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Everything posted by E_D_G_E_1039

  1. Every fighting style hits 0's. So no to that. And failing a spell is done so mages wont be hitting high numbers, while wearing say.. full rune. If they want to hit, theyll wear items to their advantage. No and no.
  2. You dont want to ask your parents to pay for an "internet game", but youre fine with them going down to Best Buy and buying you a new game? :? I say no, definately 100% no. Jagex would lose all of the real members they have, due to the fact 15 ad clicks is pathetically easy. Edit - on the reply above, you ask "whats the problem with everyone being a member"... Well thats not the problem. The problem is that no one would pay $5 anymore to play. They would all just use the little 15 click to get their membership. This wouldnt help them at all. (And about you saying "theyd make more money"... You're saying they get 30 cents per click? :notalk: )
  3. alc X? lmao you would gain mage lvls in no time.. Actually, no you wouldn't. It would take roughly the same amount of time as it does now. Just less clicking. Don't assume that an Alch-X would alch all the items specified instantly. The programmers at Jagex aren't stupid. - Sligo But you've got to be crazy to think Jagex would add an alch x option. AFK alchers are already too common, and this would just lead to more. Last I checked, Jagex was out to deflate the economy, not reinflate it larger then ever. (Alch x would make alching a ton more common, no doubt). Sorry for taking this off topic. But on topic, just move your items over 1 square. Common sense. Same thing happens every time a new spell is added with a requirement below 55.
  4. Theres no way Jagex themselves said that runescape 3 was coming out in 2008. The graphics of the game changed durastically from rs to rs2, but I just cant see them getting any better (while still being played from their site), so I dont even see a need for a new game. Just give us usual updates as they are, and we're fine. Why does everybody think we need a whole new game?
  5. This would make it very easy to transfer items between acounts. Sorry, no.
  6. They're not going to do it anyways. Theres no need for profanity in this game, unless its intended to bash someone else, which is one reason it wont be added. The most obvious reason it wont be added is that it completely violates rule 1, as previously stated. This is the exact reason people complain about the community being as bad as it is.
  7. Wizard Mind Bomb's and Magic Potions work wonders.
  8. Looks like 2+ years of playing to me :wink: Welcome to Tip.It.
  9. Id report the ip to Jagex, then rebuild. Anybody who would hack back is just as pathetic as the hacker.
  10. Theres a lot more people with these acounts then you'd think. I made this to match my sisters characters, which were "Dam Da Mager" (tank mage), and "Dam Da Miner" (Originally a skiller, turned main).
  11. Especially when it comes to fletching. I would say High Alching is the most clickableevent done in RS. I'd say walking.
  12. We have gliders, yes, but no airplanes. Trains definately do not fit in with the rest of the game, so far. I say no. Terrible idea about the "getting hit", and I dont want the game polluted with train tracks.
  13. :wall: <--- That's me when someone tries to act as if they know every single thing there is to know, and has gotten all 32 of their posts from spam, and triple posts. (You) As for smithing guild, no. If anything, throw a furnace into the mining guild (and even that, I say no to).
  14. No. Until I hear it from Jagex, Ill just sit here and laugh at your terrible version of what summoning is. I mean by your logic, wind strike is a "summoning spell", seeing as youre using your magic skill to kill monsters for you. :roll: (Nowhere has Jagex stated this as summoning, so youre doing nothing more then spreading false rumors.) wow that made less since than a biscuit windstorm! Of course Jagex hasnt "officially" called it summoning, but then again, does it matter? We dont have an actual summoning spell yet but this is the closest we've got Its just as close as my example, wind strike. Any magic spell on the list carries out a task, thus meaning theyre all summoning spells. By the way, if youre going to talk about "making sense", it's best to use a spell checker. I nearly soiled my pants, laughing so hard at the irony found in your reply.
  15. Thats sort of what they're meant to do. I dont see where you're going with this.
  16. I think the cookin guild SHOULD have lower requirements since its like the only f2p guild (other than the champs guild which is pretty much useless other than the store) Crafting Mining :roll:
  17. No. Until I hear it from Jagex, Ill just sit here and laugh at your terrible version of what summoning is. I mean by your logic, wind strike is a "summoning spell", seeing as youre using your magic skill to kill monsters for you. :roll: (Nowhere has Jagex stated this as summoning, so youre doing nothing more then spreading false rumors.)
  18. uh... call to arms would make people with level 74 magic be able to teleblock o.o So? draven stout lets a level 59 mining guy enter the mining guild Theres a bit of a difference... 10 Levels, in fact. You can mine coal and mith at 59, and 60 mining. You cannot teleblock at BOTH 74 and 85 mining. This isnt like potting into a guild.
  19. Instead of having "drop-x", just have Jagex hand you 99 mining, fishing, and whatever other skill related dropping you may do. Has been suggested many times, and I find it more and more foolish every time.
  20. Not going to happen EVER. Jagex would no longer be able to market their game as a family game, a game for all ages, or anything along those lines. Many parents would be outraged, as well. I do not support whatsoever. I, along with many others, created my acount before age was questioned. What about that? And why 16? What makes a 16 year old suitable for profanity moreso than a 15 year old?
  21. I would call ecto tokens a currency, as well. Though its use is still limited, it is supposidly the currency of Port Phasmatys.
  22. At least you admit that its f2p that is the cause of the whining :lol: prayer- try beating fight caves or barrows without prayer theiving- you can steal money...its a good skill firemaking- shade burning farming- ability to grow herbs construction- a fun skill herblore- again fight caves and barrows You obviously missed his "lol jk" :roll:
  23. I guess the minigame ideas arent so bad. Shouldve made a new thread though. People are going to flame you telling you construction already exists. (The thread wasnt made in 2005, nor were you seeing the future. We all knew it was coming.)
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