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Everything posted by Boris5000

  1. I decided to try Muggi's "You look like trouble" line on about 20 or so matches. Got blanked by all of them. Conclusion: British girls != Trouble. I get a much better reception to "Hey [name]! What's good (:" The "(:" shows that I am a fun and quirky individual that isn't afraid to do new and exciting things like going to a bar/coffee shop and complimenting you on generic things like your eyes. On another note, I need some new pictures for my bio, I don't have a car or cute animal at my disposal so I cannot pose that way. Maybe I'll get my flatmate to take a photo of me 'cooking'. I think a picture of me preparing sushi would definitely roil the loins of the masses.
  2. Boris5000


    Where was my invite [wagon]??
  3. I am enjoying it - but I have issues with "all-singing-all-doing" protagonists which said protagonist is. Granted you cannot have heroic fantasy without a hero. The story has a decent pull and I am interested in seeing it to completion. I just feel that this book (storywise) is a carbon copy of A Wizard of Earthsea albeit longer.
  4. Depends what sort of stuff you want to read. I have about 200 epubs from various fantasy fiction (trilogies e.t.c) I don't mind zipping up. Currently I have been reading the Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, my opinions are as such: "It's alright, bits are good but nonetheless predictable."
  5. Boris5000


    What is with small children and their perpetual stickiness?
  6. Just realised I forgot to make my 10 year post, although it has been longer, I lurked for a long time before making an account here. Here's to another 10?
  7. Boris5000


    I am disappointed in the usage of yolo here, but seeing as it is christmas I will let it slide.
  8. Boris5000


    Merry Festivities one and all.
  9. I only use the British equivalent of Axe body-spray for day-to-day usage when I'd prefer not to smell for a proportion of the day. That being said - as long as you aren't drenched in it no one will complain that you are wearing too much to begin with. I personally see body-sprays as a cheap method to not smell like sweat - because sweat is obviously the worse of the two smells. I personally use cheap body-sprays everyday, after a shower, only where I sweat lots (under the armpit). If I am going out to impress I will use a bit of cologne. Literally one spritz for the wrist and a dab behind each ear (you don't need to bathe in it). In all honesty, how a woman perceives a fragrance is completely down to their anatomy, I've known women that like the smell of Axe-type bodysprays so much so they prefer it over female body-sprays so I think what you have heard about women disliking Axe is bull, if they dislike the smell of Axe ask them if they prefer the smell of sweat. I wouldn't worry about what you use in the end. If you are struggling to buy a fragrance that you want to impress people with buy what you like the smell of, you are the one that will have to smell it the most.
  10. Such a poignant argument, it impresses me that so much can be said with so little.
  11. The only people that say they love people are those who are under the age of 16 and fools. Well I mean, that's kinda naive Aren't we all fools eventually ;)? Before you chastise me further for my apparent naivety/pessimism, please note that I intended to say the former in a jocular tone.
  12. The only people that say they love people are those who are under the age of 16 and fools.
  13. Have you a single idea as to what any of these 20 new skills would entail or consist of?
  14. This is one of the reasons why this still propagates in English.
  15. Boris5000


    > Didn't know that Obfus was Y guy. I really should check the "display name history" of people more often haha.
  16. Boris5000


    That face when the observer has been kicking around just as long as me.
  17. Boris5000


    BMI <20 is nothing lel. Why haven't you slept though?
  18. Boris5000


    School/College probably keeping him busy
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