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Everything posted by Blueleader9

  1. the d++ is what it is called now.... but somepeople still use the word dds.
  2. as far as I know there isn't any.
  3. ....y? poison would just be an added bonus. I say stick with both until you can get a d scimmy, then ditch the long.
  4. OK i just got 75 wc. Does lvl matter at all? because i have heard contradictory statements about this.
  5. i would of thought that comment to be good if there was no off-topic part... it just killed it..
  6. you either went on at a bad time or they hired someone. idk just my 2 cents
  7. when i did it... i used dark wizards. It sounds like its working for you so keep with it.
  8. hey i just got a d axe... should i lvl up to 75 or just start cutting yews?
  9. should i buy ess or mine it?
  10. i am wondering how to make 900k relativly fast. I am currently cutting willows. I have 74 wc now. and just click on my stats here <--------------- thanks 4 ur help
  11. I am looking for the best way to get 70 cooking. I have 59 fishing and 59 cooking now. Any ideas? I also only have 150k.
  12. i'll be there but you'll need quite a few "leaders" to make sure we stay orginized.
  13. i am wondering what i best way is to get from 27 herblore to 45 herblore for legends is. I am willing to spend 1 mil maximum. thanks in advance
  14. right now i have full rune obby shield and whip with a beserker. I am looking to buy torags. I am wondering is i should buy the torags helm or just keep my beserker. ty in advance, ~-~blue~-~
  15. so strange... i have a red yet i have never autoed or macroed... well i just have to be a perfect little angel now :shock:
  16. le stronghold de la security.... lol
  17. thats fine , thats about when i got mine. but i reccomend making ur own c balls.
  18. i have not crafted nats yet but i am currently getting up tp 44 rc. I personally going to use the abbyss. I will buy 5 glories and use tyhem to tele to egeville.
  19. very good idea. the only thing i could add is the different fighting styles should look different. ex. str: very heavy, slow, but powerfull attacks. atk:i don't really know about this one, but maybe like little fast, acuarrate(sp?) pokes. Def: basicilly hiding behind your shield, but with a few pokes. just my two cents :thumbsup: but again very nice idea =D>
  20. scimmy is faster buy long is a little stonger but scimmy is much faster and hits basiccly(sp?) the same so i would use rune scimmy.
  21. yes it rare... but i have green (g) if you want to buy...
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