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Everything posted by tq_69er

  1. ok for certian reasons the forums pick it up as only one link but to solve that type the tip.it homepage into the box
  2. Hey guys long time since i posted, but anyways ive been checking out the internet and alot of forums anyways some how i heard of this project to archive the web , well i figured that it would be great way for original players to read all the posts from years ago and for new players to see what it was like.. http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.tip.it For some weird reason runescape is blocked.. but if you get time check out sites like ebay google and your favorite sites.. Talk again in another month or so
  3. 73M Bought my blue phat whit it, now im to scared to unbank it in fear of losing it.. Only 3M from minning gold ores
  4. Im sure everyone knows the dragon scimmys for whip trick, well in the last 72 hours 18 people have tried this trick on me.. but the thing is i went hunting for them everytime but i caried a nature rune and fire runes. Y u ask? i low alch a scimmy and prepare for death with protect item on.. its amazing how much cash u can earn
  5. OK guys when you started what was your big idea? How where you going to be rich and famous? Where you going to pick bananas and put them in the box? What made you stop it? What did you do instead? Mine was to stand there in lumbridge castle and pick up all the mind runes i could and than sell them.. unfourtantley many people did not agree that 27 mind runes were worth a fourtune. Someday someone introduced me to minning and well 79 levels later i have earnt some nice profit...
  6. IT THE BLAST FURNANCE Just go to world 2 or a high populated world and somebody will have others running it. it has everything you have suggested.
  7. ok up until recently i ran a home network between my desktop and laptop.. But today when i tried to file share i encounted a problem of the laptop saying the cable was unplugged.. the cable is plugged in and the desktop picks it up but the too computers will not interact can some one help me repair them?
  8. now any australian would understand the following comment I dare you to run on the run way and try and signal the planes as they take off
  9. When ever i hold shift while plaing runescape i have a popup appear.. THe pop up is an AVI chunk Viewer? And is like a graph.. Runescape never plays any music but plays sounds effects.. i checked my game setting s and my music is 4 in game.. When the pop up appears the sound stops.. till i close it. Whats rong? how do i fix it?
  10. welcome to runescape. eww its a pile of bones- bones
  11. i waited for 25 mins and didnt c anything.. back ontopic: frogs
  12. noob:ur a noob noob2: no ur the noob noob3: ur both the noob me: shut up and get back to work being my minning slaves
  13. update: Andrew has decided that weekly updates are a waste of time and has made them into decade updates, from andrew
  14. banned for good grammar... should we shoot him to?
  15. the machine hiss's and sparks, ooo looks like ur up for a new machine.. **inserts a sledgehammer in to the coin slot**
  16. Ill just retire to here!
  17. if you read the post made by jagex about POH's coming out I quote them "Player owned houses - Each player will be able to have their own unique house. Use the new carpentry skill to make new/rare things for your house. Using the farming skill to grow herbs and plants in the grounds of your house. Build your own private party areas and shop areas, and more! " but than again we all no how true this was "We have seperated Farming from Player-Owned Houses in order to bring it to you sooner. Player Owned Houses are still being worked on along with the Carpentry skill for release towards the end of this year - Honestly! :-) " lets just hope there worth the wait and if they rnt? well lets just hope everyone shuts up and stops talking about future updates and enjoy the ones they already have
  18. wow thats amazing, does andrew still mingel with players or doesn't he play? thats ashame i remeber him turning up at the mossie in varrock sewer to fix that glitch and he cudnt b bothered talking to anyone he did his job and left, thats not how someone should run the game.. i reckon he should get around chatting and meeting people..
  19. i believe that WoW and Runescape cannot be compared, the games yes do follow a similar style of game play but are too different games.. There are certian features that make one look better than the other andso forth but i spose the decision which u would rather play comes down to you and you have to factor in the aspects you like..
  20. yeah! me understand this :shock: ! A little more of an explantaion would be useful.. Has it got anything to do with drinking?
  21. that would be freaky! butyeah as many have posted the moon walk is neither new nor exciting
  22. but he keeps on drinking anyways untill he starts to have seziers..
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