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Everything posted by neogeo0823

  1. why not "bones to cabbages"? you would need 1 nature, 3 earth and 3 water runes to do it and it can be done at level 10 mage for some reason. i personally think it would be cool to see a place where the earth revolved around cabbagges, so to speak. maybe a cabbage guild or a cabbage themed island or something?
  2. well theres my work uniform which is my normal clothes with a brown apron, leather boots, blue gloves, blue cape, power ammy, and generally a rune pik axe. then theres my combat uniform which is full rune with either a rune warhammer or longsword, blue cape, power ammy, leather boots and blue gloves, then theres my mages outfit which is blue mage robes and hat, mage ammy, blue gloves, leather boots, blue cape, and a fire staff. lol, i like blue.
  3. Problem with that one is it's not hard to get to. I'd have to say somewhere north of the death plateau. You need climbing boots which I believe anyone can get from the Sherpa even if you didn't start quest. No one goes near that Ice gate (it snows up there too. Very neat.) meh, best f2p place i could think of. :?
  4. i was buying a free rune kite in varrock, when someone came up and gave me one for free along with some money, a power ammy, and some other nice junk. apparently they were quitting runescape.
  5. wow! he dropped all of that? nice haul. goes to show you how being an autoer never pays. but why the autoer wouldve had a santa hat, and all that other ruby jewelry is beyond me.
  6. topmost floor of the tower above the shop in falador. im f2p. other than that, generally the topmost floor of any building is usually pretty empty.
  7. cool. 8) were you hacked or something? did you lose any stuff? if not then cool. make sure you scan your computer frequently with antivirus and antispyware programs to help keep your computer free from keyloggres and the like. and set up a fire wall and a bank pin to double protect yourself. finally, the most important thing you can do is never tell anyone any of your passwords. ever. but im sure you know these things already. happy scaping!
  8. ok... but what does this have to do with anything? and if you know your not supposed to do it, why are you?
  9. how bout i just report it to jagex and continue to play the game like it was meant to be played?
  10. why not just think of it as a chance to do something new? alot of you are complaining that your uber high level character got banned and now you have to start over, but if you think about it, its like a whole new game now. instead of being bored with a week or two between each level you get to take all your experience that youve gained from your past experiences and use it to your advantage. remember when you were a newb and you fell for that armor trimming scam, or sold something then later found out you couldve gotten almost double what you got? remember how you got stuck on that quest and had to beg for help? remember how you thought that one time "if i knew then what i knew now, i wouldve been alot better off"? well see this as an opportunity to use that knowledge and build your skills the right way. think of it like a challenge. see how long it takes you to get back up to your previous characters levels. i bet it doesnt take nearly as long this time around.
  11. lol imagine a group of 200 people going around reporting everyone for autoing. it would be like "INSTA BAN!"
  12. yeah. i used to be "report happy" for a while. but i grew tired of it when i saw that i was wasting more time than i had actually put into playing. now i only report autoers when its obvious and when it affects me. for example: old me would report a guy obviously automining gold at rimmington while i was mining iron. now new me will only report obvious autoer who autos iron while im mining iron.
  13. Truth hurts, don't it? truth: my anti-runescape.
  14. what would you do if you were andrew gower? you know andy, right? the creator of runescape? i havent seen him personally, but ive talked to a few people who have conversed with him both in game and irl. they say hes a pretty nice guy as long as your polite. anyway, apparently, he can do anything he wants in game. not just manipulate his stats and junk, but summon various objects, animals and npcs, he can change his form, he can make the monsters around him do different things, like say different messages, or have all of them attack one player, etc. so if you had his power in game, what would you do with it? if i were andrew gower, id walk around lumbridge as a king black dragon burning all the npcs just to freak out the newbs :P
  15. holy god! it was soo great. i went to the rimmington mine and actually mined for once. i got a nice amount of ore and not a sole in sight. pure bliss. then i went to karamja. i fished with three people. yes, three people. we had (gasp and choke) an intelligent conversation!! *screams of horror from the audience*(one man faints) then i walked around and enjoyed a nice long quiet stroll. varrock west bank was still busy, but no where near as full as it has ever been. freakin' sweet!
  16. what he said same here. i only really report people when they are doing something that effects me, like scamming me or obviously autoing, and when they are directly decieving a newb, cause its just plain wrong to pick on the kid whos been playing for 10 minutes. its like picking on the retarded kid. just wrong.
  17. lol! i almost believed and and rushed off to the runescape homepage to see if it was real. then i got past the first paragraph or so and i realized it was a joke. very funny! that aughta stop those stupid autoers and complainers... for a minute!
  18. lol, i saw this thing for defusing the armor trimming scam. have a piece of armor in your inventory along with its trimmed equivalent, for example, a black plate and a trimmed black plate. if you see someone who is doing the armor trimming scam, run up to them and offer the non trimmed armor, then, on the second screen, decline and say "oh, wait, i figured it out, see?" and then either offer the trimmed armor in a trade(decline of course, this is just for showing them) or wear it. see if theyre amazed.
  19. from an f2p standpoint: :arrow: favourite skill = smithing :arrow: wat u think the best money making skill is = smithing or fishing :arrow: most boring skill to train = woodcutting/mining :arrow: least important skill in the game is = firemaking from a p2p standpoint (IMO) :arrow: favourite skill = smithing :arrow: wat u think the best money making skill is = smithing/runecrafting :arrow: most boring skill to train = woodcutting/mining :arrow: least important skill in the game is = firemaking/farming
  20. it does that to me sometimes. i think the server that holds and loads the friendlists is being slow right now. just give it some time.
  21. it seems to work for me. are you sure your in the highscore list? i know that the tip.it skill calcs wont get your xp if your not listed in the highscores for that skill.
  22. well, we know that hes going to attempt to raid the wizards tower again for more runes to do something with, as per hicomments in the readers comment section, but he hasnt made a move yet. this is turing out to be quite interesting.
  23. why not just get a piece of graphing paper and overlay it onto a printout of the map. mark the points on the paper, then use the scaling of the lines to determine the rest? you can get graphing paper from any business or office store for a pretty cheap price. if not there, then the nearest college bookstore would probably have it. anyway, what direction are you taking this in next? without any solid leads(as far as i can see) or any places to go from, im basically waiting to see what your next move is.
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