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Everything posted by neocrosby

  1. i totally stopped drinking all types of sodas about 6 months ago. ive never felt better. they are just so disgusting, think about it, its just high fructose chemicals. that stuff is not ment to be put into your body. i choose not to give corporations whos products are just harmful to people, my money. Coca Cola and Pepsi are horrible companies. Tell us all how good you feel in about 10 years when you are suffering from diabetes. quit now while your ahead. give it a rest.
  2. i've been vegan for a little over 2 years now. i used to be very overweight in my mid teens, ever since i've been vegan and i've cut animal products out of my diet, i've not only became more healthier im more physically fit. im not going to tell you hey! totally change your diet. that is up to you... but you would be supprised at how much your body will thank you if you arent consuming hormone ridden meat and fatty dairy products. eat healthier, that is the best thing you can do for your body. get some exercise too. i like how you are into riding your bike! that is a good thing. not only good for you, but good for the enviroment, and can save ya gas instead of having people use their cars. good luck man, i know how being overweight can suck. wish ya well
  3. its pretty fly for a Rabbi. i agree i think my favorite is grapefruit diet, and Yoda theres some goodies on poodle hat too. me and Al go way back. haha i saw him once
  4. actually I have tried real life fletching. in my highschool media class we made a Warrior movie. I took it upon myself to make 30+ arrows. what i did, i went and found about 30 marshmello roasting sized dowel rods. cut them to a nice length. and for the arrowheads and fletchings, i used duct tape. i made point ends by just wrapping the duct tape around one end into a point. for the feathers and notch, i just folded the duct tap in the middle taped it to the end and used scissors to cut little feather cuts into it. the notch was just two small rolled up pieces taped down. they actually turned out really nice looking, adn it took a long time to make all 30. after the film we only had like 2 that survived, that didnt get lost in the woods, or broken. i wish i still had pictures but i don't. ALSO, ive also did a little smithing, with a metal rod, that ive set in the fire for a long time, and put it over an axehead and smashed it to a point with a hammer. that i wasnt to successful with though though. just got it pointy, couldnt really get the sides sharp without some file or grinder thing. heh
  5. happy birthday, my 18th was last february. I had a fun party, it was a great day. hope yours is too
  6. i don't have a cellphone. they give off microwaves to your brain
  7. I saw it last night at midnight and i sit here right now in class falling asleep at school. heh anyways. I kind of had the similar feeling walking out of seeing Passion, as i did with Episode III. The feeling of, the movie was amazing, but you can't really say it was awesome. dont read if you haven't seen the movie Nearly the whole thing was just so DARK! good grief, right off the bat Dooku is beheaded, then out of nowhere all of the Jedi Masters are whiped out. Mace's hand is chopped off then he is electricuted and tossed out a window. Anakin mercifully takes out a whole room of terrified younglings. very sad. but of course that totally gave the movie its awesomeness of how bad it made you feel for Yoda and Obi-Wan that all of their friends are now dead. and the scene where Anakin's legs are cut off and he is slowly caught on fire by the volcano and just ungulfed in flames, pretty nasty. now i know why it was a pg-13 rating. Obviously the best of episodes 1-3 could it be better than 4,5,6? i can't say its in a league of its own!
  8. I have my ticket for 12:01 AM MAY 19TH in our town our theatre is hosting a big star wars convention. costume contest, jedi dueling arena, and playing episodes I & II on the multi television screens in the lobby starting at around 7pm So im going to whip out my home-made jedi robe, and my $7 toys r' us lightsaber, and hit it up tonight should be VERY FUN can't wait to see III, i've been waiting a long time
  9. 6'0'' about exactly and im 18
  10. anyone who bases someones sexuality, based on the color of the clothes they wear, isn't worth talking to anyways. some people are ignorant, and homophobic. the word gay is not an insult.
  11. yea, all the quests i did in rsc, would be fun to do in RS now but that would take a lot of time. still would be fun to do if, there was absolutely nothing to do.
  12. Wow this is a tossup part of me believes its fake. then the other beleives Jagex messed up. hmmm...
  13. But didn't he also only accept 10 movies, 25, 50 or 100? And he also said that you can't use trilogies as one place, and that you have to choose 1 movie from the trilogy. I don't care what he accepts or not, i was just stating what my 5 favorite movies were. :roll:
  14. 1. Cannibal! the musical 2. A Clockwork Orange 3. Lord of the Rings trilogy 4. Star wars Episodes IV V VI 5. Romper Stomper i wish I had more time to think harder, and list many many more. but.... I don't
  15. Oh, wow thankyou. yea of course it wasn't professionally done, we just recorded it with a computer in our basement. we just do it for fun, and have shows here and there. thanks for listening, i'll get hopping on those lyrics, they're very meaningful
  16. Errrrr, correct me if i'm wrong but a singer who doesn't know the lyrics to his own songs is a bad thing, right? I know the lyrics, that is the guitarist who designed that site, and he doesn't know all of the lyrics. I have yet to do that, but thanks for checking our site out!!!
  17. I play bass guitar. I also sing in the band midnight ogre http://midnightogre[LikelyScam] check us out
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