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Everything posted by Centuramage

  1. I believe that if the monster is a lower level than you, that attacking it is a left click option. Only in cases when the monster is of a higher level than you, as in your example, must the monster by right clicked. Personally, I feel this is a good, safe system since a person accidentally attacking a monster weaker than they are isn't quite so detrimental as a person accidentally attacking something stronger than they are, particularly if they are laden with expensive items (party hats, halloween masks) and such.
  2. Your acting like a concerned mother whos sheltering their kids. Its not like they havent heard it before. They see it in runescape, and the hear it on tv. Your not going to avoid it, and plus your on the internet where you can't controll other peoples actions. So deal with it Because it's present in the rest of society doesn't mean TIF has to follow suit and allow such profanity here. Also, Runescape does their part to try to moderate what's said. You might not be able to control other people's actions, but you can eliminate the problem by not providing a device so laden with opportunity to mar Tip.it's image as a clean, acceptably moderated place for players of all ages to interact.
  3. I don't really feel it's necessary to have subcommittee after subcommittee here on the forums. The current "special" groups should suffice. A brief glance at the Help and Advice forum shows me that at least 10 posts have been replied to in the last hour, which leads me to believe that it's not the lack of users visiting, but an impatience and/or ignorance on the part of the person seeking help, who can't wait for a reply or just posted on the first forum s/he saw without checking to see if there existed one already suitable for his/her needs.
  4. I'd like to approach the topic from two different angles, and I'm afraid I'll end up meshing both together in a real mess...but here it goes anyway: As has already been suggested, I feel that specific to this forum, rudeness can be given a laundry list of excuses. Insecurity can be pretty high up on the list. I'd say a fair amount of our number are progressing through various states of puberty and are probably feeling fairly lost and confused. These folk seek a vent; TIF users provide an easy target because of the anonymity of the online world. Much like an aggressive driver waving an obscene gesture at a passing vehicle, these posters feel their shroud gives them a level of security against the repercussions of their actions that other potential venting sources cannot afford them. With little thought as to the reflection on their character, these posters viciously pounce on their peers with all the verocity of coiled tiger, leaping from the camouflage of the savannah plain to devour his prey. Rather than think responses through, the posters choose to simply concede to their instinctual response, often in a crude way. Unfortunately, these actions tarnish our community and provide a poor reflection laden with immaturity for a new user to view. HOWEVER, as applied to real life scenarios, I do feel that strong, perhaps hurtful criticism is a very necessary and key factor in our society. I'm not very up to date on the policies and governing bodies of the rest of the world, hell, half the time I'm not so sure as to what direction my own country is heading in, but free speech and free thought are ideas that I'd like to adhere to. Here's why: As human societies have developed and progressed, so has our understanding of knowledge. That is to say that our collective body of knowledge is dynamic. We've updated, revised, and amended the things we know to be fact as time has progressed. What is the best system for forwarding knowledge in a way that's effective and useful to a progressive society? By defining knowledge such that it is testable (scientific method) and that the result isn't specific to the person who tests it. That is, it must work and work for everyone. (No one person claims superior access to knowledge) Furthermore, no one should get the final say. Knowledge should always be open to criticism and questioning in order to have a perpetually legitimate way of deciding who is right. Unfortunately, this method does tend to hurt people's feelings by flatly rejecting their ideas...however, to avoid this consequence by inhibiting free speech to save the feelings of the general public would be to destroy the best system human beings have for creating knowledge. Jonathan Rauch writes in Kindly Inquisitors the following, And that, unfortunately for the feelings of those ridiculed, is why I feel that blunt criticism is a necessary tool of a functional society.
  5. A word to Bluelancer (and others): The purpose of my post was not to enumerate a list of mere quotes. Perhaps I wasn't as clear as I should have been in my initial post. You see, Bluelancer, the quotes you've provided are short, succinct, and many of them dig at a point, presumably all of them are representative of your opinion. The nice thing about some of the other excerpts on this post is that you don't necessarily have to agree with the premise to appreciate the art in what's said. More important than the message is the method by which the author chose to get there. An example: anyone can say, "It's a good thing humans are so naive", but the way H.P. Lovecraft wove language together for the paragraph Zonorhc presented to us is truely unique. Please don't turn this into a post of quips and clever sayings. Try to confine your submissions to "verbal art", if I could be so bold as to call it that ;) That being said, I guess you can post as you please, but as the author of this post, I'm just elaborating on my intent :) Oh, and Insane, I haven't gotten to yours yet, I'll post later when I get a chance to read the full chapter :)
  6. Zonorhc: I like it. What's the book about? GSW, that King Lear quote is pretty vicious. Good stuff XD Vashinred and Vito_Blade, there's a quote I really like from Shawshank:
  7. I love the Archive of Wisdom sticky. Why? It's a compiled group of really terrific guides, entirely beneficial to the Runescaping community. So you can imagine my dismay upon entering the rest of the Archive of Wisdom *forum* for the first time. The Archive of Wisdom forum falls far short of its title. A tip.iter entering it expecting a gold mine of knowledge and insight into the game we all love is instead met with a landfill of poorly edited, half done, or barely coherent attempts at guides. Now then, I don't mean to disrespect my peers, but in all honesty, one looking for a good guide in the forum itself would have tons of wreckage to sift through in hopes of discovering a diamond in the rough. My idea: We should spruce up this board and make it a forum comprised exclusively of the most inspired and complete guides our Tip.iters have to offer. It would be a wonderful place to showcase the best developed and most helpful ideas, suggestions, and skill/minigame walkthroughs from our own numbers. This idea does involve staff discretion, as it would require potential submissions to the Archive of Wisdom to be submitted to the staff and scruitinized. However, I feel it would be an effective use of staff efforts and gives the Tip.it community a chance to build a truly outstanding body of knowledge worthy of the title we've given it. Thanks for reading, Julio
  8. I'll use his idea to draw a parallel: not every topic with a question mark in it is necessarily an actual question. For example, there's a General P2p forum topic that says, " "Duradel now sets harder tasks" ...O Rly?". There's a question mark in that, but it's clearly not a "Help and Advice" question, merely a predecessor to an observation. Creating a blanket ban over question marks in topics on General p2p unnecessarily limits users' topic ideas, in my opinion.
