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Everything posted by Lunar_Drifter

  1. I was just posting on another topic about the best skill to get 99 in. Granted, any 99 is a 99 and is worthy of praise, but some are less admirable than others. To me, these include the Cooking, Fletching, and to an extent Firemaking. These skills are way to easy to buy, meaning you don't have to work that hard to obtain them; patience and lots of clicking is all you need. Cooking is way too easy nowadays because of the Cook-X option. If Skill Capes existed back in RSC, then a Cooking Cape would be a rarer sight, and very honorable, in my opinion. Fletching, in which prices have been lowered due to autoers, is now easier than ever to buy. Just click a few times and your guy (or gal) fletches away worry free, while you go about doing whatever else. Way too easy, in my opinion. Firemaking; it may have a cool emote ( ), but it's easy to buy as well. It takes a bit more, because you can't really do much multi-tasking whilst firemaking. It requires concentration to keep a steady experience-flow. But still, much too easy to buy. What about the other Capes? Everyone nowadays is going for these 3 capes mainly. I see them way too often. Their emote has lost it's glamour. Wow, you can fletch a bow in 5 seconds flat.. So can thousands of other people. Oh, you can flip a pie? Yep, so can thousands of others. I'd like to see more originality from people nowadays in obtaining a 99 in a skill. Yea, it's still cool to have a 99 in anything, but think of something else besides these I've mentioned. How often do you see a "99 Herblore" thread, or even a "99 Runecrafting" thread? Not often at all. So my question is: What do you think the least admirable Skill Cape would be? Do you think any of them are overrated? Share, elaborate, flame, praise. Whatever. Note: This isn't a rant.. so yea. I have nothing against these people, I'm just saying it's too common nowadays.
  2. Fletching and Cooking may be the two fastest and most profitable skills to get 99 in, they're also the least admirable; to me at least. I mean.. you can buy either of those skills and make a whole lot of money at the same time. But others, such as firemaking, are easy and still retain their admirability (if that's a word). Not buyable with profit, and the emote rocks, in my opinion.
  3. My.. this seems to be a hot-topic nowadays. Same as every response.. they're in the Gnome Stronghold, on the second floor, North-East corner.
  4. Pretty much, if you don't have your own that is. The concept is pretty simple. You light the burners (methinks you use a marrentil with it), and then use the bones with the altar.. or something.
  5. Heh, what a surprise that you would post in here.. never woulda guessed it! And thanks! Barrows was fun, we'll have to do it again sometime. Maybe we'll do the King Black Dragon sometime :ohnoes:
  6. Try right here to learn how to.
  7. I don't think I'm quite ready for it just yet. But that trip sure was fun! But I'm glad I had my fellow Tip.It'er there, Alpha Koldes!
  8. Heh.. they're mjolnirs. And I'm not sure if you can sell them, but don't see why not. I'll check. **EDIT** Yes, you can sell them.
  9. Methinks it should. Why else would it say Mage Exp? But meh.. And it would be a decent, cheap way to go for mage experience. It probably gives the same amout per hit as a normal spell would, but I'm not absolutely sure on that. But the tar is a pain to gather..
  10. Meh.. went on my first ever Barrows Trip! Ok loot, nothing but runes and a few geepee. But it was most definetly worth the experience! I'll have to go back sometime after I gain a few more levels and better armour.
  11. Yea, I had roughly the same stats, just higher defense. I killed the Mountain Trolls in the cave where you go to Keldagrim. They don't hit that often, but when they do, they hit hard. I finished the task in two trips.
  12. Yea, I read the article here on Tip.It about the Dragon Autoers. There's also a guide here specifically for killing Green Dragon Autoers. Yep... I'll try to find both those links for your reading enjoyment. : Guide to Killing Green Dragon Autoers Can't find the other one.
  13. Mwuaha exactly what I was saying, but just the latter part. Thanks for the info, I'll keep that in mind. Darn autoers
  14. Go for a firemaking cape. It'll be easy if you just merchant. It's really a mindless task, and it's better than the dern fletching cape.
  15. Bad luck I guess. Keep trying.
  16. They didn't go down in price, really. They just starting going back to their original price of around 250-260. They went up because of the introduction of the skill capes; since people wanted a cape, the fletching cape would be best. And people with 200k+ yews have most likely bought them at a low price, and are selling them at a high price. A.K.A. merchanting.
  17. Rofl.. yea. I was just discussing something about profits in-game. Got the two mixed up. So lets change it, shall we? Ah-hahaha, I'm a prophet![/b]
  18. Ah-hahahaha. I am a profit! Lol, see, just hope for things like that!
  19. See? It's becoming more and more common nowadays. Just learn to get over it, and hope they die (in RS) or get banned.
  20. Oh, well I guess the same would go for Blue Dragons. I'm not sure, but it's probably the same deal.
  21. It jumped because of the skill capes coming out. Fletching is one of the easiest capes to get so people went for that. The demand went up, and supply stayed constant, causing the prices to raise. Simple economics really. And the prices of Dragon Bones and Green D'hides going down is a result of both autoers and this new Chinese RS Slave thing. There's an article on it somewhere here on Tip.It.
  22. Ardougne is good. Fairly close to a bank. And I think it's quicker if you go through the cow pasture and grain patch to get to the northern bank, rather than heading south to the other bank.
  23. Gool luckzorz me matey! You'll get this in no time, and I better be at your party :twisted:
  24. Me too! Thanks! Right now I'm back at Slayer and only 26k from 70 Defense, and 3k for 52 Slayer. Got my 50 Ranged, took a break and got 50 Firemaking. My good friend is letting me borrow his Black Mask for Slayer! Wewt! M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S
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