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Everything posted by neogeo0823

  1. hmmm.... its a very intersting idea! but it seems to have hit a dead end with those two points. are we sure the one in the middle of the sea is accurate? what about a line that intersects both of those points? is there anything interesting on, say, the midpoint of this line? id like to see a drawing with said line and the lines youve already drawn to compare them.
  2. lol, thats the formula for converting experience to level... i think. and feppie wants to know if theres a formula for converting level back to experience. ill say that there probably isnt, only because while your on one level, you have soo many thousands of different experience points between that level and the next. it would be impossible to find your exact number of experience points solely from your level.
  3. well, this is getting interesting. i went and found both of the books and from the strange books comment section, we can infer that the M.O.M. raided the wizards tower, stole a bunch of runes, then robbed the bank. we can also assume that the thing on his desk (i couldnt get a good look at it) is either some kind of blimp or some other object (a bomb, maybe??)and that at some point, its going to become an important object. what intrigues me most is how you believe you can link the coordinates to those places and the damage he dealt to the guards with anything in his books. maybe in the graph examples in the third chapter? im interested in hearing your thought processes in this matter.
  4. uk time is gmt? crud. i was going to go, but ive never gotten up before 6 am for anything and i dont wanna tarnish that perfect record. sorry. maybe next time, eh? let me know how it turns out.
  5. so this was taken from the official runescape forums? heres my question: how does this effects us? personally, i like the way our forum operates. we get the unknowledgable person posting in the wrong forum, then one person tells them politely its not supposed to go there, they apologize, and a mod comes and locks the thread. easy, nice, clean and efficient. :)
  6. Oh ya? So what forum would it go to? Off-topic? The guy is trying to do something fun and all you can do is be negative yeah. i bet if he was a T.E.T. member, i bet youd be all over this, but because hes a regular runescape member, you fell the need to put him down. what would be so bad about a nice fishing trip? you meet new people, maybe raise a few levels, and catch some dinner :P let me guess, its because its not a drop party, right? well whatever, its your life and we cant force you to attend this. if someone can tell me what 10am uk time translates into in EST, then ill attend if i can.
  7. got a new one. "Oiugo, noob" phrase. this is a relatively new term being used on Counterstrike. Oiugo means "Can't touch this," so a person that says this would be saying "Can't touch this, noob." proper pronounciation is "oh-WEE-go".
  8. *runs to add this to the nood-tionary*
  9. you, sir... or rather, your article, sir, has made my day. no, it made my week. this is what me and quite a few f2pers have been saying for the longest time! i couldnt have said it better if i was paid to do so. great work!
  10. i think its a gopher. and i think that the search bar is your friend. it will help you out next time you want to make a topic. :wink:
  11. you know, i just found runescape on addictinggames.com. they have it in their rpg section. while its not on the front page, i remember seeing it a while ago on the front page of that site. it probably attracted a fair amount of em as well. and if its there, where else could it be??
  12. to RAHK: thank you! you just made my morning :D its soo nice to finally here words like that coming from a p2per :) to people like philip_kolar: this isnt about f2pers intentionally making things harder for themselves. you talk about being f2p like its something we choose just to say were better. this isnt the case at all. the best way i could compare this is like this: you know how some people are rich and some people are poor? well the rich people have it a bit easier in terms of getting what they want because its easier to get what you want when you have the money to do so. (in this case, money=membership) poor people have to work hard to get what they want. poor people generally arent poor by choice either. also, its not like they can just decide one month "hey, im gonna be rich this month" and go and much more easily obtain the things they want. it doesnt work like that. the people who are poor and stick around to make something of themselves are the ones who deserve recognition because theyve actually, well, made something of themselves in a situation where doing so was much harder than it was for others. (being poor=f2p) thats basically what RAHK was trying to say and i think you take your membership for granted. try being making a new f2p account and see how long it takes to get it up to the same level as your p2p main. do all the work yourself with no one to help you, not even your other p2p friends and see how hard it is. thats what we have to make due with every day. for example, im straight f2p. ive always been broke to(irl and ingame). im currently mining 10,000 ores so that i can smith enough steel bars to make myself 2 million gp. most f2pers cant rely on others to help them do stuff like that and most f2pers are too poor to be able to just buy theyre way into into money. granted once i finish this project, ill have 2Mgp, but until then ill have to stick with the measly 20k that ive been able to save thus far.
