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Everything posted by Dudeisadude9

  1. Agility is quite helpfull in "sticky" situations, As in wildy, your energy comes back faster, BUT I guess it could be helpful for those shortcuts (especialy to get to that elf place) I dont think its wroth the time because it takes so much time to get xp, Maybe in the future, if jagex decides to change the combat system, agility will become a big factor in combat as in how fast you "swing" your weapon, giving the karils set special a good use, But i dont think its worth the your days of training just to "skip" a few seconds/minutes using that shortcut.
  2. Next time this gets attempted on me or my pure, Im coming back with ice barrages :lol: , Funny that i nearly koed the guy who was "scamming" me for fun, I should of done it =\, Lvl 85 rofl
  3. LMFAO!! OMG...I felt for this scam LOL.....I was sleepy, He offred me 3 drag longs and a d b axe.....I wasnt mad that i lost it, I was speechless, It was funny thoe, I even told him "NICE!", meh.............I wanted that 500k he offered...im poor...Now im even poor (OMG DOTS@@!.....)
  4. The game isnt "fun" to me at sometimes, because im either poor as hell (like right now :lol: ) and I sometimes cant deal with repetative gameplay (Well all MMORPG's are like this), But overall I think its a good game, Because it has PVP :twisted:
  5. If you go to goblin mines (Lumby castle Basement) The rocks look like that =\
  6. Guthans Takes up 4 inv spaces (5 if you have a shield and weapon), Bones to peaches takes up 3 inv spaces, Not sure why you say peaches takes more space =\, If you train at bandits (which will be the perfect place to use this spell), Ull see that bandits wont hit alot even with full rune, By the time u collect the 20+ bones youll most likley still be full hp, now you turn them into peaches, and now you have full inv of peaches and it only cost about 600gp, That money you use to repair guthans can be used more usefully by buying nats and runes, Who cares about the defense guthans gives you, When u use guthans you use it just to heal not to train so that shouldnt matter =\, If i had the spell i would literaly stay there for days with out losing my spot.
  7. I dont get it, I do not act immature (well outside of the wilderness haha), But Ive meet older people, and If i talk like i normaly would and say im 20, They give me respect, but after talking to them in about 1 hour, their the ones who start acting immature (well some understand why i would lie about my age)......Well personaly, I dont think age matters, Its the state of mind their in.
  8. OMG ROFL i though that was real untill i saw the word "suck", I after reading the first paragraph i spent 10 minutes looking for it on the site lmao.
  9. I guess it was preety pointless to say that just because of their combat lvl you can tell if they autoed or not, because you never know if they did or not. RSC is boring, No one talks, and if they do their all [bleep]y and [cabbage], its annoying, You can say RSC is preety much a "solo" game ...1 player game lol....uhh
  10. Meh, I was bored, Logged in, was in fishing guild, 10 autoers there, I wasnt suspecting the higher lvls (100+) to be autoing, But i closed the door so they couldnt get to the certer guys...and they stood there walking back and fourth like morons. Only time when people usualy play is when they start staking and pking sometimes i guess.
  11. Theirs a trial version for all you people intrested, 10 day trial, and best part is you dont have to buy the game, when you sign up for the 10 day trial at fileplanet.com, You gotta download a 2.7 gig file (LOL took me about 2 hours), So you dont have to buy the game, you can download it, after the 10 day trial, you can upgrade to "normal" status by paying montly after then, Gotta have a credit card to sign up (which i hate, because I go to the store and buy one of those card things...)
  12. That scared me also....But you know....Its all fun and games till someone dies from a heart attack.
  13. LOL ok you said back on topic but...If im correct AFK = Away From Keyboard, But when your browsing forum you still gotta take a 5 second peek on the runescape window to see whats going on, But when your browsing forums your technacly not "AFK", So...Is multi-tasking againts the rules?
  14. Arnt they called "falchion" on rsc? cant remember, preety sure thoe lol Edit: Btw...Dragon scimitar has 67 slash bonus...Why would a lvl 50 attack weapon give more slash than a lvl 60? Ohh and NO to F2P :)
  15. If "AFK Training" was concidered as a form of autoing, Dont you think jagex would do something about it, I mean...Whats the axe hut for besides training? Right now im "afk training" and browsing these forums, Because staring at my screen is really boring. Rant about how Cook X and the others are more closer to "autoing" than afk training is.
  16. Play the pokemon theme song backwards, and you hear a demonic message, such as in jingel bells - - - Jingle Bells Reversed - - - Just noticed the 2 month bump lmfao
  17. You mean good friends.....Because i highly doubt if you come up to any random person and say "I just got hacked" they probaly report you and call you a scamming noob. :lol:
  18. They should make it so that you cant use the abyss to craft bloods, or force you to go threw a maze to craft them even after going threw the abyss, they gotta spice it up a bit, Its to easy to craft runes atm.
  19. I would have Pixel Sex with my RS GF, Then find out its really a hairy, old, fat man in his 40's.
  20. August 13th 2001 (My b-day and also a school day), Say people playing it on the computer...Sooo yeeah.......
  21. Lmfao that guy, lvl 246, Ohh the magic that could be done with the unencrypted connection :wink:
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