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Everything posted by Boris5000

  1. was the compliment about how sharp her elbows were? It was a reassuring pat on the elbow that accompanied me telling her she looks younger than me (She is 8 years older than me). I know too much swag. (Took 9 months to actually start dating but we were both busy!) Although she does have sharp elbows.
  2. Oh geez the ioi meta of dating - completely forgot about that stuff. I think before I was 20 I was pretty hopeless (i had had 1 GF briefly when I was 15/16 or something) and probably took muggi's advice to heart (no offence :D) but looking back over last 6 years I think I have been fairly successful (yay me) without worrying too much about iois. Not gonna lie. The peeps that said "it'll happen" were right - the ioi stuff kinda applies if you can't gauge it ("if you have to think it was an ioi, it wasn't"?). Ask them out anyway Bonez tell them ya boy Boris will write a mean forum post about them. I have to confess when I met my current partner I did touch her elbow while giving her a compliment because I am a smooth dude :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: :shades: . And yes I was thinking of Muggi...
  3. Boris5000


    I am not going to chastise you for delaying so long - the point is you are making the correct decision to seek legal aid if the POS isn't dropping the charges.
  4. This vote is close. Only Moar pics will tip the balance.
  5. Ah the patented elbow touching strategy - can confirm I did it and she didn't run away... yet.
  6. Boris5000


    MH2019 is no laughing matter.
  7. No it just means that ~4.2k people bots scraped the forum post for information. RS3 darkscape lasted for what 6 months? It was popular when it was released likely the same thing will happen with classic darkscape. No support
  9. Boris5000


    Proving MH2019 gets a new ruleset regarding the number of votes and the MHC (Miss Hottie Coordinator) can agree that the proceedings occur in a timely fashion I will support a MH2019.
  11. Boris5000


    I would recommend not talking to him and instead employ an "actions have consequences" way around it. After all it is your story and if you don't want a murder hobo to ruin it - just make the murder hobo's time difficult, have them spend resources that they don't want to use. For example, in a later session (let's say 2-3 sessions from now) have a group of ("powerful") bounty hunters waylay the party (specifically the murder hobo) - with the sole intent to kill the murder hobo. If they happen to defeat the bounty hunters (either with the offending murder hobo dead or alive) - have them find a contract that explains that murder-hobo is the target for whatever reason e.g. NPC could have been a noble / last seen with your group and someone connected the dots, you don't have to say it was for killing the NPC. In like a Dark Brotherhood kind of way. If murder hobo still lives you can send a stronger party to waylay them at another point in time OR the murder hobo could have been injured in some way that makes it especially inconvenient to do simple actions. For exampe: Murder hobo is infected with a virus that puts him to sleep for 1d4 rounds and is knocked prone on a failed cons roll every time they enter combat - have him spend a lot of time and money trying to find a cure only to find would be a cruel waste of time but entertaining for you and can expand the story in a way. That's just an example about how I would punish the offending player without it being immediately obvious that you are punishing them. Yeah, don't talk to him about it.
  12. Boris5000


    The only legal advice we should give is "Talk to a lawyer"
  13. I mean training magic was never really hard... I don't know what your question is? Is the elemental staff overpowered? No. Is the elemental staff very good to use? No. Is the elemental staff the best way to train magic? No. Should you use the elemental staff? Sure - it doesn't affect me :) I think magic is a valuable skill to train and it is absolutely worth doing.
  14. 17 131072 (-1 for a mersenne prime)
  15. Boris5000


    To summarise the last few posts: Legalise lawyer and get a weed.
  16. Boris5000


    Also 315 guests - what did people do? Is this because we talking about weed and guns?
  17. Boris5000


    There are lawyers that work on a win first pay later sort of deal. But the point is you want to avoid being charged with an criminal offence. Also - I know you said you are stuck with your silly little flatmate - I would consider just breaking any contracts and moving to another apartment. Don't be a moron.
  18. Boris5000


    What happened? I missed all the excitement?
  19. Boris5000


    Thank you for your reply Nyosuht. Unless you posed an imminent threat of great bodily harm, I'm not sure what there was to be concerned about. That's exactly my problem. Why should I be concerned about how I present myself when it is the other person I need to be concerned about? This implies that everyone carries a gun because everyone can present imminent threat to bodily harm towards someone. The fact you carry a gun means in some manner of fact in any conversation you could be thinking "If this man reaches for a gun I reach for mine first". There shouldn't be the need to carry a gun because no one should present imminent threats. However because everyone does carry a gun because of such reason makes the person I am talking have the capacity to cause imminent bodily harm (to me) despite the fact I wouldn't, and are in fact harmless? Should I therefore carry a gun to handle "imminent threats" because others are carrying guns?
  20. Boris5000


    I wrote a lengthy reply about going into gun politics and I cba typing it again so I will say the same points. Personally I think there is no excuse to need to carry a gun. Especially the excuse of "I need to protect myself"/"I have valuables I don't want to lose". One excuse carries forward the idea that everyone is a murder hobo and the other can be prevented by only carrying items that you are okay with losing or getting insurance that covers petty theft. Truthfully, a gun would not prevent an opportunistic pickpocket from swiping a phone/wallet/bag from a densely crowded place. Likewise a gun won't help you if a gang of people get the jump on you. A gun is literally there to escalate situations that could be resolved otherwise. When I have visited America it was deeply concerning that any person I would be talking to would be carrying a gun. Just my two cents as a gunless, english, man
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