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  1. We're all going back to school/work. JaGEx will give us somthing easy to do like a new mini game or a new quest which has no real impact on the way the game is played.
  2. I think i'm the only Larlor. I love Larlor. I use it as my bear name because whenever somone calls me Larlor i'm always in mt Bear head :XD:
  3. The saw DOSE NOT stack with things you can buy (ie Steel Dragon) or any plants. It works with traps, but this myight be a bug. You can recharge the actual saw on the crystal bowl :-w
  4. For a month? I'd do it for a day. Just so I could sig it.
  5. Gobberhop Alpr1010 (Third to get it, ever) Devil King 3 I know too many 0.0
  6. You need time to put in the skill. Simple as that :
  7. 2100M is a alot, but if your a merchant, you've got to keep making money, because thats what you do. Its when that becomes a problem. Its like banks, they don't whipe off debts that you owe because of all the interest your getting off them and they want to make more and more money. Kinda the same thing, I think. Grats to all that have reached 2100M. Thats preety cool, and good luck.
  8. They didn't put the Abyss Portal in otherwise people could just skip the starting bit of the quest and go straight to the island.
  9. All herbs, k? Then i'll make all the potions, and get a high herb level. Then sell the potions and become richer than you :o
  10. Wireless do ;) maybe not in the same way thouh Infa red un-wireless ftw ;) Anyway, bad move on your part. Keep merchanting and you'll get it back in no time.
  11. Just don't trade what you know is a scam. You'll never lose anything then. Just let somone else report him for you. Oh yea, Infa red mouses don't stick
  12. Just read it. Brought a tear to my eye. RIP
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