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Everything posted by TechnoKitty

  1. Yeah I've seen that too but I don't watch it too often, I agree that myth busters is still way better
  2. I love that show yet I can't help feel bad for poor buster (even though he is only a plastic dummy)
  3. oooo...awesome, do you think you could make a marilyn manson one???? pleeease....
  4. The link doesn't work or else I'd check it out
  5. all I can say is metal freakin rocks, I've heard of quite a few of those bands too
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leet#Commo ... iterations that gives alot of info on 1337/l33t/leet
  7. runorescape.com is a good idea
  8. I hate that, where your so tired but can't sleep and that only makes you more hyper or less tired then you can't sleep no matter what
  9. OMG I just tryed that...staying up as long as I could but it didn't last even over 30 hours for me cuz I ran out of caffiene (I had stayed up from monday at 3:00pm to tuesday at some time past 6:00pm) , I'm sure other people can last longer but due to my lack of caffienated pop I fell asleep :(
  10. Some of those are disterbing and kinda sad but others are really funny
  11. ROFLMAO that is awesome, the great thing is I've done alot of those things before lol
  12. OMFG!!!!! that is so awesome! *jumps happily* yay!
  13. I think they should make a way for the players to be able to join H.A.M somehow, have it kinda be like a slayer guild or something.
  14. that would make things alot better for everyone
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