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Everything posted by the_drunk_dude

  1. You figured it out, all of the work put into the update, all the hours of refining the code is because AG and the team hates pure, gj.
  2. Huh? Mystics and dhides are still at large, f2p, well, it's not as big a money maker.
  3. Good job giving publicity with this thread. Ignore them, they want attention for their 'cause', stop giving to them.
  4. Er... you care if I vector it? I mean I'll do pixel if you really want it I don't mind, I'm just choosing an option right now, along with a bunch of other projects.
  5. Well you are asking a lot of work to be done, and most people do not want to work that hard for someone else's benefit, lucky for you, I'm getting back into Photoshop and leaving Image Ready for a while.
  6. :oops: I got lazy with the 1 pixle brush and 'cheated', the price of laziness.
  7. I dremt of rs: it was the real world, everyone was somewhat, make that a lot dumber, 1337 speak was the norm, all my friends were pixleated, but I never die, so something came out of it.
  8. xp>money When your higher skilled you make more money, so it works out.
  9. I'll give it a go when I get the time, although I think the hardest part is finding character models, everything else'll be easy. Also, you don't need to bump until your post is in the second page...
  10. There isn't any shadow on the right side... just dark and light textures.
  11. When I imagine a band with pixels or cartooney I always think animation, my bad for assuming. When I do hyperrealizm I do still shots, I'll see what I can do for both Tip.it and other forums, but once again, may be a while, lots to do.
  12. 1- I don't want the text to attract attention 2-I'll see what I can do 3-Not sure what you mean 4-This post was fine, not your first one. Sitting there typing *you will fail at paint* isn't gonna help either. Your first post was a contradiction actually, how am I supposed to master paint if I don't even get to exercise before :-s Practice on your own time, display what is good. I despise people who post crap and want glowing reviews, although not really the case here. Text is part of the signature, you put it in the corner, and it ruins how your piece is put together. @ above Shadow=relism, yes it's pixled and paint, but you'll always want something there to meld the tree, building etc. into the ground, right now it looks extremely sharp.
  13. Completely re-do text, you never want it on the very edge, hard to attract attention. The ditch can have a depth feel if you add a shadow with opacity so it's not just blatant black. You have a little feel of shadows in the wilderness side but abandoned it on the bank side, unless the sun decided to change hemispheres. @ above Yes I did look at it, and I critique art here, besides, it is mutually pointless if I sit here typing "omfgz-ur teh bestest-ur art pwnz".
  14. Okay, I did a VERY rough estimate based on one of my old animated sigs, its size will destroy tip.it limitations so that's a no go. There are a couple of ways to still make this work though. 1. No animation, basically just a standstill pic of a band on a natural stage with your names. 2. Horrible quality, beyond pixelated can do what I'm thinking. (100+ frames) 3. I take out a lot of frames... a LOT of frames. No entrance, no exit, just random ppl on a hill playing, even then it'll be very short and then it repeats so it may look bad. 4. Very small, I can make all of what I'm thinking of with okay quality but it'll be very very very very very small, near avy size.
  15. More specifics. 'stone room'? Just anystone? dark/gloomy, what are you looking for here? You want me to do this is a house? or what? I don't want to waste a bunch of time copy/pasting and then have something you don't want. Details please, when you want a rs char sig ppl are almost never happy, so describe it more.
  16. Er... pixel sig? I would do it for you if you tell me what it is. Also, this may take a while as I'm doing a lot of art stuff right now to refine my skills.
  17. I'm in need of fundamental skill refining so I'm taking a lot of signature request at the moment, however I'm very lazy, so you'll either have to wait or hope someone else comes along.
  18. Ew... transparent border. Really choppy opacity with the text, what are you guys giving him? I may give it a go, but a warning, I'm a bum. This WILL take a long time, maybe a week and there is a chance I forget. If you want a preview of my sig/avy I think I recently have two threads here, search my name. As for my normal signatures, you'll have to look back years, literally years on tip.it.
  19. I have a theory, people don't like to use the search button because they do not know how to use it well. Usually after a first experience they return a couple thousand pages of crap and give up and move on. So if someone wrote a search button guide for tip.it then all the Mods can just link to there when they close a redundancy. Thoughts? Btw, I've been here years (lit.) so if no mods or other forum members want to I'll write a comprehensive guide on how to search, assuming if it's needed.
  20. Get PS, and if you can't afford then get GIMP, but unless you've mastered paint do not try and make a paint signature, you will fail.
  21. No it doesn't. Your render sticks out like a sore thumb with no blending no the background. Your photoshop effects have to variation, anyone can select a couple of large brushes and brush, throw in a couple of renders, color balance it, throw in Naruto, and call it a day. BLEND YOUR FREAKIN FOCAL! Your focal is naruto, what do you have surrounding him? empty space that is background, at least give him a shadow.
  22. Well you've figured out the paint bucket tool, not figure out how to save in high res. You didn't really do too much there, but it had a bit of potential.
  23. Not funny, no point, many errors, once again no point. Was there an actual point to waste time on this? If you're going to do something make it good.
  24. Gold farmers will not be the end of runescape. If cheaters were allowed to prevail over legit players then half the games on the internet would be shut down. I can say this from having a couple positions of power on multiple MMOs that the gamemasters are doing something even it the effects are not immediate. Just because something is not announced it doesn't mean it did not happen, hence the TI hidden updates thread with all those posts. MMOs die when the players are gone, which will happen at some point in time. There are gold farmers on almost every MMO, but they do not ruin the gaming experience as much as inactive administrator teams and lack of updates. So until there is a point when a mass number of people lose interest or Jagex doesn't care anymore, and the number of people joining this game declines, RS will not die. Notice gold farming was not mentioned, they are barely a factor in the big BIIIIIIIIIg picture. This may take a while as RS is SO accessible that if it were any easier we would sit at the computer watching an exp. counter go up, so even the lil' ones can join, also with the language packs people all over the world will come in, of all ages. Don't worry about the end, take it one step at a time. Cheaters only win in their own confined world.
  25. I don't buy... anything. Making things is part of the game and I enjoy it. When it gets repetitive I don't care as I'm not one of the people that counts xp/hr so it never really gets boring when a random pops me I just laugh a little at the missed time. As for buying from macroers, if I did buy things I would pay the extra attention not to as it would only encourage more macroing.
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