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Everything posted by Greatsilverwyrm

  1. M_0_D_J_O_E-ladon_kkc, no offense to you, but it'd really be a good idea to at least post a screenshot of the money. Without that you most likely won't get any serious attempts.
  2. You'd have to take a new screenshot and then save it as a .gif or .bmp from there. If at all possible, a .bmp would be good.. I can use the pic you provided, but the quality will be sub-par at best.
  3. Try a different host, it doesn't seem to be working. Imageshack.us is a good one.
  4. 16Thomas16, if you could, put your character pic in .gif, or even better .bmp form, and upload it somewhere (photobucket.com allows .bmps to be uploaded). The .jpg is of poor quality.
  5. You gotta wait more than 8 minutes for a reply....
  6. I'm going to be honest, brutally almost...but don't take it the wrong way, I mean no offense whatsoever. The background has been done to death, I can remember at lest 5 instances where I've seen things almost if not exactly like that. The font isn't too bad, and it looks clean, which is definitely a good thing. I wouldn't put the "ruby explosion" there though, it just sort of makes it look like you're "trying to sound cool"..
  7. Sorry for anyone who spent time on this. Thanks, IDPUP, I didn't realize he'd made that post...I must've been gone that week or something..
  8. the888king, please consider what I said...
  9. You might want to get together some money and check out this site: http://www.designcontest.net/forum/index.php? Or check out a design company from your area. No offense to anyone here, but I could bet $50 that all of you, with the exception of maybe a few people, have absolutely no experience whatsoever in commercial design. You'll get higher-quality work and less trouble if you do one of the two things I mentioned above.
  10. For some reason I have a really hard time believing you made that..
  11. gurumeet, do you mean you want to post flash movies, or you want to post images made in flash? If the former, you'd have to just link to them, there's no way to embed them in a post without us installing a mod, and we're not going to install that particular mod for various security reasons. If the latter, you need to export the image from flash in an image format like .jpg or .gif, then upload it, and post it in tags.
  12. If he'd like to extend the time limit, that's his perogative.
  13. Oh, no kingkyle, I wasn't implying that Venomai's abstracts were crappy at all. I was saying that sometimes inexperienced or untalanted people take the tutorials and make things that aren't exactly good-looking.
  14. I dunno what site you've been looking at, but the full version is only $600..
  15. I was thinking more an influx of crappy abstracts again..
  16. Nice tutorials. Let us hope though that you didn't open a can of worms..
  17. I never thought I'd say this...but...stick to pixel. :P You need to practice some more....a lot more...
  18. Excellent example of a poor example to prove your point.
  19. Wasn't sure if you meant that, or that you were leaving the "graphics field"..
  20. Search the boards, there have been several guide posts.
  21. You seem to be wanting a complete guide of Photoshop, quick..that's not really possible. Photoshop is a large program and it takes time to learn it all, and even longer to perfect your technique. You can't just get the program and become good in an hour.
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