  13. yeah, ive met people like that. a while back, i walked into the east varrock mine and saw an iron rock that wasnt being mined. there was a person standing there. i walked over and mined the iron. apparently, this was the trigger, because this is what happened: noob: "ok, you just made my list." me: "what list?" noob: "my clans hit list. were gonna get you soo bad for this" me(in several sentences): "so your going to call your "clan" to "get" me for mining your rock? do you know how immature that sounds? and even at that, if i knew you in real life, id have you arrested for threatening me and for having a hit list. ive already reported you, so its too late for apologies. if its really that much of a problem, then go somewhere else." noob: "no you go somewhere else." *nood logs* although, i have gotten some rather nice people while mining. a few days ago, i needed to mine 8 iron in the west varrock mine and there was someone there mining tin and iron. i began mining the iron and after two ores, he said: person: "can i get a few of those?" me: "i only need 8. if youd please be patient, ill only be a second." person: *doesnt say anything and mines tin* me: ok ive got what i need. thanks for being patient. here." *i gave him a gold bar* person: "thanks!" me: "no problem. you were polite. its the least i could do." there are some good people out there. granted not alot, but some.
  14. ok, here what i reccommend. definately do the rune mysteries quest. it will let you runecraft. this will let you make your own runes for leveling your magic, instead of having to buy them. next, make a whole lot, a lot of alot, in fact, make a ton of mind runes and air runes. now, practice wind strike on chikens and cows, from the other side of a fence so they cant hurt you, and level up your magic high enough to cast fire strike. then save up 1500gp, go to varrock, and buy a fire staff. then you can cast a fire strike with it (because a fire staff gives you unlimited fire runes) to level up your magic. when your not leveling up magic, train your combat skills. get them up as high as possible. dont worry about ranging, because it only becomes cheap to do when you can fletch, which is a members skill. when your not leveling up your combat, level up any other skill you can. practice crafting by making clay bowls, or killing cows for their hide, tanning them and sewing them into leather armor. mine ore to level up your smithing. definately get into fishing. its profitable and lets you catch and cook your own food. speaking of cooking. level that up to. pkers pay big money for cooked lobster and swordfish. and when you can, level up your prayer. do this by burying bones. actually, that all probably sounded a bit complicated, huh? its not that hard. what i would do is take one day at a time and focus on one skill during that day. i fished my way up 44 levels in 5 hours on a day when i was home sick. just be smart about what your doing and try to plan a bit ahead. it pays to to research and the best way to do that, is with tip.it's own fansite located at scenic "www.tip.it/runescape" :)
  15. right now, im working on getting the materials for a whole huge bunch of steel bars. it should get me a cool mill when im done... if someone actually buys them, that is...
  16. well, its nice to see a person who isnt left bitter about it. good for you. if you want some good programs to help you get rid of spyware, keyloggers, and other junk. i reccommend going to download.com, and searching for and downloading ad-aware se, and spybot s&d. both of those are free, reliable programs that will scan for and delete various pests and junk that you dont want on your computer. download them, go through the step by step instructions, and youll be good to go. remember to do weekly scans with them and check for udates regularly.
  17. so, how do you guys go about making money in runescape? do you preffer to mine ores then sell them? smelt the ores first? do you runecraft? or maybe you pk for your primary source of income? i personally smith steel stuff and sell it to shops. either that or runecraft. when/if i become a member, i plan on runecrafting higher level runes, high alching stuff or fishing/cooking food for pkers. keep in mind, im not asking to find different ways of making money, i just want to know what you guys like to do.
  18. yes, then he claimed it was his little brother who did it. i "forgave him" for it, then a day later, he tried to do it again. this time i got wise to it and refused, then put him on ignore and logged off. a few days later, he pmd me on another account, cause i guess his got banned from me reporting him soo much, and asked me to forgive him again. can you believe it? AGAIN! this time i said flat out no and put him on ignore. i havent heard from him since.
  19. lets see here... in no order: 1. fell for the "take the zammy wine" scam, lost 100gp and everything from tutorial isle. i was like 5 minutes old then 2. fell for the "armor trimming" scam cause i had no clue what armor trimming was 3. was nice to a guy who scammed me out of a gem, an addy pik and some other stuff, then begged me to "forgive him" 4. wasnt pang attention to my health while fighting a zombie, died, lost about 10k total runes ad had to craft them from scratch... AGAIN
  20. no, no, no. hes one of those cheesey cracker fish things.... eh... goldfish crackers! thats it :lol: :P anyway, nice to see another member come over to the f2p side. its a bit cold and slightly lonely, but im sure youll still have fun here :wink:
  21. i would check the agility guide that tip.it provides. im not members, but i would assume you should just do whatever is the highest available thing on your list to do. it usually seems to work :?
  22. hey wait... wheres zezima in that pic? scammer! photoshopper! just kidding 0.0
  23. man, all you guys saying your best was when you got 1M... the most i ever got was 125k :shock: :? but i wont give up! i will get up to 1M someday!!
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