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  1. just a few point outs...in the guide it says "there is no running away from prime" or something like that so ...1 question.....why the heck would you put on full guthins an (armore with low mage defence) and try to heal off the weeker monster while a lv 303 that hits over 40 with MAGIC is attacking you? oh ya and why wold you try to mage with full rune? and as that guy just said you have to kill supream as soon as you go in ...how are you going to do that in full rune and a low mage defence! i know crystal bow hits hard and fast but not enough to save you from that!, but i guess you could pray mage protect Hun? oh weight theres a meele and range one to!!!! so ..... high risk need to be fixed ...because its a death trap!!! and full rune while mageing is a death trap to unless you have multi prayer like the kalphit queen.... p.s. i never kill kings before so i really don't know if you guide will work or not..however i just applied common since!
  2. ~to evre one with rude comments on this post~ Just because you think diffrently dose not mean that you gotta go and call some ones fun idea stupid! infact your showing your true roots....how would you like it if you work on a idea that you thought was "cool" and a group of people walked up and said "thats just stupid"?
  3. mabe they should make it an option to keep your lv or not if they make another mass graphic update ..fyi thats all what you call rs2 is ,a mass graphic update of runescape classic.
  4. they drop nothing right?...............
  5. it will not be called summoning but it will be called necromancing (the ability to summon the undead)! i mean its like jagex is trying to tell us with all these resent quest and npc that "hello necromancing!!!!"!!!! what i mean by this is you will most likely only be able to summon the undead!!! thats most likely what the new spells will be.....
  6. so what I'm trying to say is that you will most likely only be able to summon undead things!!!!
  7. it will not be called summoning but it will be called necromancing (the ability to summon the undead)! i mean its like jagex is trying to tell us with all these resent quest and npc that "hello necromancing!!!!"!!!!
  8. You see evre time i try to customize my tool bar or even unselect bookmarks toolbar, then exit out of firefox and the go back in, ever thing is back to default! so please some one help me!!! edit: i just ran fierfox in safemode and reset ever thing and now it saveing stuff just fine!
  9. ahhhh help player have gone mad!!! selling clay and nails for 1k each!?! this is an evil scam from the government to ruin my gaming , i just know it!!! i think jagex need to step in and say "hey you can sell clay for 1k each , its dirt for pete's sake!!!" and that's what the voices in my head have to say about all this!!!!
  10. hey dude nice guide...it relly helps alot a people (it helps me too.) but i'm have one little problem... dose ring or wealth help speed up the drop rate of abby whip? I'm asking because i got some mystic stuff ,rather fast while not wereing the ring, so i was wordering dose the ring applied to slayer monsters? sorry if this has ben asked befor....
  11. that guy proby just has a relly high atk and str ...because gaader hammer? uhhh no.... gadder str=40 atk/crush=35 and i don't think jagex would reless a wepon JUST for shades this late after there relesed!!!! and as fare as salve ammy, that with any dragon wepon would own a any undead!!!!!
  12. the 100th quest is going to revell more about mortan ...its an add on to the in secrch of the myreqe plot! :D
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