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Everything posted by Greatsilverwyrm

  1. I'm working on one as well.....
  2. Alright.. I still hold to what I say, though.
  3. I'd be interested in seeing the raw renders that you worked with... Overall....not too bad I guess. The color scheme is rather dull, just sort of "blah" brown.. It also lacks composition, and a focal point.. Also, I would comment on the text, but I think everyone knows my feelings on pixel fonts, so, I won't.
  4. We can't help you, complaining about a Jagex decision here will get you absolutely nowhere. Also, don't spam!
  5. Very nice, just out of curiosity, did you trace or use a reference pic? Or did you freehand it? Also, which program did you use? Is this your first time working with the vector interface? It looks like you've had at least some practice with it before.. I wouldn't think any less of it no matter what your answers to those questions are, I'm just curious.. :)
  6. You're confusing pixel with raster.. Also, no sigs viewable on the boards are vector, as when you put the vector grpahic into a jpg/gif/whatever, it becomes raster.
  7. As with your other topic/sig, unless you can prove to me somehow that you made this, the topic stays locked. Again, feel free to pm me with any evidence you should have for your case.
  8. Unless you can prove to me somehow that you made that, this post is staying closed. Feel free to pm me.
  9. Since this is all done, I'm locking it.. Phantium, don't be rude.
  10. Give it more than 3 minutes. . .
  11. I don't think it looks very bad at all, just smooth out the flames.
  12. I'd like to see it before I close the topic, Despaxes.
  13. I usually only get annoyed when people use premade stuff if it's like grunge brushes, or tech line brushes. Since both of which are really easy to make yourself if you have even an ounce of talent. They may not be as good as the premade stuff, but, so? That's why you practice. Too many people I think are wanting to become primo artists overnight, so they cut every corner they can, which I don't like.
  14. You could always do several versions in different qualities and have people load which one they want..
  15. Actually, yeah. Don't put the official logo in any puzzle peices. Feel free to put the text of "The unofficial tip.it media board puzzle or whatever", though.
  16. Yes, I know the one. :) Our peice is almost done, chaos.
  17. Sorry to go off-topic and all, but your sig rules, Lordjake. :)
  18. To make a long explanation short, aside from not using a high-quality printer, odds are you made the whatever in RGB, not CMYK.
  19. If you think it's crummy, then A. others will probably think the same and B. you shouldn't really post it at all.. Get to where you think your stuff isn't crummy, and then post. :)
  20. Actually, witty, even though this is the media board, it's designed mostly for graphics. You'd probably get a much better response on Off-Topic..
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