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Everything posted by troymantis

  1. ya lol a tree! i'm more interested in the new fences north of the volcanoe and west of the usual fishing spot :?
  2. laugh if it was a d chain or something good and you couldnt get it :lol:
  3. typical of noobs begging, felt sorry for the guy that you barged in at in the guild :lol: this aint major but can you sort of resize the piccys :?:
  4. lol what is the point of THAT particular head :lol:
  5. ive had it in my avater for about 2 days now :lol:
  6. well, at least jagex is cashing in with the subscribtion money :wink:
  7. lol i'm pretty poor myself really cos ive gotten hacked about 2 times, the latest was about 3 weeks ago,i kinda found it abit funny(not your loss but mine :wink: ) after a while but oh wells, its a game :P EDIT: even more funny, my account is locked now! :lol:
  8. lol happy birthday 8-) may has the most/best birthdays ever!!! mine was on the 3rd :wink: :lol:
  9. good bye fingers if you done that 6.6k clicking nonstop :?
  10. must be on acid or something lol, some friend you have there :? :)
  11. rune full helm is all i got as a 'good' item from a general store... :wink:
  12. wonder what the future will hold now.... 8-) :wink:
  13. rune spear from moss giants :wink: i clicked dance emote tooooooo many times :lol:
  14. lol what did it drop? cos killing those are really hard and its pretty rare to see someone kill one :P :?
  15. if you insist... 1.i can raise one eyebrow pretty high 2.crack my knuckles pretty loudly 3.sit down in an undescribable way(seriuosly!) v/\v(the v's ar my feet and the \ are my legs and i just sit up stright, its really hard to describe.. :lol: 4. touch my nose with my left foot 5. make a really good honking sound, make goat/donkey/kukkubaara sounds and maybe many more... :lol:
  16. i started last year in june, i was 14 yrs and still am but my b day is next week though :P
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