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Everything posted by evilbeaver

  1. Wow, I was just mucking around hobgoblin isle and guess what? :ohnoes: \ Man, That was rocking. 3 champs down, some odd number left to go!
  2. That's pretty ironic coming from somebody who would volunteer to put Hannah Montana in their Signature. On topic: Shouldn't we be getting 3 quests this month? because of the new scheduling they said in the BTS? or will that be overshadowed by the grandmaster one?
  3. why does that matter,there are alot of american players #-o There are a lot of Canadian players too and Canadian thanksgiving was in October. I don't recall any turkey's in October. : there are probably more american : Since they already have a German server, why not celebrate OktoberFest? C'mon Jagex!
  4. foreshadowing to barrows quest neone? :thumbsup:
  5. Khazard armour got updated. it looks 1337.
  6. one big problem, mate. with monks you have that bank conveniently there, whereas you have to do a ton more clicks with your method. Plus, with monks you don't need no fancy bait. just that small fishing net. Monkfish ftw.
  7. omg, haunted mine ftl ...and don't talk to me about Sheep Herder. Never in my whole life have i wanted to burn sheep irl
  8. hahah thanks! i was really surprised!!
  9. well,bad day turned to awesome. well happy fourth of july to everyone!! but as happy as it should have been, mine was not.. It started out with my character finishing up the great brain robbery quest. i was wailing on that lvl 190 son of a motherless goat and being slapped on(if you haven't gone through this headache be grateful). This would be my third time getting owned by that puppy. And it was that third and final time where i lost about 100k worth of items. Ring of life did not help me one bit. I was beyond bummed. My dragon p++...gone and there was no way getting it back. I felt pathetic. So pathetic, i was about to drop off Members for good. So i decided it would be nice to get off the compy and do a little jog. Send the blood to the brain, ya know? The jog went well and I went to work. Yes, work on the day of independence (it should be considered illegal). Work was awful. Imagine getting the biggest rush at your work with only three people(including yourself) for a five man job. I got to only hear of people's parties and hear the fireworks(the long's convenience store nxt door blocked out the view). It was like everyone was having a party xcept me. And when you get left out of a party for work, it is the worst feeling in the world. So after the disaster that forth of july shot me with, I decided i'd log onto RS. I felt it would be time to get that Rune defender after all this time dying and such. And for that special time, it was fun. I remembered all those reasons why i liked this game than the uninteresting bore-fests of WoW or Flyff or Ragnarok Online. And in that short time, I got to a mith defender (hey, i go for short goals). Pretty awesome, eh? It gets better. .. So, after finishing up my tokens at the warriors guild, I go back hacking at Steel armor men. Steel is easy because I can smith them quick whenever a part of them breaks and they're low leveled. While i multi task RS with some yahoo news, I check back to see how my character is doing. And right there is this fat load of awesome stuff. Apparently, some person got overconfident and got owned by his own addy armor man. I go quick to retrieve the treasure. Here's the loot: Dragon long sword Dragon dagger p++ Dharok's helm 0 Ammy of strength and about 12 lobbies I'm not one who goes out for barrows, so i think this is one of those divine interventions. I'm sorry for the guy i snatched the stuff on but you really made my day and i'd like to thank you. You sir, have invouluntarily made my day totally bearable now. I'm not trying to sound sarcastic, its just that this really took off a huge load off of my chest. Thank you, unknown RS person
  10. 1 drill demon (camo legs) 2 frogs 4 Leo's 0 mimes 0 freaky foresters btw, i got 2 frogs, 1 leo in one day! and the day before, a drill demon F T W!!!!
  11. Well, Evilbeaver is what you see. ...An evil beaver. I...panicked... But for my nooby, Haydork, comes from my History Teacher's name. I used to just belittle this man and eventually made him crack. As a tribute to him, I just chaged the c with an r to make it known that he is in fact a dork. So if He IS reading this, I just want him to know that he is in fact still pretty dorky.
  12. 2 hours fighting the same kinda monster(guard) same area, with the same skill, only training on that same skill, nothing else :which was attack, two...whole...hours... guess how many mimes i got? :lol: 0 1 drunk dwarf 1 swarm that was all... oh and when i finaly gave up a swarm attacked me thanx jagex YOU OWE ME A FREAKING MIME!!!
  13. vampire slayer...that was fun back in rsc...i wonder what the vampire looks like now in rs2
  14. definately not sheep hearder i did that recently and it was a pain b/c the sheep were not dropping the bones!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: SOOOOO i had to do it like 4-5 times...then the sheep had these pathetic AIs that made me scream and bash at my computer because they would always run at the most inappropriate time... for now...i smile whenever i hear that a sheep is going to be incinerated :twisted:
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