  9. It's already been uttered here, but I suppose there's no harm in reiterating: For some skills there is simply no point in attaining level 99. IE, mining, slayer. Finally, a blanket way to make level 99s seem less cumbersome and boring at say...level 95 (*grunts at his WC level*). A perfectly timed kick in the rump for me to woodcut some more ;)
  10. Wouldn't this idea limit the creativity of posters' topics? Such a blanket filter would eliminate such devices as, say, rhetorical questions in the threads of posters who have a valid thread to contribute to the board.
  11. I'm not sure this is such a good idea. Giving users such an incentive to report will likely have the moderators flooded with reports for every post with a possible minor infraction or even reports for posts that have no business being reported at all. That would effectively render the reporting system useless. The whole point of reporting posts is to make the job easier for moderators to keep the forums clean and presentable, I think, not to hunt down and pick your peers' and friends' posts to pieces, as I feel the case would be, given an incentive to report lots of posts. Your suggestion seems to equate more reported posts with cleaner, friendlier forums. I don't feel this would be the case and frankly feel that it would compound the work for TIF's moderators.
  12. Unnecessary instigation of argument aside(reference to post immediately prior, not the quoted post), I feel that many of the points posed as to why Runescape's original form was difficult don't fully take into account the progression of the game. Firstly, to backtrack a minute, I'd like to poke at number 6 in your list as to why Runescape's original form was harder. You cite the existance of certs rather than notes (I agree, they were a pain), however neglect that there once was a time when neither existed, and even that at one point, Runescape didn't have item banks at all. That's right, Runescape banks only held gold coins, nothing else. Let's take into consideration all the "difficulties" of past Runescape days. Many of these difficulties were merely time inefficiencies in the game. For Jagex to have developed the game as much as they have, adding a plethora of new skills, acres upon acres of new land to explore, along with countless new creatures to interact with, they can't have possibly expected Runescapers to be able to fully engage the game as we currently can, given past conditions. While I agree that the same tasks we perform in game today were more time consuming in past days, I disagree that the game as a whole was more difficult. Partially because there wasn't as much to do back then, and it was acceptable to put so much time into so little production since there simply wasn't enough else in the game to hold one's interest, but furthermore because much (nearly all) of this game can be accomplished in patterns of clicking. Fundamentally, it's a very simple game...regardless of what it is you want skillwise or gp wise, you can click toward your answer :) I suppose you must use some text interaction if you'd like a rare item or something, but the vast majority of this game is played by simply clicking :) I'm not saying that's a bad thing...I play as much as the next guy, but I'm not putting it on a pedestal either and inventing a level of difficulty into either game when really...There isn't one xD In my opinion, anyway :) Okay, that's all I've got. Cheers!
