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Everything posted by Gmesh

  1. Banned for having compfreak in your sig! :shame:
  2. 7/10 matches your avatar but the clan words is a turn off. Little small.
  3. Getting low enough and getting parrallel. Nothing makes me more mad then when coach says "noooooo" after i hit a "new" max. -.-
  4. Squat technique PISSES ME OFF. -.-
  5. I want that. No, it's mine :pray:
  6. How is that 2nd? Mine has to be not getting on the bball team cause of grades... I wouldda been a star *Sigh* :(
  7. It's my favorite lift. Why im wondering :roll: And holy [cabbage] thats good for your weight. Steroids@!!! lol :lol:
  8. Just a thought but 1/3 does not exactly equal .333...
  9. Yay more ignorant people in TIF. ^Read the post above me^
  10. Gmesh

    Slayer Sucks

    Good for him. Maybe he can get a life now =D> :lol:
  11. Wion how long have you been lifting? Jeez why does everyone seem to blow at cleans -.-
  12. Cutting off the circulation just helps your vains show more...
  13. I use weight gainer from wal-mart lol. It's $10 but it works pretty well for me.
  14. Well in my school, atleast, it is considered a single rep. Almost wet myself when my friend, and best squatter, hit 515 lbs a while ago :shock:
  15. Uhm One? With perfect form... You little over-achiever haha. Nice squats tbh :thumbsup:
  16. You want some [cabbage] too? Lol. :lol:
  17. You're giving him [cabbage] because he can't squat 225 lbs? You have to start somewhere and work your way up. Don't give him [cabbage] if he can't do it. :| Um... I didnt understand what he was trying to say. I just asked if he got it or not. Im not giving him [cabbage]... Dont give me [cabbage] when im not giving anyone [cabbage].
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