always more important than levels or sheer numbers...the same way that activity is more important than membercount.
  10. Check and mate. Seriously, all the morons who keep acting like he has some disease where he's ruining his life are idiots. Please clear out every other moronic post on this thread except for Bantam's and lock it.
  11. Someone cast a group fishing tele when I was there. It puts you right outside it.
  12. This could be useful...and especially so considering the fact that I've heard rumors about them cutting down on the xp rewards for pest control (by 25%...so the rumor goes at least). If that happens and I get back into slayer as a result...these could be useful.
  13. Okay, so I've pretty much left the tip.it forums for my clan forums (Echo of Silence), so I'm not sure if this has been posted already. I don't bother posting a lot of stuff anymore, but since this bug only existed a couple hours to my knowledge, I figured I'd post it for you all. This was from two days ago: Alright, this dude traded me 10 black knives in the wildy and told me to check the bonus. +130 (30 from my other stuff I had on). He trades me 200: 2030. I equipped all my iron knives in my bank and got this: Idk if it was just the stat page messed up or if that bonus was real...but I'll never know now. I was about to go buy some rune knives and go test it out when the system update came and put it back to regular. Anyway, sorry if it's been posted already, but I just thought I'd show that in case no one had yet.
  14. I'm not so sure reporting/getting him banned will solve the problem. It might just make him buy another character or make another one and buy more cash to do it again. You all think that getting him banned will somehow cure the addiction...it won't. About all it will do it make you a bad friend and someone I'd personally never want to be around.
  15. Yeah...I have like 660 d bones and 72 marrentills to use. I'd be willing to pay a small fee if necessary, but the only way that'd even be worthwhile for the person who provided me with a house to use would be alching/training construction. So can anyone help me out?
  16. what a waste of time :roll: mines 83 mage and 84 fletch =)! +1 lol, if you spend your time getting 81 Firemaking maybe you should rethink what you're actually doing for all those hours, put it in perspective :? . Uh...yeah...you could apply that to...any and all time you spend playing runescape. It's all a waste of time, let him waste it how he wants. Anyway, mine is 87 hp and 85 magic/att/str/def. Nah, all I ever do nowadays is CW, Barrows, Dagg Kings, and kill any other tough mon you can think of :P . Other then that I do quests (almost done with RfD) to help my character, and the minimum requirments for them. Whats the point of playing if you don't do something fun? The point is that no matter what you do in runescape, you could be using that time into something worthwhile. So think before you tell someone to rethink what they're doing with their time. What we're doing is just as big a waste. Put that into perspective.
  17. what a waste of time :roll: mines 83 mage and 84 fletch =)! +1 lol, if you spend your time getting 81 Firemaking maybe you should rethink what you're actually doing for all those hours, put it in perspective :? . Uh...yeah...you could apply that to...any and all time you spend playing runescape. It's all a waste of time, let him waste it how he wants. Anyway, mine is 87 hp and 85 magic/att/str/def.
  18. ^^ We'll need more info to help you. And don't beg...the only thing you'll get is a bad reputation.
  19. You'll enjoy pking if you don't lose much...I generally only bring about 200-300k worth of stuff. Some consider it nooby...but since I'm one of the lowest in my clan, my name will probably be one of the earliest called (unless they want to take out the big guys first) and because I'm lower I'll go down faster. Start out wearing d hides and bringing one d weapon or go f2p. You might die...but with protect, it's pretty cheap entertainment.
  20. I enjoy training second only to pking for fun in the game...although slayer is getting a little tiresome. Once I get 85 and can just train like I used to: kill as many monsters as I can with the food in my inventory before banking, I'll be happy.
  21. Tada. Awesome! Thanks for your help.
  22. Kuroi Ame generously made these for me, but we can't seem to get them to the 30k mark so I can use them. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance. IMG tags added - xman
  23. Man, you did 3+ sigs. You were more than helpful. And as side note: I think I might prefer the second sig to the original. Thanks for all your help...I've been wanting an original sig for ages. Any chance you could send me the base images over email? There might be a slight chance someone could take down the image size and add the text. Thanks again...I really really appreciate it, man.
  24. No idea...if I had any knowledge of sigs I wouldn't be begging for one.
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