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Everything posted by Greatsilverwyrm

  1. Keiphus, my illustration skills are fine. I was tracing the RS items, which is why they may not look "choice".
  2. I've added a new version; I lightened it up, and removed the "UNPAID" so you could see more of the background detail. I suppose, Minernav, but I'm not up on how much steel is worth, so I'll have to look into that before I accept any offers.
  3. He started his a week ago, you started yours uh..3 hours ago.. :)
  4. Depending on feedback I may do more as well... New version:
  5. Due to various circumstances, Crimson_3 will not be able to continue with this contest. Many apologies to those who worked hard on sigs for this contest.
  6. I'm not farmiliar with Dreamweaver, so I don't know, sorry..
  7. I've made several million from 1 mil contests on these boards, firefreak. :)
  8. Well, action has been taken against him on these forums, and action will probably be taken against him on the other forum. I'll update you when I know more.
  9. Finish your other contest first, please.
  10. This topic's author has been banned, for reasons unrelating to this topic. I'm closing it so that nobody wastes time by doing anything for it. :)
  11. Don't expect to get a payment from him. Ever. It seems that he took all the entries from his GameMaker banner contest, removed any "sample" there might've been, and posted them as his own work on the GameMaker forums. I've already made a post about it there, so please don't make a new post, or reply to mine with immature whatever, it'll just hurt our chance of getting the community there to believe what he did. If it's found out that users here are spamming or causing troubles taken on their boards, the apropriate action will be taken. I'll reply to this again if/when he's brought to justice on those forums.
  12. The problem with vector is that it takes more than 2 brain cells to do, and you can't do it with MS Paint. That rules out about 90% of the first time pixelers. :P
  13. Ah, a wonderful way to illustrate how bad the board is getting.. Before my post this topic was already half-way down the page... :/
  14. Yeah, about 2 years after I made it. Same here. I was just as bad as a lot of the people posting now when I first started, however, I never really asked for comments or rating on my work until I felt I was at least proficient at it. That was about 6 months or so after I started..
  15. It's true that people have improved, but I really doubt much of that is from the media board. For me at least, the media board hasn't really helped me improve myself, but working on things on my own, and bouncing them off some of my artistically-inclined friends has helped a lot.
  16. 1. I think the overall quality of work being posted has declined. Unfortunately people tend to go with mob-mentality, and when that mob is going in the way of only sigs, and pixel, people will of course follow. Which means that larger peices, or non-pixel pieces are getting glanced over and maybe not receiving the respect they deserve, because they're being overshadowed by the trend. 2. I wouldn't say it's positive, nor would I say it's negative. Some things that go along with it are negative though, such as everyone posting their first attempts at things, whether or not they actually spend time on it or not. 3. I really don't know... 4. Depends on what you're rating, if it's rating first attempts, 1 or 2 is too many. If it's rating other, more serious things, then a few more might not be too bad. I'd like to see more comments than ratings though. 5. I really enjoy seeing posts where somone posts something, and everyone gives constructive critism, not just ratings. Stuff like "that color may be a bit too bright", or, "the background is a bit busy, try it toned down a bit". Stuff where people get real help refining and perfecting their work. I wouldn't even mind if the critisms were negative. "I'm not digging it at all, try this and this and this, or start over even", is a lot more helpful than posting nothing at all. 6. I don't think I'll leave until I've really lost all hope of this board ever turning around. ps, Is it not clear from just the last two days that all you have to do to get a topic locked here is to stir up trouble, whine and posture a bit? That is pathetic.
  17. Ah, but you're not, how ironic eh? That-is-precisely-what-we've-been-saying-the-entire-time. Refer to my first comment in this post.
  18. Actually he was implying quite the opposite. That we are not fourth graders, and therefore should use a bit more intelligence when posting. How old is 4th grade please? I think it is 13, so therefore, I am a fourth grader, which is the point im trying to put across. NOT ALL 4TH GRADERS ARE STUPID. Well blarg, I completely misread that post. Many apologies sir.
  19. For flip's sake! When will you guys get it. Age and level of artistic merit are 2 completely different and independant things. Keiphus is saying he doesn't like art because it's bad, and that the majority of people posting that bad art are people under 18. He's in no way implying that the 2 are related.
  20. Actually he was implying quite the opposite. That we are not fourth graders, and therefore should use a bit more intelligence when posting.
  21. Hmm, as a moderator it's my duty to uphold the rules and regulations of this board. There's nothing that says I have to remain entirely neutral. I'm allowed to have my opinion as much as anyone else. Keiphus is the only one here doing anything other than mild, intelligent flaming. So, Keiphus, simmer it down.
  22. I never said that they were bad at art because they were under 18. I said they were bad at art and under 18. Those are 2 completely independant things. Nor am I saying that everyone who posts a first attempt sucks, nor am I saying that they are going to be bad at art forever. The main purpose of Keiphus' post, as near as I can tell, was to tell people that nobody really cared about crappy art, so they should stop posting art until they were at least proficient at it.
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