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Everything posted by Boris5000

  1. Boris5000


    Guess I am an idiot then. I can tell you that not many PhDs would be decorated enough to have anything more than 2 pages at best unless you literally write "I have excellent abilities in mark-up languages and can produce elegantly designed manuscripts and presentations" instead of "Proficiency in Markdown/LaTeX". This is including a presentations and publications section and other responibilities such as invited reviews and membership to societies. Source: Am PhD student. But if you seriously cannot consolidate your skills and expertise into a 1-2 pages even after a PhD you are seriously doing something wrong in my honest opinion. Anything more than that would be for things such as publications and presentations which you should only really select a few of them. If you are a decorated PhD holder, with 8-10 years of Post-Doctoral Research under your belt, then a long CV IS needed since you also have to detail down sponsors and who has funded your research alongside titles of such things.
  2. Boris5000


    Nah I'm kidding I'm still in the UK :D
  3. Boris5000


    K I'm in philly where we meet?
  4. Boris5000


    Still cheaper than London
  5. Boris5000


    It's at that point you just walk away and say "It's your concern then". Respect given is respect due, idec if I'd get reprimanded by HR. But that's probably why I don't work in a customer facing role anymore. If you want to be petty about this in the future - whenever they ask for help in the future. Go through every single step Ad nauseam. "Press Windows", "Click Search", "Type CMD", "Delete System32" "You know the Delete function deletes things", "When you delete something it is gone forever" "Forever is a long time" "A function is a set of commands that do something when invoked" "You invoke a function by typing something" "You type by interfacing with the ~96 switch instrument in-front of you" "You can interface by using your hands that are attached to the end of your arms - that are somehow controlled by your peanut of a brain". "Some switches do things, like a function, do you remember what a function is?"
  6. Boris5000


    Didn't get the job - second best candidate. Onto the next one.
  7. Boris5000


    Had an interview for an academic role at a top uni in the UK. I think it went okay - we will see though. Would be a massive step up from going from the bottom 50 to beyond top 5. Probably won't be able to browse reddit as much :D!
  8. Boris5000


    It occured to me - that while there are only like 6 people active on the forum there are still a large number of guests that trawl through the posts from 2009 and look at old ass accounts - My guess is that it's either an opportunist looking for salvageable information to make some recovery attempts the email log-in system was not implemented for many people. Jokes on them though - those dead-ass accounts probably only have a whip and a d chain RS3 :P
  9. I forgot to report the tomorrow thread.
  10. Tomorrow I am reporting this thread.
  11. And tommorow What about today tho?
  12. I went on TIF but did not post in the today thread.
  13. Boris5000


    We got a subreddit dont worry.
  14. Boris5000


    Top poster with 3 posts. HAHAHA Eat it fools!
  15. Boris5000


    The best part about unfollowing someone is going back to their wall (months later) to be immediately reminded about why you stopped following them in the first place.
  16. Boris5000


    Doodlepoll! Google+ Calender
  17. Boris5000


    Nothing really has happened. Some article was put forward which was apparent the point of no return, but later came out to be a reversible motion. The current PM is [kitty]footing around the whole affair and mainly just squawks like a crow in PMQs about it. Due to lack of progress every week half the governing party threatens to have a vote of no confidence e.t.c. Current governing party got into power with a £1bn bribe for about 9 racists but that's old news. The leader of the opposition is currently undecided on whether we are in for a hard or soft brexit, or even a brexit for that matter. Likewise half the opposition party threaten to quit/have vote of no confidence regarding this issue. tl;dr Brexit is brexit, a pipedream coined by racists and the unemployed exacerbated by the current refugee crisis - good political time is being wasted on an affair that is going to end up in perpetual negotiation until the EU drops the UK after some form of missed deadline. Meanwhile both our healthcare and education will go further down the shitter. #VoteGreen
  18. "No Jazz-Cabbage in my OT (OWTTE)" - RpgGamer (2011)
  19. Boris5000


    He already said he isn't a lawyer.
  20. Boris5000


    Get a different job Saq :D
  21. Boris5000


    using his [bleep] bank
  22. Boris5000


    Avengers was pretty good. [spoiler=Avenger's Spoiler]I liked the bits with Thor
  23. Boris5000


    I don't remember doing anything like that with Lemons ;). Are you sure it wasn't bubba or some other weirdo :)
  24. Boris5000


    Today at work some kind of moron unplugged my workstation for some [wagon] reason because they believed it was "off" causing me to lose about 2 weeks worth of work that was still processing among other things. Boy o boy. The best part is, they didn't just do it to me, but literally every computer in the department, (it was a scheduled PAT testing, but no one was given any notification about it happening)
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