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Everything posted by havesometea1

  1. This is so true...I love coming back and putting a beat down on these type of punks.
  2. Exactly. This event will be a milestone in a process. When today's efforts are written in the history books, I think that 9/11 will be what people say was a catalyst for the process that broke down the proverbial "wall" of oppression in the Middle East. Think about how long it took after WW2 for the Berlin Wall to come down and how much time, effort and sacrifice it took to get that accomplished. The idea of enabling the Middle East to achieve democracy is not a new concept. The process of gaining enough footing/motivation to go over there to do something about it began long ago. Now that the democracy is emerging in the Middle East all members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) will have to stay the course until it's done. Our generation may not get to see the "wall" come down, but the emergence of democracy over there and a more unified world will evolve in our lifetime at the least. I think that the fall of the twin towers will eventually be memorialized as the catalyst for the fall of Middle Eastern oppression and terrorism. The deaths of the victims of 9/11 and the War on Terror will not be in vain. Did you know that Iraq was once a democratic country? How about Iran? Know why they aren't democratic countries any longer?
  3. You mean like the Bush administration constantly beating 9/11 like a dead horse whenever Bush's popularity drops? Most of what was talked about in this article was some of the wildest and most idiotic conspiracy theories ppl came up with about 9/11...easily debunked and probably completely unneccessary to even discuss. The topic about the buildings falling because the steel lost its strength is almost complete bs though. Countless high rise buildings have caught on fire around the world and burned for hours without falling like the buildings of the WTC. The steel in those buildings was selected to withstand just such an event regardless of wether there was the fireproof coating on them or not.
  4. By the way...it is "a lot" not "alot".
  5. Maybe because the graphics and sound for RS2 stink on ice.
  6. If there is any country deserving of our attention in the "war on terra" it is Pakistan. Forget about Iran...Pakistan is where Al Queda and the Taliban got lots of support and probably continues to get support.
  7. Dane Cook is hilarious...at least he used to be...
  8. Mostly stupid but that lameo deserves someone to make a parody of his act.
  9. When i live in Germany I loved me some pomme frites.
  10. He was being rude to someone, I felt the need to defend that person. And that is also why we continued our discussion in PM's. :wink: So your need to defend someone gives you the excuse to break the rules of the forum and disobey a mod who has already told ppl to stop flaming? WWJD?
  11. Are you KIDDING me? Give him a break. Not everyone wants to argue with your pathetic self. Hrmmm....didn't the mod say to stop flaming?
  12. And I believe the when the Flying Spaghetti Monster comes back he is going to smite ppl who believe this with his noodly appendages. http://www.venganza.org/
  13. Ah, I stand corrected. That being said though the followers of Jesus do have this in their bible. Seems an oddly barbaric thing to leave in.
  14. There are different interpretations of that quote...but they essentually say the same thing. This is one of my favorites. (on edit: this is a different part of the bible...I re-read my comment and realized it was not clear what I meant here) So these followers of Jesus kill everyone, spoil everything, take the women, the children and all the wealth...because they were pissed off about what happened to their daughter/sister. Wow.
  15. You think those illogical bits are good? Check this out. 2CH 21:20, 22:1-2 Ahaziah was forty-two when he became king by succeeding his father. His father who died at the age of forty. So, Ahaziah was somehow two years older than his father. Hmmmmm. It is quite possible his father died at the age of 40, Ahaziah may have been twenty at the time, but didn't get to assume the crown until he was 42.
  16. Well first of all Your right Romans were not athiest they belive in false gods for things much like the Greeks. Second the Romans didi not compile the Bible. It was moslty compiled by The followers of Jesus (Matthew,Mark,Luke,John) not by Romans. The only Roman i can think of is Paul. They believed in false gods? How so? They were polythiestic, aren't most of the planets named after one of their gods? Being polytheistic makes your gods false?
  17. Well first of all Your right Romans were not athiest they belive in false gods for things much like the Greeks. Second the Romans didi not compile the Bible. It was moslty compiled by The followers of Jesus (Matthew,Mark,Luke,John) not by Romans. The only Roman i can think of is Paul. They believed in false gods? How so?
  18. Is there any evidence that China burns books because it goes against their religious belief (more likely due to political repression)? China maintains a "freedom of religion" viewpoint and has been doing so for decades, they donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t have an official religion. There are no statistics for the number of atheists in China so they are lumped in the non-religious category. Having 60% non religious and 30% traditional practices shows in my mind that religion is a social practice rather then a universal truth. People continue to practice traditional beliefs because they are passed down from generation to generation, when someone finds it to be a little too quaint for their liking they become non-religious. You sure do tell some giant whoppers :^o Well, the Falon Gong ppl would like to talk to you about that comment
  19. Oh, I missed the whole part about my religion being 'designed'. Alas... We are never going to agree, and I just wanted to ask a question. Thanks for the answer, homie. Do you believe that your religion wasn't designed?
  20. Well. There you go. Nothing like fear to bring out the hatred in someone.
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