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Everything posted by Boris5000

  1. Boris5000


    Is it time for me to bring out the annual Estonian Dude drinking charts? When I get home from work I will do some data-mining.
  2. Literally the worst two choices. I'd rather not have sex with randoms. If it was a longterm partner sure - but clean-up is clean-up, a johnny makes that fairly easy.I'd rather have sex with randoms Let me reiterate, I have a feeling my original message didn't come across very clearly (my fault). It appears I used a full-stop where I did not intend for one to be. Having sex with randoms without a condom (by-which I mean "Pill and/or Pull-out" ) is beyond imbecilic. I'll happily have sex with randoms as long as there I use a condom. If the opportunity arose where I did not have a condom available to have sex with a random, I would turn down the sex because an evening of romping may follow up with months (or worse years) of difficulty later on. I was trying to say is that your preferred methodology offers you zilch protection against STIs.
  3. Literally the worst two choices. I'd rather not have sex with randoms. If it was a longterm partner sure - but clean-up is clean-up, a johnny makes that fairly easy.
  4. Gonna have to go with T-swiz, she is one of my biases.
  5. So I guess we wait for the customary 25 votes policy before proceedings can proceed.
  6. Boris5000


    Reminds me of this classic English Fiasco. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2193984/Essex-Lion-picture-revealed-police-search-admit-probably-large-domestic-cat.html
  7. I used to travel 30 minutes a day to work in Central London - I guess I had the incentive of money. The incentive to embarrass myself in-front of a woman (Or Impress a woman) doesn't seem too appealing :P --
  8. Despite Low Levelled success I still refuse to get on a 30 minute train to visit someone (y).
  9. TFW I wouldn't take a 20 minute train to meet someone. But Low levelled *might* drive 6.5 hours. Geez. 6.5 hours is like the same as driving from where I live in the south of England all the way to Edinburgh.
  10. Boris5000


    also my home University Yaks are hilarious as well. Don't lie, it's the same shit week in and week out. And recycled jokes from reddit. And like every wednesday night(thurs morning) at about 4am the lecherous spawn with their "Any F dtf in x". "Post-Fed Sex any1??". :PP
  11. You didn't have the "Posted from my SamSung Galaxy - 6" ending. I could not have known :)
  12. Don't put height and weight. Interests help if they aren't totally vapid. Ideally you would want to use the bio as a way to allow interested females to begin talking to you OR to reaffirm if they think you are worthy of matching. You'd find that most are put off when they like your initial photo but will swipe left after seeing you don't even have a Bio without even looking at the other pictures. I found moderate success with describing myself as a "Deluxe Australian". I tried "Half-Centaur" for a bit but when I asked girls what they thought it meant they said "I thought it was implying you had a huge [rooster]". Rather than it being a joke ;-; Stuff like "Terms and Conditions Apply" or like the beginning of a bad joke, "Why can't you see elephants hiding in trees?" are some ways to getting someone to message you first as their interest will be piqued. If you write something witty or something that will make someone laugh you will be more likely to get a match, be creative.
  13. Even if we go to 25 votes, Kerr has already won. Next.
  14. Boris5000


    I am as sick as an old dog ;-; right now.
  15. Boris5000


    I had a turkish flatmate that ate lemons as if they were apples. Skin included. Lovely chap.
  16. Nice try, but the name is pronounced "roo-nar" ;) Still makes sense if you are northern. (i.e From Up North in England.)
  17. I think we should start a separate thread to poll whether or not the official number for required number of votes be reduced from 25 to 21. 25 votes oughtta do it.
  18. Top quality content to start the year,. Lets see this competition all the way to completion
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