  13. Greetings, Seeing as that many folk come to Tip.it returning after a long hiatus, not every person may know that Runescape Classic is now confined to a very specific group of players (must have been on RSC in the last 6 months as an existing member). I realize that this is delineated on Jagex's Runescape website, however perhaps it would be an idea to make a sticky for it on the RSC forums in order to deter such questions as, "How can I play Runescape Classic?" I just thought it would make for a nice and/or appropriate highlight of material available elsewhere. =)
  14. First, I'll tell you a bit about myself :) I'm a Mechanical Engineering Major at the present time...drowning in a sea of math and science equations. I'm trying to graduate early, which unfortunately leaves me with little else but...math and science equations. So, I don't get the opportunity to read much good literature. However, I still enjoy and appreciate it, and every once in awhile, an excerpt just floors me. Perhaps, and hopefully, you've had a similar experience while reading...where an author overwhelms you with his/her respective manipulation of language and how effectively he/she conveys meaning in an elegantly employed fashion. Anyway, I have an example below, namely my favorite excerpt from literature. I'd appreciate it if you could include your own. :) Please and thank you, Julio --> From the Great Gatsby(By F. Scott Fitzgerald), "Most of the big shore places were closed now and there were hardly any lights except the shadowy, moving glow of a ferryboat across the Sound. And as the moon rose higher the inessential houses began to melt away until gradually I became aware of the old island here that flowered once for Dutch sailorsÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ eyesÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ã
  15. This morning I hosted a bit of a trivia game among some tip.iters with the intention of being nice and giving away a few items. What ensued was rather disgusting. Lots of whining...subtle teasing...attitudes toward me changed...in general, however, what struck me the most was the greed. The items weren't even that special...a net worth of maybe 1 mil gp tops over 4-5 giveaways. However, the participants still felt the need to...well, frankly, become rather ugly with respect to the game. The attitudes and bickering that came about weren't necessarily all that bad...but seemed unnecessary with regards to a few pixels being handed out for free. It was like the participants (who ranged in age from teenage to "mature" adulthood) had reverted back to toddler like greed for a bit. T'was rather disheartening for someone who really only wanted to have a bit of fun with some prizes. What is it about runescapers, and perhaps people in general, that creates an insaitiable need to accumulate crap at all costs? I mean, in this instance, it was just pixels I was giving out...and that resulted in changes of character that I didn't find very becoming at all. Put yourself in their shoes. I'm giving something away in Runescape, and I pose a trivia question to you and a group of people, are you going to succumb to the covetous nature and change your behavior as a result? Or will you understand it for what it is...merely a kind gesture in an attempt to have a bit of fun? I told the group of people that exhibited this behavior that their actions made me somewhat disillusioned with the quality of character of people in general, and I mean it. Unfortunately, I thought this group to be somewhat above the maturity level of the average group of runescapers, so I'm afraid that to me, it reflects poorly on the collective. Tell me, what's the respect of your fellow Runescaper worth to you? Would you make a fool of yourself for a bronze med? a piece of barrows equipment? a blue party hat? Or would you realize that these pixels are absolutely meaningless and try to hold on to something much more valuable, in my opinion: your character?
  16. oi, LKJ still plays occasionally :) And yeah, Bluerose smithed me my first addy shield. (darn coal mules :P) gotta get to work, hope this thread's still around when I return :)
  17. My favorite attire in RS has to be the new Lunar armor. If I were ever able to land a set of gilded armor, that might take it's place though, however tacky it may be. ;)
  18. Well, for starters, I'd like to point out to you that Runescape beta was released in January of '01, making your claim of starting in 1999 impossible. So, right off the bat, you're lying...may want to edit that post, most people will pick up on that instantly. As for the question at hand: I started in March of '01, have played under 3 various characters since then...on and off...you know the drill. I play RS in binges...2 months on, 4 months off, that sort of thing.
  19. I've gotten 15 frogs in the last month or so... 0 Foresters 0 Mimes and 0 Drill demons. Sigh.
  20. well, all my p2p skills are 1, as is my runecrafting skill (I need to meet certain skills total goals before I touch that)...but of the levels I've trained, ranged is the lowest at 40.
  21. I can play tennis/ping pong with the pupils of my eyes. start both pupils aimed all the way to the right, then move my right eye so the pupil faces all the way left, then move my left eye so that it faces left too...then vice versa. Essentially, I'm just saying I can manipulate one eye without affecting the other one :-P
  22. You know, I think being able to play by ear is an infinitely more useful skill than either sheet music or tab. Personally, I don't care much for tab because it gives me no sense for the timing of a piece, and time/rhythm is, to me, the most important aspect of mastering the guitar. You may have the best chops on the planet, but if you can't work them into a rhythm of any sort, you're a fundamentally useless guitarist. Albeit, it is more difficult and time consuming to learn to play by ear, but with practice and effort, it is definitely doable. It doesn't require any extraordinary talent, just time, effort, and an ear. The 12 notes of an octave aren't that subtly differentiable; it's a reasonable task to undertake. Furthermore, such dynamic, active interaction with these pieces of music allow you not only to learn to play it, but to better understand the musical concepts the song presents, permitting you to borrow ideas from musicians and derive influence from their creations in developing your own style. Anyway, it's just an idea. Best of luck learning guitar. :) It's a wonderful instrument, to say the least.
  23. I actually played lead guitar on a Atreyu cover at a bar relatively recently...the guitars aren't horrible. All that screaming though? Totally unnecessary, in my opinion :-P We played "Right Side of the Bed", in case you were wondering
  24. Sorry if this seems to be a silly question, but I've been away from the game for a while and am not really sure how the trimmed and gilded armors work - which treasure-trail related armors are f2pers permitted to wear?
  25. Steve Vai's Building the Church (the end riff...especially prominent when you hear it live.) John Petrucci's Glasgow Kiss Steve Vai's "Eugene's Trick Bag" Joe Satriani's Searching (the main theme) Joe Satriani's Crushing Day (at 1:50 into the song) Led Zeppelin's Since I've Been Loving You Led Zeppelin's The Ocean (at 3:17, with emphasis on the legato slurs at 4:03) The Scorpion's No One Like You Shawn Lane's Gray Pianos Flying Van Halen's Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love Hendrix's Foxy Lady SRV's Little Wing Hendrix's Voodoo Chile
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