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Everything posted by E_D_G_E_1039

  1. Give him an herb, he gives the potion made from the next lowest herb. Example, give him a marrentill, he gives you an attack potion. Give him a tarromin, he gives you an antipoison. For the potion of ranarr, he gives defense, so dont bother trying to get pray pots. (Though if youre like me, give him a cad, and you get super stat restore (4), which is even better then a prayer pot.)
  2. Well, I was training, and I got evil molly. Easy enough. I pick the twin, talk to her, she brings me back to my spot, and I was attacked IMMEDIATELY. Im guessing that had to do with this. Tried loading new areas of map, didnt work. I ended up logging, and it was fixed. Still a big inconvenience, depending where it happens. (Luckily I was near a safe place to log). Ill also add that I recieved no reward. (No, it wasnt on the ground, or in my inventory.)
  3. I AM sure what I'm talking about. Did you even test it well? I just stood around with a gaurd hitting me and looked at my hp xp. Perhaps you didn't understand the meaning of "damage done to you". It means that when the opponent does damage TO YOU, you get hitpoints xp. BUT, if they are hitting zeros on you, you get no xp. Yeah... No. I just teleported to trolls with nothing. Let one kill me completely. Guess how much hp exp I got? A whopping 0. If what you said was true (which it isnt), youd see tons of people with like 1-1-1, and like 50hp. :roll: =D>
  4. He wasnt talking about defenders... The new bone weapons.
  5. The dwarf who sells pickaxes, in the dwarven mines, also repairs them. :D (Charged a small amount)
  6. Lobsters. Im 99 cooking and 92 (almost 93) fishing. Lobsters are the best, right in the middle of exp and cash. Next time post questions in help and advice, and keep your goal thread to your goal.
  7. Awesome diagram man. Be sure to update it with every quest release :D
  8. Way to state the obvious =D> Its a joke. Read it, give it a little laugh, and get on with your life.
  9. I dont care for them much, but I highly doubt youre the only one.
  10. Its nothing special. Someone sitting in lumbridge getting hit repetative 1's. Its not a new glitch, though everyone is seeing it now due to the new quest (I recall at least 6 months ago seeing this identical bug posted, though it may not have been here.)
  11. I dont see why you say the 666 bug is back. This isnt anything close to what that was. :roll: He was probably in the caves, got attacked, and a ring of life probably sent him to lumbridge. Either that, or he teled there and continued to get attacked.
  12. Timmy & The Lords Of The Underworld Livin' A Lie
  13. that would defeat the purpose. If you had a keylogger and the person got on your account and u didn't know, then typing it in would simply give it to them :? Hah, took the words right out of my mouth. Some people need to think before typing.. :lol: I think its a fine idea. My friend proposed pins on butlers on the official forums, because you can still have butlers withdraw items from your bank without being in build mode. (Some people may keep gold leaves/marble banked. Even teak planks are pretty valuable.)
  14. Theres been many threads about this. Try searching.
  15. lol, you dont even know what your saying you do. Oh, the irony.. ROFL!! :lol: =D>
  16. tell me where would you be without the f2pers to get your stuff? broke? getting them your self? wanting them back? You make no valid points. I mean...it's MUCH easier to get supplies on Members than it is with free. We can get everything they can, in way less time. If free fell off the face of the earth, i wouldn't be phased at all. Everything I buy is strictly Members. Oh, and for that tasteless shot at trying to call me arrogant. Perhaps I am. But I think that for everything I've done in the game, and all I have had to put up with crap from people like you, I deserve a little higher status. Yeah, I voiced my opinion. Most f2p players suck. They just plain suck. They beg, the scam, they whine, they follow you around for no apparent reason. It's a crapshoot on f2p, and you're only level 89. I DOUBT you've had even HALF the trouble as I do when I log into an f2p server. Face it. No one agrees with you. You're not going to sway anyone's opinions on F2p players because most of us PLAY the game and know exactly what we're talking about. Yes. And what makes his argument even stupider is that he is/was a p2p :lol: (Or so says his stat sig)
  17. Right. Btw ess is more or less non profitable in f2p now without the p2p :) hehehe Pfft :roll: ya but runecrafting is majorly hit. Only people who have been "majorly hit" are people who use those law companies.. And in my eyes, its about time they sink.
  18. Noob. Owned. S*fu!. (And other variations...) All 3 are overused. All 3 are annoying. Anyone who uses any of the 3 appears quite foolish. (Does anyone actually take someone who says "s*fu" seriously?)
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